Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zombie Smoking Gun

Ha! I am finally  listening to my own advice. If I want something done by the Zombies, I have to do it myself. This is slow, but not as slow as Zombie Boss.
And not nearly as nasty as Zombie Assistant.
And as Treasurer, a volunteer position on my Condo Board, not nearly so expensive. But I can't afford to think about that.

In other news: I thought I had these zombies for sure. And I may VERY WELL have them--but I'm not quite there yet. A bill for too much money, paid by the Association, billed to an owner, who paid a different (smaller) amount. Neither the bill nor the payments have been added to the unit ledger.  The Association fronted the bill, and if it was padded, then somebody got a kickback. All still to be determined by Ann T., Private Deet (Volunteer), and  Forensic Accountant (Amateur) .

Still looking. Oh, how I am ready to kick Zombie Ass and pull Zombie Hair, turn the Ray Gun to Full and Disinfect Afterward.  And since I have developed all this muscle mass, getting leaner and meaner . . .

Wish me Luck! I need that missing piece and then: Bzzrammm!! Shazzzwhack!!!!!! Buh-bye!!!

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