Monday, May 3, 2010

The Future Of True Blood On This Blog

Is looking absolutely positive. Did anyone think I was suddenly going to ditch this show? I've fallen head over loafers for the series and now that I've finished with the second season (which I enjoyed more than the first), the future for this show being discussed on this blog is looking positive indeed. So, a brief manifesto of sorts.

- There are webisodes that are being done for the series, prior to the arrival of the third season. I will look into them, review wise.
- Book reviews will commence again next week when I'm done with All Together Dead.
- I'm not waiting for FXUK to air the third season. I'm going to do it at US pace, so I apologise to UK viewers/readers of this blog for spoilers in advance.
- And isn't that above Season 3 cast shot bloody fangtastic (I know crap pun but it wouldn't be suppressed).
- Season 2 is available on DVD from May 17th as well for Region 2 fans.

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