Monday, October 12, 2009

"What's a girl supposed to do?"

I've always liked Shakira. I don't think that there's anybody else out there like her and I'm delighted that she's a werewolf now (just in time for Halloween!). Her new album is quite good, though most songs don't live up to the brilliant She-Wolf. The definite exception to this is Men In This Town, which her people need to release as a single pronto. She said she wanted a more electronic, dance feel to this album and it's not always evident on other tracks but this is definitely for the clubs. If you're still standing still by the time the uber-catchy breakdown after the chorus comes around, you really shouldn't be listening to this kind of music. The lyrics are a bit lame, yes (as Shakira's English lyrics often are), but the music more than makes up for it. It's just massive.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

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