Thursday, September 17, 2009

How Much Hankering For The 80's Can You Get?

Warning: This blog contains spoilers for the upcoming sequel to the Sex And The City movie. You've been warned.

From here are spoilers in italics and my opinion of them, not in italics.

- Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Big (Chris Noth) are happy newlyweds for a while. But at some point, Big loses a lot of money in the recession and CareBig (as I like to call them) are forced to move in with Charlotte and Harry. Big heads to the Middle East (hence, Morocco) to try to make enough money to support Carrie and her shoe habit.

Great, another show/movie on about the recession. I'm all for realism and it would be better than the shameless product placement of the first movie, that's for sure. Big moving to the Middle East, come on. Surely Carrie can wean off the Blahniks just a tad.

- Us Weekly
found a casting notice which read, �Big takes a job in London, living alone in a one-bedroom apartment. Big gets really low and ends up in bed with another woman. After she leaves him, Carrie discovers she is pregnant.� Oh geez, can you imagine Carrie as a single mother? And why can�t Big stop f**king everything up?! [Us Weekly via Celebuzz]

Carrie pregnant does seeem like a next step to me. Her and Big seperated again is less thrilling. Actually I've never been a big Carrie/Big fan anyway but the writers certainly do take the 'will they-won't they' thing too far nowadays with most TV couplings.

- As you may have figured from the ugh-tastic �80s stylings that were revealed this week, there will be a flashback to when the girls first met! A little awkward now that they�re all older, but can�t wait to see how they wrote that scene!

This could be the funniest moment of the movie. We know that they only became friends with each other later in life, so it would be nice to see how that all originated from.

- A British paper zoomed in on Kim Cattrall�s script and figured out that Smith Jerrod (i.e., Jason Lewis, the Absolute Hunk) is back in the picture. But Samantha Jones will also lust after British actor Max Ryan, who plays a sexy architect. Samantha will allegedly be poppin� hormone pills since she�s well into her 50s now, but she�s still got an enviable body for any age. [NY Daily News]

Sam and her toyboy back together? Ah, why not! The hormome pill plot is likely to be played for laughs and seriousness as well.

- Charlotte York-Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis) apparently struggles with raising her children and accuses her adorable, not-so-hairy husband Harry (Evan Handler) of cheating on her. She runs off with her daughters Lily and Rose, but it turns out that Harry was just meeting with a contractor because he was building her dream house. So they get back together and live happily ever after. Boooring.

Damnit, after Miranda and Steve in the first movie, let's hope these two aren't apart for too long.

- Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon) leaves her workaholic lawyer life behind when she gets sued for malpractice and instead she bonds with little Brady and opens up a restaurant with Steve. How old is Brady now�16? Since when are Miranda and Steve foodies? The only food moments I recall with them are getting pizza and that time that Miranda ate the chocolate cookie out of the garbage ... which I guess could make for an interesting restaurant concept?

Reminds of Lynette/Tom's restaurant venture in Desperate Housewives. Not too sure about this one. Why can't her and Steve just retain seperate jobs and stay together?

- It�s also rumored that Stanford Blatch (Willie Garson) will marry wedding planner Anthony Marentino (Mario Cantone). Just imagine what a gay wedding planner could do with his own wedding! Plus, Liza Minnelli is going to sing at their wedding reception! Eep! [Brisbane Times]

As a gay man, I can't relate to either Stanford or Anthony and to be honest, I've never been that fond of either. Plus these two can't stand the other so them marrying does seem to be a bit of a stretch as well. Still it's more likely to be a small subplot anyways. I'll stick to Kevin and Scotty on Brothers And Sisters.

Production for Sex And The City 2 has begun and will be released during summer 2010.

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