Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shirley Clamp in Rhapsody in Rock show

Shirley Clamp returned to Melodifestivalen 2009 with a wonderful ballad, 'Med Hj�rtat Fyllt Av Ljus' it shot to No:1
in the singles chart & helped launch Shirl's Greatest Song collection 'F�r Den Som �lskar ... En Samling' this year.
This woman is a perfect performer for Mf and always manages to amaze me with her talents. For the
first time this year she was a presenter for Sweden in ESC Moscow, what will be next?
Way back in 2005 she toured with 'Rhapsody in Rock'- I saw this gem on u tube from the show - Shirl' makes
this song 'Thousand Miles' her very own, as Shirley does so often before...

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