Monday, December 15, 2008

Johnny Logan in Eurovision Song Contest 2009 - Is this an offer he cannot refuse ?

�� � � � � � � � � � JOHNNY LOGAN & Eurovision the two names go together like sugar & spice, �or milk & honey. The only artist to win ESC twice & again in 1992 when he took the winning song writing credit for Linda Martin's "Why Me". In fact his father, Patrick O'Hagen was an irish tenor who sang three times at The White House for three difference US Presidents, during his career.
�� � � � � � � � � � � So to follow in his fathers footsteps will Logan take to the Eurovision stage for a third time to sing in Moscow in 2009? According to the irish press. The Tv company RTE after Ireland's worst run of bad eurovision results, and failing shamefully last year with Dustin The Turkey. Have made Johnny Logan an offer to be the chosen artist, and to sing for ireland next year, although this offer has yet to be confirmed for certain by RTE or Johnny Logan. However all will be revealed before christmas, certainly would stir up some huge interest if Johnny goes for a third win as an artist.�
Other rumours are that brand new irish x-factor star Eoghan Quigg at 16 years old he came third in the recent final in UK. He said if he was offered the chance would be keen to fly the irish flag in Eurovision 2009.
Another�fascinating fact is that Johnny was in fact born in Australia not Ireland in a suburb of Melbourne Frankston! His real name being, Sean Patrick Sherrard, GO the aussies !
Lets hope we see Johnny sing in Moscow?

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