Thursday, July 19, 2007

Contest: Write A Pikko Poem & Win A Pikko CD!!

3 More Days Left!

That's right! I've got two copies of Pikko's debut cd Electric Body Design (recently given a rave review on this very site) to give away to two lucky tattoowesley readers!

Trust me when I say that this isn't the kind of cd that you can waltz down to your local record store and pick up. As far as I know, the only place you can get it as of this moment is from the artist herself. And, face it... you want this cd. Or, at least you should if you've got the proper tattoowesley taste in music.

So, here's what you do. Compose a poem about Pikko (of four lines or more) and send it to me via email with the subject heading "Pikko Poem." It can be any kind of poem you want.. haiku, acrostic, rhyming, freeform... whatever strikes your fancy! At the end of the week, I'll do a random drawing of all the eligible entries and pick two winners. I'll also post those winners' work on the site... so make sure it's good! And, if you need some inspiration, be sure to go over to Pikko's myspace and give her songs a listen.

You've got until the end of next Sunday so get those creative energies flowing!!

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