Wednesday, January 24, 2007


�So, your eyes gave me the blues�

Zeigeist are the third Swedish band in a row on the blog, but who can help it if Swede�s produce the best music in the world? Anyway, most of these electro-art-poppers� tunes sound quite like The Knife, but I think that Chasing Your Shadow, a majestic slow builder, would be more at home on a Scissor Sisters record. Imagine it placed between, let�s say� The Other Side and It Can�t Come Quickly Enough, and I think you�ll see what I mean. What the track lacks in instantaneous pop pleasure, it more than makes up for with a flawless, lingering melody, even if I can�t understand a word they�re saying!

mp3: Zeigeist - Chasing Your Shadow

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but buy it when it's out!)

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