Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Soft Complex - Barcelona EP
Release Date: October 17, 2006
Label: Silverthree Sound

Barcelona, the debut EP by Washington DC based super group Soft Complex begins with a solo funk guitar, which is soon awash with wispy vocals and lovelorn melodies. The title track, which opens the EP, is an example of how great the 80�s synth rock revival can be. Catchy without being obnoxious, polished without losing personality, and downbeat without being boring, it�s a great pop song. The following two original tracks are also successful, though they don�t quite add up to the strength of Barcelona. Beat The Chill�s catchy verses are a highlight, while Sad Note takes a bit longer to establish itself. Still, all three tracks display the songwriting and production strength of this young band. They will be one to watch in the future.

The remainder of the EP is filled out with remixes, all of which are extensions of the original three tracks, the final one (a great version of Barcelona) being the most noteworthy. B

Key track: Barcelona
Mute Math - Chaos

�I know you stay true when my world is false"

Taking a break from the long stream of Swedish bands today, I�ve got a good ol� fashioned American rock and roll band to end January with. Mute Math create an epic sounding rock sound with many classic influences as well as some prog leanings. Chaos may lack the immediate pop edge that most of the songs on this blog have, but it�s a great song nonetheless. A swirling, chaotic (well, duh) sounding track, it is complex yet catchy at the same time. More than anything, though, the chorus is amazing.

mp3: Mute Math - Chaos
zshare: Mute Math - Chaos

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bobby - She's History

�Everyone says she's wonderful, but to me she's a mystery"

I think I may have broken my own record for consecutive Swedish posts. I have yet another Swedish band today, the fabulous Bobby. Bobby has been producing new-romantic influenced glam pop for the better part of the decade and have some brilliant singles under their belt (check out Wide Eyes Open, Sooner Or Later, and Come Crashing In), but their most instant is also their most recent. She's History almost sounds like a long-lost Roxette track. The lyrics are a bit suspect, but there is absolutely no denying the pure pop catchiness of the guitar assisted chorus. This should have been massive. The band is releasing a new album later this spring, and I'm hoping it gives them the success they deserve.

mp3: Bobby - She's History
zshare: Bobby - She's History

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album and singles here, or download more (low quality) songs here!)

Monday, January 29, 2007


�Give me the open road on a sunny day"

I know that a lot of my readers are fans of the soft-rock resurgence (think The Feeling, or any other Supertramp influenced band out there), and I'm sure that those people will absolutely adore this track. Pennebaker is a Swedish trio who sings "soft rock/pop woth western influences." Think driving down the west coast with the top down. Or... if you haven't actually done that, try to imagine what it'd be like. Runaway Heart, a minor hit in Sweden, is a near perfect pop nugget, all wispy vocals and pounding piano. If this track doesn't make you wish for summer, I don't know what will. Based on its quality, I'll probably be playing it well into the spring.

mp3: Pennebaker - Runaway Heart
zshare: Pennebaker - Runaway Heart

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the single here and the album "?". 10 points to anyone who can tell me where to get this!)


The Science Channel
is having a series of programs this week about the future, beginning with 2057: speculations about what might happen in 50 years, in three parts, The Body, The City, and The World.

Other shows focussing on the future, this week, include Robosapiens, Earth 2100: Wild Weather Ahead, and Deconstruction: House of the Future.

For TV schedules, a nice resource is imdb TV schedules:

(Note: Unfortunately, The Science Channel may not retain live links to films it has shown in the past, so some links above may not work if the film is not in the current schedule.)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Repeat Offenders

Today's post is going to shine the spotlight back on acts that have already been featured on this site. Since I only post one song (usually my personal pick to showcase the band/artist), most of the acts I write about have other tracks that are equally as brilliant as the one that I chose to post. So, here's your second chance to discover some of these wonderful artists.

1. Switches - Every Second Counts In Love (prev. posted No Hero on Jan. 18th, 2007)
2. This Episode - The Movies (prev. posted Paris London New York on Sep. 12th, 2006)
3. Dolly Daggers - A Face To Put On (prev. posted Never Ending on Oct. 13th, 2006)
4. The KBC - Not Anymore (prev. posted Steven Get Even on Dec. 11th, 2006)
5. Tiger Baby - At Least I'm Honest (prev. posted Girlfriend on Sep. 14th, 2006)
6. The Sunshine - Love (prev. posted Sabotage on Nov. 24th, 2006)
7. The Rinse - Shy (prev. posted Naughty on Dec. 7th, 2006)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Two More Reasons To Be Excited About 2007

Now, if I could only figure out where to buy these that actually ships to the States. Any help would be greatly appreciated ;)

Pleasure - Pleasure 2
(out Feb. 12)

01: Intro
02: Alright All Nite
03: Out Of Love
04: Throw It All Away
05: Back To You
06: Uptown
07: Bite The Beat
08: Silk Dream
09: Eskimo Kiss
10: Finest Thing
12: Nightvision

(out March 5th)

01: 10.000 Nights of Thunder
02: Fascination
03: Into The Jungle
04: What is Happening
05: Rubberboots
06: Boyfriend
07: Ocean Blue
08: Fantastic 6
09: The Hours
10: Nothing But My Baby

Sky - Piece Of Paradise (1999)

The very first album I ever bought was Savage Garden's debut release, and it remains my favorite pop album of all time. Any fan of that band should also own Piece Of Paradise. To me, it might as well be the lost Savage Garden album. It may have a few more r&b influences, but the lead singer (that would be James Renald, since the band had three different leads throughout its short career) shares the wispy, pop-influenced style of Darren Hayes.

Although the album tanked in America, in the band's home country of Canada, it was a huge success. It's a shame that, with the exception of Japan, it made little noise elsewhere. Perfect pop albums are few and far between, and it's safe to say that Piece Of Paradise qualifies. This is a record that will always remind me of the late nineties, but doesn't feel dated at all. These songs could be hits today.

Singles: Some Kinda Wonderful, Love Song, Push, All I Want

Strange: Opening with brilliant anthematic synthesizer and equally catchy verses. If you like the kind of stuff I usually post, you will LOVE this.

Shave: A spicy duet that's probably one of the more r&b influenced tracks here. If this would have been released as a single, it would have been absolutely insane. Definitely a highlight of the album.

Buy It! (for a penny!)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Just Jack - Overtones
Release Date: January 29, 2007
Label: Universal

You have likely heard (or soon will) the first single from this new Just Jack record. Starz In Their Eyes, from its building drumline to its disco-funk guitars, is closer to hip-hop nirvana than any artist has achieved for a few years now. It will be a massive hit. There are also at least two other guaranteed smashes on the record (that�d be opener Writer�s Block and down tempo Disco Friends). So, how about the rest of the album? Well, take a cue from the artist�s chosen moniker and it�ll give you a hint.

Other than its few inspired moments, much of Overtones is just Jack. And, quite frankly, he�s just not interesting enough to fill in the filler. Lyrically, he can�t touch The Streets or Eminem. He�s better than a rapping Robbie Williams, but really who isn�t? When Jack doesn�t have the tunes to back up his rhymes, the record falters and ends up being all too forgettable. There are the bright spots, of course. I Talk Too Much is a welcome dance cut, and No Time�s stabbing string accompaniment and sing-song rhymes are catchy enough. Still, unremarkable tracks like Lost and Symphony Of Sirens are simply too repetitive and dull to care much about.

Just Jack has a unique sound and can certainly carry a tune better than most MCs, yet he is more often than not let down by his hooks. A trio of cuts bolsters the beginning of Overtones. Starz In Their Eyes alone has enough power to work listeners into a frenzy, but that track�s energy is in short supply throughout the rest of the album. C+

Key Tracks: Starz In Their Eyes, Writer�s Block, Disco Friends


�Where did all the love go?"

Private Life Of A Cat, as you can probably tell from the title, is a strange little tune. It's the kind of song that could only be a hit in Sweden. It has that kooky Scandinavian indie sound... a breezy, almost fey pop and roll. If I heard this on American radios, I would know that hell had frozen over. It's sad, because this track is ridiculously fun and very interesting. It might not sound like much at first, but it works its way into your brain and finds its own spot to revel in glorious weirdness. Interested yet?

mp3: Lovekevins - Private Life Of A Cat
zshare: Lovekevins - Private Life Of A Cat

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Album out in March, buy the single here.)

His Dark Materials: If you have not read this series, you must. Far from the "children's" books they are billed as, Pullman's epic fantasy is thought provoking, heartbreaking and riveting. Harry Potter may be fantastic (and it definitely is), but the His Dark Materials trilogy is truly one from the ages. Containing more humanity and heart than Tolkien's work, more guts and insight than CS Lewis', and more timelessness than any fantasy released in the last twenty years, read these books if you have even a passing interest in fantasy and literature.

What amazon says: "In an epic trilogy, Philip Pullman unlocks the door to a world parallel to our own, but with a mysterious slant all its own. D�mons and winged creatures live side by side with humans, and a mysterious entity called Dust just might have the power to unite the universes--if it isn't destroyed first. Join Lyra, Pantalaimon, Will, and the rest as they embark on the most breathtaking, heartbreaking adventures of their lives. The fate of the universe is in their hands."

Buy all three books... for a great bargain!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


�Will this at all amount to anything? Amen!�

I'm surprised by the lack of blog hype surrounding Swedish band Strip Music. During the past few years, they've created some great glam-infused synth rock. Their new album, Hollywood & Wolfman, has supplied some brilliant singles, with the Suede-sounding Headlights the best thing they've done so far. It's a big, boisterous record with cascading synths, giant riffs and an undeniable chorus, proving once again that the Swedes can do it all. In fact, I think this whole week will prove that!

mp3: Strip Music - Headlights
zshare: Strip Music - Headlights

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Today I'm featuring two books (one adult, one children's) that are among my favorites, yet are relatively unknown. One is from the 80's, one from the 70's, but that's not where the differences end.

To the Vanishing Point by Alan Dean Foster
One of the few science fiction books I've actually enjoyed, I'm not quite sure why I latched onto this book. It's far from a literary masterpiece and much of the dialogue seems dated now, but I also find it to be one of the most imaginitive stories I've read. The book follows "all-American" family the Sonderbergs as they make their way to Las Vegas on a family vacation. Along the way, they pick up a beautiful hitchhiker, and everything starts to change. Reality begins to fall apart and the world becomes a strange series of nightmares and alternate realities.

The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren
Lindgren, the Swedish author most famous for her Pippi Longstocking books, gives us a more serious tale here. Nangiyala is a peaceful and happy land that your journey to after you die. The book begins with a death (an odd start for a children's book) and most of the action takes place in Nangiyala. But, the land is no longer as peaceful as it once was. It's up to the Brothers Lionheart to save it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


�So, your eyes gave me the blues�

Zeigeist are the third Swedish band in a row on the blog, but who can help it if Swede�s produce the best music in the world? Anyway, most of these electro-art-poppers� tunes sound quite like The Knife, but I think that Chasing Your Shadow, a majestic slow builder, would be more at home on a Scissor Sisters record. Imagine it placed between, let�s say� The Other Side and It Can�t Come Quickly Enough, and I think you�ll see what I mean. What the track lacks in instantaneous pop pleasure, it more than makes up for with a flawless, lingering melody, even if I can�t understand a word they�re saying!

mp3: Zeigeist - Chasing Your Shadow

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but buy it when it's out!)


Briefly going back to comics/graphic novels today, Bone (try not to chuckle at the title, because it has nothing to do with what you're thinking) is one of the most fantastic fantasy sagas ever released in any format. Despite being entirely in black and white and utilizing simple, cartoon-like images, the series manages to effortlessly glide between comedy, melodrama and action.

Bone follows the adventures of the (who else?) Bone brothers, three strange creatures finding their way through a world full of dragons, rat creatures and other unpleasant and fantastical characters. The comic was published for twelve years by creator (and certified genius) Jeff Smith and the newest paperback released contains all 1300 pages of this glorious epic. Bone is one of the few adventures that is appropriate for all ages and enjoyed by all ages, a near impossible feat.

Those who like their fantasy laced with humor, intrigue and memorable characters should definitely check this out. Even though it's 1300 pages, it reads faster than you'd imagine.

Buy the epic!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


"Love love love love love love out of line!"

Sweden�s The Lips have quite a throwback rock sound. The seventies-inspired (semi)soft rock track Love Out Of Line, with its lovely harmonized chorus and catchy verses could have easily been a hit in any decade. It�s just one of those songs that sounds like it fell together almost on its own. It�s a shame that a band this great is still unsigned, though I doubt that that�ll last for long. For those that like their rock and pop mixed in a catchy, sing-along style (think ELO, The Feeling, etc), check this out.

mp3: The Lips - Love Out Of Line
zshare: The Lips - Love Out Of Line

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but buy it when it's out!)

Most of my favorite books (or movies, or music, or tv) deal with a similar theme: coming of age. Perhaps it's because that's precisely where I am in life right now, even though I haven't been in high school for nearly six years. Still, I find the teenage years to be the most interesting to read about, and these selections portray them brilliantly.

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
A captivating read, Wallflower's told exclusively through letters from Charlie (the young protagonist) to an undisclosed, mystery person. The letters are at times hilarious, at times quite dark, and always realistic. Wallflower seems to be the teen book of choice (at least in the States) and is considered by many as a modern classic. I've yet to recommend it to someone who hasn't loved it. Don't let the "MTV Books" label stop you from picking this up.

The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch
I read this when I was studying/working over in England last Spring/Summer. It was the perfect book at the time, because the setting is the Pacific Northwest, which is the area of the U.S. that I grew up in. For anyone who has grown up amongst tide pools, shoreline and the magic of the sea (or anyone who thinks that sounds interesting), this book will instantly ring true. It doesn't hurt that the main character, awkwardly fascinating Miles, and his sex obsessed best friend Phelps (with his "fuck you bangs"), are two of the most enjoyable characters since some guys called Tom and Huck.

Feed by M.T. Anderson
The only sci-fi book on my list today, Feed is extremely topical today and probably resonated with me more than any of the others here. A biting satire, the book shows us a (not-too) future world where computers, internet and television are surgically hooked up to everybody's brain, resulting in what is referred to as the Feed. What happens, though, when teenage boy Titus meets a girl who has ideas of going against the Feed? Needless to say, the ensuing struggle is harrowing, culminating in a wicked finale. It'll take a few chapters to get into this one, because even though the language is simple, Anderson has gone to great lengths to write in a post-Feed language. Brilliant book.

King Dork by Frank Portman
I can't say too much about this one, since I'm currently about a third through it. So far, though, the biting humor and near perfect writing have got me absolutely hooked. If you're into teen lit, music (and why would you be here if you weren't) and sarcasm, pick this up. I'm loving it so far!

Buy all!

Monday, January 22, 2007


"Hanna I know I never ever did do you right"

Juvelen calls himself the "one man boyband." I think he's selling himself short, because he is far more interesting than that. More interesting for any label, in fact. Juvelen (means "jewel" in Swedish) is recieving mountains of hype in Sweden, and for good reason. His current single Watch You Step, is a fine slice of catchy post-Prince pop, but I like Hanna better. Hanna is the kind of pop song that I seriously can't imagine anybody disliking. it is the kind of thing that Outkast promised us in that brief period where they made good pop... a wicked, surprising track that still manages to be conventional, catchier-than-should-be-allowed pop. In between sparkling synthesizer and funky guitars is pure genius. For the second time in less than two weeks, I'm afraid I'll have to use the word essential to decribe this.

mp3: Juvelen - Hanna

zshare: Juvelen - Hanna

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here.)

I'm a big fan of story (teen and kid's, especially). It was a huge part of my college major and I'm currently working on writing several novels within the genre. So, in addition to regular posts this week, I'm going to spotlight some of my literature picks, culminating in..... drumroll..... the trilogy to end all trilogies! Do you know what it is??


Now, I grew up reading comic books (Marvel, btw... not that that'll probably mean much to a lot of you), so I was well ingratiated with the genre already. But, for those who have never read a "superhero" comic before (or at least not this one), I've got something very special to share with you today.

Premise: Hasn't everybody considered the fact that their parents might be evil at one point? For the young cast of Runaways, this isn't just a passing thought. After the gang witnesses their folks performing a human sacrifice, they (as the title points to) run away. But, their parents aren't going to let it be that easy.

Why it Rocks: Where do I start? Runaways has the best characterization (and the best characters) in comics today. Imagine Breakfast Club meets Buffy in a world of superheroes and you've got a good idea of what's in store. In fact, looking closer at the Buffy comparison, that show's creator, Joss Whedon, is actually set to take over the writing of the book when creator (and personal writing idol) Brian K. Vaughn leaves in a few issues. His reason? He's too big of a fan not to.
Back to characters... Runaways has got everything you could want in a teen dramedy. You've got a psychically-linked dinosaur (!), misunderstood jock, alternative witch girl... sexual confusion, body issues... everything. Plus, the dialogue is exactly what you would expect in a teen book: witty, sarcastic and quick. And, in case you thought the book was all laughs.... just recently fans witnessed one of the most shocking and affecting deaths in all of comics.
In addition to characterization, the book boasts the best plot twists you can imagine, almost one (if not more) per issue. The cast is forever changing and the plot thickens with every step the young runaways take. You never know where the story is going, even when you think you've got an idea.
Finally, I can't forget the art, given that this is a comic book/graphic novel. Without saying much, I will say that it is unique, playful and more effective than you can imagine.
I could go on and on (obviously) because I am so passionate about this book. I love it just as much as similar fare (the aforementioned Buffy).

How to get it: So far, Marvel has been kind enough to bind the issues into super-cheap digests, which make this one of the most accessible stories on the racks today. Buy and read it if you are a fan of Whedon or teen stories/movies/television at all. Knowledge of comic book continuity (nerd alert!) enhances the stories, but in no way is necessary.

Buy digest one!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
Release Date: January 23, 2007
Label: Sub Pop

Wincing The Night Away, The Shins� third full-length, follows two brilliant albums chock full of perfect indie-pop hooks and jaunty playfulness. So, why do they sound so dour now? Wincing opens up with the languid Sleeping Lessons, which with its prog overtones takes far too long to get going. It�s a taster of what�s to come.

While punchy hooks are still to be found (see first single Phantom Limb), they are often buried deeper this time around. For every Australia and Sea Legs, which hearken back to the band�s in-your-face pop songwriting, there are two more Sailor Girl-s and Split Needles, tracks that float along nicely enough but fail to linger after they�ve finished. The problem is not the slower tempo that permeates the record. After all, those that have followed the band know that they can be just as hooky and effective no matter what the tempo. The letdown is really in the songs themselves. It�s as if they have been blunted, dulled slightly so that when stacked against their peers, they just don�t work quite as well.

Don�t get me wrong, Wincing The Night Away is not a bad record. After all, it is The Shins, and I�d take them over many indie bands any day. More than anything, the album�s a comedown from their last release. It sounds like the work of a band in transition. Working elements of prog and stadium rock into their sound will work eventually (lead singer James Mercer�s voice suits it perfectly), but it�s not quite there yet. Once the guys figure it out, though, the next album should be crazy. B-

Key Tracks: Phantom Limb, Sea Legs, Australia
Before My Favorite Stars Were Stars

Today's post features some rare demos and/or EP tracks from some of the #1 Hits preferred artist roster. All were released before the bands' debut albums and are definitely of varying quality. Some of these bands hadn't quite found their sound yet (see The Ark, The Killers and Melody Club especially), while others (Scissor Sisters and UTIOG) came swinging right out of the gate. Even though every song may not be an instant classic, they are all interesting to hear.

1. Scissor Sisters - Step Aside For The Man
2. The Sounds - Bombs Bombs Away
3. The Ark - I Laid It Down
4. Under The Influence Of Giants - Beautiful
5. The Killers - Desperate
6. Surferosa - Disco Love
7. Don Juan Dracula - Sober
8. Melody Club - A Matter Of Days (Early Demo)


Steve Squyres book, Roving Mars, is exciting, interesting, and important. It is a page-turner.

Describing the decades long struggle to place scientific experiments on the surface of Mars, and the day-by-day, sometimes second-by-second, thrill of waiting for results to be radioed directly back, live from the surface, he takes us with us, almost in real time, to the experience of probing Mars.

The challenges were scientific, managerial, technical and even psychological (ups and downs as budgets, priorities, technical problems, and deadlines threatened to scuttle the project or suddenly inject into it new life and bigger opportunities).

Squyers, a professor at Cornell University, was the principal scientist for the two robots, Spirit and Opportunity, which landed on Mars years ago and are still returning data.

The most important result of the investigation is solid evidence that water once flowed on Mars. In addition, there are pictures and chemical analyses of the Martian landscape and its soil and rocks.

The years-long struggle he describes points out a number of interesting ideas, issues and questions. Most obvious is the clear fact that no matter how sophisticated the science you wish to do on Mars may be, you can't do it unless you can get there. So the fundamental first step is to develop the engineering technology to build the rockets to get there, the landing system to place stuff safely on the planet surface, and equipment that will work when it arrives, having survived the launch, the journey, the landing, and the Martian environment.

Also interesting is the multifarious role of NASA which itself bears the lead role in often conficting missions and services. NASA:
  • Builds and runs the rockets
  • Finances the science
  • Supports manned missions
  • Supports unmanned missions
  • Runs the trips

Rocket science is different from planetary science; science is different from engineering; and the science and engineering (and even the politics) of manned flight is different from that of unmanned flight.

NASA has to worry about

  • Politics
  • Management (including budgets, schedules and deadlines that are mandated by planetary science as well as the usual pressures)
  • Engineering
  • Science

For that matter, politics itself has many forms: there are issues of public, congressional, and presidential politics, of course, but there's also internal politics in NASA and internal politics in the world of science.

NASA has a big job!

Roving Mars is a great introduction to both the scientific world of planetary exploration and the technical, practical and political adventure of exploring another world.

Product Details (From
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Hyperion; Hardcover (August 3, 2005) Reprint edition (May 9, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1401308511
ISBN-13: 978-1401308513
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6.5 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.27 pounds Sales Rank: #147,221 in Books
In-Print Editions: Hardcover, Paperback

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Ark - Absolutely No Decorum

Here it is, folks... the song of the year so far. When it comes to The Ark don't expect me to shed any of my enthusiasm and offer any kind of solid critique beyond saying that this is another masterpiece for the band. Just give it a listen and you'll see what I mean.

Below (in the youtube video) is the studio version of the song, which I will not be posting for download in the hopes that fans will go out and buy it next week, but I will post the band's live debut performance of the song from the P3 Guld 2007 radio awards. The track's given a bit of a different flavor live. The piano and background are more prominent. Both versions are beyond excellent, though. I am anxiously awaiting the release of The Worrying Kind, the band's Melodifestivalen entry, early next month, and the album after that. No band can get me in such a frenzy like these guys can.

mp3: The Ark - Absolutely No Decorum (Live on P3 Guld 2007)

Video Premiere: Robbie Williams - She's Madonna

Very strange video, but at least it explains the infamous drag interview. So far, though, this is definitely the best vid from Rudebox and an altogether interesting choice.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

For those who may be wondering...

1. I have not stopped making the #1 Hits promo sleeves. But, instead of two a month with 14-15 tracks on each, there will now only be one at the end of the month with 20-22 tracks.

2. Special weekly features will return next week, beginning with a bit of a literary journey...

"It's true, so what can I do?"

Switches are one of the more ambitious of the new crop of UK bands. They take the spiky, alternative rock of their peers and add multitracked vocals and odd stylistic turns. This instantly makes them more interesting than a lot of indie groups and also leads me to believe that their debut is going to be quite a listen when it's released later this year. I'm posting No Hero, though their new single Drama Queen and older release Lay Down The Law are both well worth searching out. All three are punchy, glam inspired indie rock that could see bands like the Kaiser Chiefs watching their backs.

mp3: Switches - No Hero
zshare: Switches - No Hero

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but preorder the new single here.)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


"And I'm running away and I just don't stop to feel"

The brilliant Popjustice and Into the Groove highlighted this group (or, to be more specific, one-man act) back in 2006 and I know that I listened to this song some months ago but I'm kicking myself because I didn't really "discover" it until a week ago. And, I really think it is one of the best tracks of 2006. Like fellow favs Alphabeat and Lucky Soul, this is pop music but it's not vacuous in any way. High quality, unique melody... spare disco beat... it is absolutely essential. Brilliant, even, in its simplicity. Pleasure is the work of Fred Ball, Uk DJ and pop music creator extraordinare. An album is promised "soon," though I can't wait if it's anything as good as this (and judging from second -and completely different- single Back To You, it is).

mp3: Pleasure - Out Of Love
zshare: Pleasure - Out Of Love

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but buy the track here.)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


"I don't want to slow down, I just want to have fun"

I've got a new glam rock group (or kitschrock, as they call it) for you today. All That And A Bag Of Chips incorporates elements of Bowie, the Ark and even a bit of Tim Curry. It's a mixture made in heaven as far as I'm concerned, and their first single Take Me To Your Leader utilizes this sound to great effect. Glammy verses gradually build up to an explosive chorus that sets the track into spastic motion from that point on. ATAABOC hail from Norway, though they sound like they could have come out of America in the early-mid eighties. Plus, you've gotta love Francis' hat (above)!

mp3: All That And A Bag Of Chips - Take Me To Your Leader

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here.)

Monday, January 15, 2007


"Wake up time is calling out for you"

I have a delicious electro pop hit for you all today. Emmon was the lead singer of Swedish pop/rock band Paris and has now gone solo. In addition to doing remixes for bands like the fabulous Melody Club (and supporting them on tour), she's released this brilliant debut single. Although it seems to be a bit underhyped on the radio, it is completely deserving of massive hit status. File this next to the new Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Kylie tracks and don't forget to buy her debut album The Art And The Evil when it comes out February 2nd.

mp3: Emmon - Wake Up Time
zshare: Emmon - Wake Up Time

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here.)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Catchy Girl Pop EP

Today #1 Hits will feature an EP of unabashedly catchy girl pop. It's the kind of stuff that is absolutely thrilling in moderation, if a bit monotonous after you've had too much. But, there's nothing monotonous about the following selections. This is the cream of the crop. Although I've omitted the big artists (no Kylie, Sophie or Madonna here), these lesser known singers are really giving the biggies a run for their money.

Please right click, save as to download files - songs are up for a week... or until my bandwidth holds out :)

1. September - Sacrifice
2. The Lovemakers - Set Me Free
3. Annie - Me Plus One
4. Seiko - Let's Fall In Love Again
5. Meja - All 'Bout The Money
6. Nathalie Nordnes - Cars & Boys
7. Paulina Rubio - Fire (Sexy Dance)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Adam Ant - Friend Or Foe (1982)

Friend Or Foe was Adam's first album after splitting with the Ants. And, while it didn't differ too much from his previous sound (i.e. lots of interesting percussion and glammy, punk attitude), it was his first more pop-oriented work. Working again with main collaborator Marco Pirroni and boasting the huge hits Goody Two Shoes and Desperate But Not Serious, it was also the most successful release of his career in America. And, listening to the record, it's clear why.

Friend Or Foe is adventurous pop, the work of an artist unlike any other and with his own distinct vision. Incorporating elements of punk, soul, new wave, guitar pop, funk and any other genre you could think of, the tracks are both varied and gloriously catchy. Some critics dismissed the album's pop leanings, but Adam Ant has never been so addictive as he was here.

Singles: Goody Two Shoes, Friend Or Foe, Desperate But Not Serious

Made Of Money: A surprisingly gorgeous guitar strummer, even though lyrically it's quite dark. Much of Friend Or Foe dealt with the woes of fame, and this is not any different. But, as always, Adam infuses the song with his unique vision.

Try This For Sighs: A perfect compliment to Goody Two Shoes, this track uses a lot of the same instrumentation to create a real throwdown of a dance track.

Buy It!

Goody Two Shoes Music Video

Friday, January 12, 2007

#1 Hits News

Denmarks' Alphabeat, one of my most anticipated acts of 2007 (#4, to be exact), has posted another amazing new track (Fantastic 6) on their myspace from their forthcoming debut. If they can keep creating these perfect pop nuggets, we're really in for a treat come February. My only word of advice to this fab band: please get a real website soon!

The Delays, whose most recent release You See Colours was my #1 album of 2006, have finally signed to a new record label. And, more excitingly, they plan to have another new album out by the end of the year! Thanks to Jessica for this uber-exciting news!

"I have become angry riff man"

Scottish band data Panik play the jerky 80's-revivalist new wave that we know so well, but their specialty seems to be creating songs containing not even a second of boredom. Immediately from the start, Rulers And The States will entice you with its driving riff, followed quickly with a "la la la la" section worthy of Kaiser Chiefs praise. As I've said before, every time I get bored with this particular genre of music, I discover a song like this that makes me fall in love with it all over again.

mp3: data Panik - Rulers And The States

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album, but buy other tracks here.)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Video Premiere: Melody Club - Fever Fever

A strangely shot low-budget video accompanies the second single from Scream. It's far more interesting than the band's last video, even with the apparently limited budget. Face it, though, there's nobody else out there right now that looks like (or dances like - especially at the 1:40 mark...whoa) Kristofer. More than anything, the video is a showcase for him and his alien charms.


"And you say you have to be there, 'cause you feel so ordinary"

Another Labrador Records signing today, as I spotlight the Mary Onettes' synth flavored indie-pop. Lost is currently in rotation on Swedish radio and it's quite a nice little song. Best part: the pulsing chorus. Like the song by Loveninjas that I posted earlier this week, it doesn't hit you over the head the very first time. Instead, it slowly creeps into your memory. Plus, it's the perfect song for a sunny, cold, snowy winter like we're having right now in the Pacific Northwest. Part of me feels like I'm back in Stockholm with all the snow on the ground and freezing temperatures.

zshare: The Mary Onettes - Lost
yousendit: The Mary Onettes - Lost

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


"And she said Yeah-eah-eah!!"

Today's post is a good old fashioned club song. It's simple, pretty stupid, and insanely catchy. ...And She Said was a hit this summer in parts of Europe but, as far as I know, didn't really make it over to the States (or at least not with the same success as it achieved elsewhere). It's a shame, because as far as one-off pop/club tracks go, it's a pretty good one. In between the singalong chorus and the thumping verses, there's really not much room for sitting still. If you like your pop music big and shiny, give this a listen. Even if you hate it, you can't tell me that it's not a catchy little thing.

zshare: Lucas Prata - ...And She Said
yousendit: Lucas Prata - ...And She Said

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


"Will I see the light by the end of night?"

Sugarbeet call themselves "club rock." There's definitely a strong hip-hop influence in their music as well. If you like bands like Tahiti 80, or even Maroon 5, this is definitely one to add to the list. Sugarbeet is Ulrik and Frederik Suneseen, two brothers from Denmark. Clubbing All Night, off their most recent album Club Rock (I'm sensing a theme here), has an undeniable swagger with a great vocal and some soulful live instrumentation added to the thumping track. Whew... that's a lot of plusses. Basically, if you're in the mood for a simple, summer-sounding single (dig the alliteration on that!), you couldn't do much better than this track.

mp3: Sugarbeet - Clubbing All Night

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Monday, January 8, 2007

Lil' Chris - Lil' Chris
Release Date: December 4th, 2006

Label: RCA

If I were to tell you that the best new wave power rock record of the year belonged to a sixteen year old kid named Lil� Chris, you probably wouldn�t believe me. But, it could very well be true. Lil� Chris (born Chris Hardman, a veteran of Gene Simmons� reality show Rock School) has created the only teenage pop/rock record worth listening to in a good long while.

If this was a different situation (if Chris didn�t look like he was 12 and sing like he was 10) we�d be in Franz Ferdinand territory� only better. Any new wave revivalist would be lucky to have tracks as brilliantly catchy as Gettin� Enough and Is She Ready? in their catalog. In fact, the whole of the album is one giant hook propelled with enough youthful energy to nearly set it alight. Blistering cuts like first single Checkin� It Out and Rock School-featured Is There Anybody Out There? retain their fuck-you attitude while still remaining catchy and accessible, while beautifully understated electro ballad I Never Noticed becomes a sort of modern Ben moment for Chris.

The record is short and punchy (much like the artist), which keeps things going at a perfect pace. Chris�s rock and roll posturing is continually fascinating and, while most likely annoying some, is the real reason the album works so well. It sounds like the work of a teenager. Most every song is about girls or sex or (in most cases) a combination of both. None of this, of course, would be anything special if the songs weren�t so great. Balking the usual teenage trend, Chris co-writes all his material and, judging from the results, he should. Lesson learned: the kids are alright, and I really should have dropped my preconceptions and checked this guy out sooner. A-

Key Tracks: Gettin� Enough, I Never Noticed, Is She Ready?
#1 Hits News: Title & Tracklisting of Kaiser Chiefs' New Record Announced

Love the title!

Yours Truly, Angry Mob

1. Ruby
2. The Angry Mob
3. Heat Dies Down
4. Highroyds
5. Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning)
6. Thank You Very Much
7. I Can Do It Without You
8. My Kind Of Guy
9. Everything Is Average Nowadays
10. Boxing Champ
11. Learnt My Lesson Well
12. Try Your Best
13. Retirement

Out February 26th (Europe) and March 27th (North America)

Loveninjas - I Wanna Be Like Johnny C

"I wanna be like you!"

I Wanna Be Like Johnny C, the new single from Swedish group Loveninjas, possesses the kind of shimmering pop melody that groups like Pulp and, more recently, The Upper Room excell at. I actually know shockingly little about the band, but I think that this song speaks for itself. It just keeps building and building until it bursts into an anthematic rave. In fact, I would put it right alongside Pulp's Common People. In a lot of ways, it's very similar and a nice compliment to that classic. Plus, the whole thing's pretty funny... in a serious way of course.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Random Sundays...

On Sundays I've decided that I'm really just going to post whatever... one week it might be themed, one week it might be something completely off topic. Today, though, I've compiled an EP's worth of songs that all fit under the category 70's AOR Revisited. With bands like The Feeling topping the British charts and artists like Mika and Scissor Sisters pretty much a staple on this blog, melodic, piano based rock is making a resurgence. It's like we've stepped back further from all the 80's new wave influence and began reevaluating 70's bands like Supertramp and Styx.

I think the following list offers a fantastic representation of the genre. Each track is the kind of song that you fall in love with before you're even finished with the first listen. Enjoy, and let me know if you particularly like any of the bands!

1. LEO - Don't Let It Go
2. Ella Rouge - Jekyll N Hyde
3. Razorlight - Who Needs Love
4. Mohair - L.A. Song
5. Persephone's Bees - Even Though I'm Fooling Around
6. BC Camplight - Blood & Peanut Butter
7. McFly - Little Joanna
8. Pepper's Ghost - How 'Bout It Now

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Mika - Life In Cartoon Motion
Release Date: February 5th, 2007
Label: Casablanca

The current pop climate is open for a jack-of-all-trades, and listening to Mika�s debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion, that seems to be exactly the title he�s going for. From theatrical rock (lead single Grace Kelly) to smooth disco (Relax, Take It Easy) to quirky piano pop (Billy Brown), Mika covers it all� and it�s a clean sweep across the board.

Life In Cartoon Motion is 2007�s first perfect pop album. Its choruses are bigger than everyone else�s, and its ringleader, led by his remarkable falsetto, undeniably brandishes that ever-so-coveted x-factor. Like it or not: Mika is destined to be a star. And, really, how could you not like it? With songs as addictive as the stomping playground romp Lollipop and the this-is-how-Orson-should-have-sounded Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), resistance really is futile. Life In Cartoon Motion even has its anthem, the gorgeous guitar/dance hybrid Love Today. Its potentially saccharine sentiments are brilliantly subverted as Mika ends the chorus with a simple refrain: �love, love me.� We do.

Equally impressive, albeit in different ways, is Any Other World, a haunting ballad that makes excellent use of a cutting string section. Then there�s Stuck In The Middle, a very Scissor Sisters-esque track with a piano riff that echoes that very band�s Laura from a few years back. Add that to the radio pop of My Interpretation and the soul-inflected closer Happy Ending, and you�ve got a filler free, absolute delight of an album. As Mika himself preaches: �Relax, take it easy.� And, enjoy. A

Key Tracks: Love Today, Any Other World, Relax, Take It Easy

A new feature to the blog, every Saturday will spotlight a classic album that fits the #1 Hits criteria: catchy, epic and pleasingly alien. First up is....

Sparks - Kimono My House (1974)

A landmark album in more ways than one, Sparks were doing Queen harmonies before anybody had ever heard Bohemian Rhapsody. Although not the band's debut, Kimono was their breakthrough, boasting their instant classic This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us, a sizable British hit that never found the success it deserved in the States. Ditto for the group. Sparks is Russel and Ron Mael, cult heroes for those who like their music witty, theatrical and different.

Kimono was the beginning of a trilogy of like-minded glam based albums that should have dominated the mid-seventies. Operatic vocals combine with bubblegum rock more perfectly than ever before on each of the album's ten tracks (12 on the remastered version). Discounting the group's later albums, the whole of Kimono is unlike anything that has ever been recorded. It's the sound of avant-garde production meshed with perfect pop songwriting.

Singles: This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us, Amateur Hour, Talent Is An Asset

Here In Heaven: What if Juliet decided to go back on the suicide pact, right after Romeo killed himself? Told from Romeo's depressed/pissed perspective, this is a perfect intro to the Mael's skewed lyrics.

Complaints: A short rocker about a store's complaints department, with a chorus so catchy it requires the jaws of life to remove.

This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us (Live on TOTP 1974)

Friday, January 5, 2007

LEO - Ya Had Me Goin'

"Ya had me goin', goin' crazy"

A 2006 supergroup that records in the style of legendary symphonic poppers ELO? How could I not have heard about this until now? No matter, because I've got another new obsession to add to my already bursting-at-the-seams list. A collection of power-poppers under the direction of Boston's Bleu, this group creates the most convincing 70's homage I've heard in a long time. The epic songs on Alpacas Orgling (their debut release) feel exactly like those old Jeff Lynne classics, including the funky Ya Had Me Goin', which I am predicting you will love as soon as you hear the first few, swelling seconds.

Listen & Download: LEO - Ya Had Me Goin'
Download: LEO - Ya Had Me Goin'

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)
*Edit: I'm about ready to send in my own (perhaps too carefully selected) top ten. I wanted to bump this up to the top of the page to remind everyone to get their votes in before the 26th!

Pop Lovers, It's Time To Represent!

The brilliant Adem over at I'm Always Right has stumbled upon the equally brilliant idea to compile a list of top 20 pop albums of all time. I'm not going to try to explain it better than him, so here's the information straight from his blog...

"What is YOUR favourite POP album of all time? Do you have 10 of them? If you answered yes to that final question, then you're going to come in very handy for what IAR, and the writers/editors of QUITE A FEW OTHER BRILLIANT/ACE/FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC POP BLOGS have got heating up in the oven in time for the New Year.

What's going to happen is this: I want to know what your top 10 favourite albums are of all time. List your albums from 1 to 10, or, if you cannot decide your order of preference but DO have a list of ten, email them through to The plan is to have voting close by Friday, January the 26th 2007. Then, within the first two weeks of February, once the top 20 has been compiled, I'll be contacting several pop lovers and pop bloggers (who've all agreed to be a part of this venture) to join me in a written-panel discussion about each of the top 20 pop albums of all time as voted by you.

Remember, email your top 10 through to:"

Bottom line... this is exciting stuff (especially to a guy like me who: #1 Loves countdowns & #2 Loves GOOD pop music). I have also agreed to be a part of the panel of bloggers mentioned in the post once everything gets sorted. I'll be getting my top ten in when I can settle on a list I'm happy with (I take these sort of things freakishly seriously!). I urge all the #1 Hits readers out there to contribute as well. I know you all have fantastic taste in music!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Soft Complex - Barcelona

"You invite the pain to come in and we begin again"

Washington DC based band Soft Complex, like so many others, thrive on a new wave inflected synth pop that recalls bands like Echo & The Bunnymen and New Order. And, also like many others, they do a mighty fine job of creating pulsing pop songs that manage to be at once laid back and irresistably catchy. Barcelona (also the title of their recent EP) begins with a surprisingly funky guitar before the melody slows down a bit, morphing into gorgeous verses. Plus, the band has played with #1 Hits favorite The Sounds, so you know they've gotta be good.

Listen & Download: Soft Complex - Barcelona
Download: Soft Complex - Barcelona

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here.)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife

"Fall like the future"

This is one of my favorite new bands from Australia. They've got an amazingly clean, laid-back electro-guitar sound that encapsulates the absolute best of 80's synth pop and more current dance technology. Plus, their logo reminds me of the Transformers, which only adds to the nostalgic kick. More than anything, though, it's the band's songs that stand apart. They're not the knock-you-over-the-head-insanely-catchy-the-first-time type of tracks. Instead, they get better and better with each listen. The guitar lines and the constant, washing synth really create an otherworldy backdrop, especially in this song.

Listen & Download: Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife
Download: Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here.)

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Brad Walsh - Two Of Hearts

"Two hearts that beat as one"

Remember that 80's classic Two Of Hearts by Stacey Q? Well, New Yorker Brad Walsh (think a solo Scissor Sister) has covered it, and just may have improved upon perfection. It's not actually much of a departure from the original, just updated and polished with more of an electro edge. It's the seamless vocal performance that really sells it. Walsh has got a few originals as well which are also fantastic. You can hear them at his website. And, he's obviously got a lively, somewhat androgynous style that really screams New York City.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Monday, January 1, 2007

Lil' Chris - Gettin' Enough

"Are you gettin' enough, enough to satisfy you?"

Lil' Chris, the youngest artist featured on this site so far at age 16, was the "star" of series two of Gene Simmons' Rock School. I was a huge fan of the first series (one of the reasons I went over to England to teach at a boarding school last spring - but that's another story), but I never expected any good music to actually come out of it. Even though Chris's stuff should be terrible, Gettin' Enough has literally been on repeat on my mp3 player for the last week or so. The combo of the bratty vocals, new wave production, and overall catchiness add up to nothing short of pop perfection. If you want to call this a guilty pleasure, so be it, but I've definitely been converted into a fan. It'll be interesting to see if he sticks around long enough to outgrow the tired "lil'" moniker.

Listen & Download: Lil' Chris - Gettin' Enough
Download: Lil' Chris - Gettin' Enough

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)