Monday, November 13, 2006


�She said 'I like it better when it hurts'�

From only one look at Revl9n's promo picture I knew I would love them. Despite occupying the all-but-dead electroclash genre, Revl9n bring fantastic pop smarts and a whole lot of attitude, which sets them easily apart from their peers. Walking Machine is an absolutely addictive confection. I've had it on repeat for awhile now and I like it better with each listen. Couple an extremely catchy melody with a computer blip landscape that kind of sounds like Deep Forest on crack and you've got a major hit. If you like electropop groups like The Knife and Mylo (but with much more of a pop melody), I would especially recommend this group.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

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