Saturday, October 7, 2006


L to R: Carmen Maura and Pen�lope Cruz in Volver
Photo Credit: Sony Pictures Classics


Hi� This is Eric from tattoowesley � Quick Previews Of Random Interesting Things, posting from the
New York Film Festival on the press conference for Volver, Pedro Almodovar�s new film, starring Penelope Cruz in another compelling performance. "Volver" means many things� Literally it�s something like �coming back,� but as we�ll show in another post, Almodovar always tries to overload his words. Right now, I want to talk about Penelope Cruz. In person, she is very alive, very endearing, with eyes that are looking at you for communication and meaning. Most striking about her as an actress � given her beauty and how often she�s mentioned as one of the sexiest women in the world -- is how natural she is. And most remarkable is that she is one of the few actresses in the entire world that has performed brilliantly, in both her native language -- hers is Spanish -- and in English. Spectacularly, in Penelope�s case she has also given award winning performances in French and Italian. Here are her remarks at the New York Film Festival Press conference, on acting with Almodovar.

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