Friday, April 22, 2011

Wolf Gang - Something Unusual

"We'll be something out of this world"

Wolf Gang's debut album was originally planned for March, but unfortunately it's been pushed back to June (making for quite a busy May/June season for album releases). It's irritating because I want to hear the thing now. While initially a little skeptical, his music has grown on me immensely and I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that the full length emphasizes the "pop" portion of "indie pop." Something Unusual, a recently revealed album track, is from the MGMT school of pop. It's a slow-building, synth-dripped, slightly psychedelic sounding kaleidoscope. And I like it! Phew. I imagine driving around in the Summer listening to something like this. It's subtle enough to have real staying power, but it's not boring. That's a tricky line to walk in indie music.

Wolf Gang - Something Unusual by wolfgang

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the EP here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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