Monday, April 25, 2011

Sony shuts down PlayStation Network Indefinitely

Gamers who use the Sony PlayStation Network were not able to connect to the service on Monday, the fifth consecutive day of interrupted service, after it was invaded by hackers last week.

On Friday, Patrick Seybold, senior director for corporate communications at Sony, wrote a short post on the company�s Web site stating that the PlayStation Network had been compromised on Wednesday by an �external intrusion.� After the attack, Mr. Seybold said, Sony had turned off the PlayStation service to investigate.

�We are doing all we can to resolve this situation quickly, and we once again thank you for your patience,� Mr. Seybold wrote. �We will continue to update you promptly as we have additional information to share.�

Sony did not respond to a request for comment about the shutdown and whether any of its customers� personal information was also compromised.

The PlayStation Network connects gamers who use a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable system. The Sony Qriocity service, which is used to stream audio and video to Sony devices, was also compromised in the attack.

On Saturday Sony said it had decided to rebuild its network with the goal of strengthening the system�s infrastructure. �Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security,� Sony said in a statement.

Customers became frustrated over the weekend, complaining on Twitter and Sony gaming forums, as the company�s updates remained short and sporadic and there seemed to be no end in sight to the shutdown.

Mr. Seybold wrote a short follow-up post on Monday noting: �Unfortunately, I don�t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time� regarding when the PlayStation Network would be active again.

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