Monday, April 4, 2011

Rowling looking into Harry Potter e-books

J.K. Rowling stimulated a publishing phenomenon with her Harry Potter books. Can she do it again on the e-book market?

The best-selling author is considering making the fantasy books available electronically, her London-based agent said Monday - meaning that Potter fans may soon be able to download the popular series about a boy wizard to their Kindle or iPad.

"We are currently actively looking at all the various options for Harry Potter in this space, that is e-books," Neil Blair, of the Christopher Little Literary Agency, said in an email.

Rowling has so far stayed away from the e-book market, frustrating parts of her fan-base that have converted to the new format. Around 450 million printed copies of the wizard series have been sold worldwide, but fans say those 800 pages long are too heavy. Hence, publishing them in the electronic format will solve that problem.

Rowling has been watching the developing market and waiting for the right moment to release her books in that format, Blair said.

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