Monday, December 27, 2010

Top 20 Albums of 2010: 8-7

8. Darin - Lovekiller

Of all of the Swedish pop albums released this year (and there were many), this was right at the top of the list. I wouldn�t have expected that at all. I�ve always been a fan of Darin�s, but never connected to any of his albums. This, a collection of mostly-ballads, shouldn�t have been any different. But it worked. He turned the schmaltz and drama up to eleven and crafted a world-conquering sound that was more than a little reminiscent of the late, great Michael Jackson. More than anything, it ushered him into a new stage of his career. Expect more massive hooks to follow.


7. Take That - Progress

Who would have thought? This is easily the most experimental �boy band� album I�ve ever heard. Bringing Robbie back into the fold seemed to inspire a new verve in the band�s music. I�ve never been more than a casual fan before, but this majestic batch of songs yielded a late-Fall sucker punch. It�s one of the more eclectic mixes on the countdown, overseen by producer extraordinaire Stuart Price. What could have been a disaster plays instead like 2010�s best rock-opera.


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