Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top 20 Albums of 2010: 6-5

6. Marina & The Diamonds - The Family Jewels

I came full circle with Marina this year (seems to be a trend with 2010 albums). Though I didn�t mention her all that much on the blog, this album sound tracked much of the first half of this year. What initially seemed cluttered and a bit crazy sharpened into a lush, intriguing pop album the likes of which we haven�t seen in quite awhile. It won�t be everybody�s cup of tea (hell, it nearly wasn�t mine), but once it connected it connected in a big way. It�s one of the few albums I don�t seem to get tired with.


5. The Hoosiers - The Illusion Of Safety

Wow, this year�s list seems to be populated with artists that I previously disliked or was ambivalent to. I was not a fan of the Hoosiers� first album, but as soon as they reinvented themselves as a Buggles-esque 80�s synth-pop band, I knew I had to give them a chance. What resulted was one of the best albums of the year. It�s simply flawless pop throughout, veering off in surprising directions while never straying too far from the radio. Uniformly great choruses, too.


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