Friday, December 17, 2010

Top 20 Albums of 2010: 20-19

20. Elin Lanto - Love Made Me Do It

Somewhat of a hit-or-miss affair, though the hits were so good that it deserves to sneak into my countdown. This album had been brewing for quite some time, which resulted in a long string of singles before it was even released. This gave the final product more of a greatest hits feel than anything. Still, the single choices were brilliant and the combination of Lanto�s scratchy pop voice and a team of excellent songwriters proved more than effective to deliver a grade-a pop album.


19. The Wanted - The Wanted

If someone would have told me that I�d be including a boy band album on this year�s countdown, I wouldn�t have believed them. Despite growing up during the height of turn-of-the-century boy band hysteria, I�ve never been convinced that an entire album of the stuff is much to get excited about. Luckily, The Wanted shifted things with an unexpected, guitar and string-influenced sound. Beyond the singles, this is a remarkably consistent pop album brimming with potential hits. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would (and technically, it�s only the first of two boy band albums on the countdown this year)


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