Friday, December 3, 2010

Rant #397: This and That

With all the hubbub the past week about Thanksgiving and the beginning of Hanukkah, I seem to have overlooked some really important things that are happening in our world.

Lindsay Lohan and Mr. Palin Being Considered For �Dancing With the Stars�: Another two reasons to not watch this program.

Earthquake Rocks Long Island: Not in my neck of the woods, though. Heck, if we would have felt it in my part of Long Island, I would have contemplated moving to California.

Cyber Monday Record Sales: Can�t these people get off their fannies and wake up at 3 a.m. on Black Friday and stand out in the cold and rain and do their shopping? Why do they have to do it on work time?

Eminem Nabs 10 Grammy Nominations: See the Lindsay Lohan/Mr. Palin entry above, and multiply the number times five.

10th Anniversary of George Bush Declaring Himself Presidential Winner: Remember, Al Gore sought a recount in Florida, because the state�s �chads� were faulty? Don�t you yearn for those days of such simpleness?

Rep. Charles Rangel Asks Representatives To Vote Against Censure: Sorry, Charles, the jig is up. You have been misrepresenting yourself for years, you were caught, and now it is time to pay the piper.

New York City Eyes Professional Look For Cabbies: Soon they will look like doctors should look; have you seen the dress of doctors lately�they look like cabbies!

Jeter, Yankees Still Can�t Agree on Contract: What a shame. He can�t feed his family on this type of money? When is enough truly enough for these people?

Gil McDougald Passes: One of the lower-key Yankee stars from the golden age of New York City baseball passes on. A true legend all the way.

Just Four Weeks To Go In 2010: Thank goodness. I look forward to the new year. Maybe I will finally get a raise in 2011!

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