Monday, December 6, 2010

The Pusher - Planets

"Planets collide all the time"

December seems to be the month of Swedish bands changing their names. First it was Dyno (who are now Set Fire Run), and now it's Fashion (who I posted about back in August), who are now The Pusher. I hate to say it, but in both cases I liked the original name better. But this blog isn't about names. It's about music, and that's what matters. I'm delighted that the band will be releasing their best song (Blinded By The Dark) as a single. Planets is another old song that I think deserves definite single status. With a touch-up on the production, I could see this being really big because the melody's so strong. It's an excellent mix of pop and rock with a rollicking stadium chorus. Wait until about a minute in... it totally explodes. In a way, it's a little Kelly Clarkson-esque. In addition to this track, the guys have written a song with perhaps the funniest title of 2010: Blow Me And Run. Only in Sweden, folks.

The Pusher - Planets by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to their songs (and friend them) here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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