Friday, December 17, 2010

My Review of Doctor Who's: "Meanwhile In The TARDIS Scene 2"

Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Euros Lyn

The Doctor: �That is not why you are here.�
Amy: �Then why am I here?�
The Doctor: �Because ... because I can�t see it any more.�
Amy: �See what?�
The Doctor: �I�m 907. After a while, you just can�t see it.�

Can I just say that I hope when Season 6 is released on DVD that there are more of these little gems to be had? The first one was excellent and this second one definitely hits a certain good spots as well.

First off all, there�s the cooling down of Amy�s thrusting sexuality for starters. If I hear one more person whinging about her trying it on with the Doctor in �Flesh And Stone�, I�ll lose the plot and while it takes a bit to get her to back off in this one, there are worse reasons to hate a television character. Similarly there are also worse reasons to be travelling with the Doctor.

After Amy teased him mercilessly about his prowess as a bloke (is the Doctor a typical bloke? I don�t bloody think so but Amy did raise some pointers), the moment where the Doctor told Amy that she was travelling with him because he couldn�t �see it� was perfect in a way because while it�s partially subterfuge for his real motives, it�s not entirely untrue.

Say what you want about Amy as a companion but after all the specials last year, just having a regular companion again has been a godsend for the series. It isn�t just about having a human influence to keep the Doctor in check; it�s also about having someone with him that he can show the wonders of the universe to as well. Never mind the companion for a minute � it�s the Doctor who gets to light up when he�s in a position of sharing something wonderful with a friend.

And that�s also the best part of this scene as well because not only does it end with the intent to add Rory in the mix but Steven Moffat dovetails a thorny issue by having Amy trick the Doctor into showing her visual records of most of the TARDIS inhabitants over the last forty seven years (�Miss out the metal dog, why don�t you?�). Amy, you might be in a long line of young things the Doctor�s travelled with, but you�ll definitely be one of the most remembered as well.

- This scene is set in between �Flesh And Stone� and �The Vampires Of Venice�, hence the Doctor and Amy�s attire.
- The last person to compare the Doctor to Gandalf was the Master from Season 3. Loved the Yoda allusion as well.
- �Involuntary snort of affection?� Oh, Doctor, Rory�s nose isn�t that bad. Also why didn�t we see any male companions during that visual?
- Euros Lyn has now directed for nearly every new series Doctor and companion, except for Rory of course. Here�s hoping that he gets a chance to do so soon.

A total gem of a second scene. Even if you don�t have Season 5 on DVD, find a means of watching this scene. You won�t regret it.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

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