Monday, December 6, 2010

It's A Fix It's A Fix

And here's a look at some of the programmes I've been watching over the last two weeks.

Glee - It's that time of year again - Sectionals! Last time we had set lists revealed and Emma's wedding become a non starter. This time around you've got Emma actually marrying Carl, Sam/Quinn doing Time Of My Life (wasn't Black Eyed Peas enough?) along with Santana belting out Valerie and Rachel/Finn coming to an ending for now. Elsewhere, Kurt's beginning to realise that the Warblers aren't that great, we've got a new member in Lauren and while I'm still not invested in Artie/Brittany, I didn't mind them this week. Oh, and no Sue along with Mercedes/Tina's rendition of Dog Days Are Over along with Rachel/Kurt's Don't Cry For Me Argentina certainly hit the musical spots.

Misfits - Last two episodes have for me seen this show go from great TV to must see TV. I know the whole Time Traveller's Wife arc with Future Simon and Alisha is hardly the most innovative thing on TV but damn it, it worked brilliantly and it's certainly improving both characters as well. Plus episodes with powered up tattoo artists, psychotic gamers and power tranfers through heart transplants shouldn't be this good but it's nice to see this show exceeding my expectations nonetheless though. Now if only Nathan and Kelly could just see sense with each other and I actually don't mind Curtis and Nikki as a pairing.

Merlin - For the most part I've enjoyed the last two episodes and while the series has still been worth watching, it's also been horribly inconsistent in places as well. At least with this story, we've got the Knights of the Round Table, Morgana temporarily defeated, Cenred and Morgause despatched and a brief reappearance of Freya along with some actual progression with Arthur and Gwen if not as much with Merlin (though I liked the last scene a lot). Here's hoping when the shorter fourth season returns that this level of progression will sustain itself.

I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here - Aww, when I got into, I actually liked this series again. Gillian provided some morbid comedy before she got the boot and I could empathise with Dom Joly's complete irritation with Kayla (what, she wasn't famous enough for the US version?) but overall it reminded me why I liked Stacey Solomon so much. The girl is utterly bonkers but so damn likeable that at the end, it only made sense for her to win the bloody thing. Maybe a certain other ITV show could take some tips.

The X Factor - Memo to Simon Cowell - this show is supposed to be decided by the public and while you and Cheryl Cole continue to prove how little you both actually know about music, someone with actual talent got sacrificed last night. I never thought for a second that Mary Byrne would win the show but she deserved to be in the final and the fact that Cher Lloyd got through after an abysmal performance of Everytime only proved two things - a) ageism is still alive in Britain today and b) Simon really needs to stop sucking to Cheryl, even if I do want Rebecca to win. I knew Mary Byrne was going but after last night, it should've been Cher. At least the Glee bit was fun.

- In news that won't shock at all, Dexter has been deservedly renewed for a sixth season. I still have to watch Season 5 but I hear I'm in for a treat.
- True Blood's third season will air on FXUK in January. Looks like they're promoting the werewolf aspect of the series as well.
- Stephan Amell is joining The Vampire Diaries for a two episode arc playing a character called Brady.
- Expect to see the return of both Susan's mother and her aunt in Desperate Housewives soon. Also in the last episode this year, someone gets shot.
- The CW are planning a series based on DC Comics character, Raven as a replacement for Smallville.
- Glee will be covering a Black Eyed Peas song in an upcoming episode. The Christmas one airs tomorrow on FOX.

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