Wednesday, December 1, 2010

GLEE Season 2 'Special Education' Recap

New Directions is finalizing their setlist for Sectionals and working around Kurt leaving. Puck helps find his replacement and ends up with Lauren who you may remember has been a vampire in a few episodes. When Emma tells Schue that his arrangements for the group have gotten predictable when Rachel, Finn and Mercedes get most of the songs, he decides to change things up a bit. He gives the solo to Sam and Quinn and asks Brittany and Mike to turn their performances into So You Think You Can Dance.

Rachel and Mercedes don�t really get to sing at all and Rachel is pissed. Schue snaps and yells at her for her bad attitude but I dunno Schue, I can see why she�d be mad. This is a competition. It means too much to rely on the mediocre singers of the group. It�s not her fault they suck most of the time. Plus, he�s kind of a hypocrite. He was happy to showcase the power singers before his crush told him to change. And while we�re at it, these are group performances right? Why can�t they all have a part and focus on the team work of it all? That�s what I miss from the early episodes.

Rachel is having a bad week. She finally finds out about Finn sleeping with Santana and everyone knew it but her. She�s understandably hurt by Finn and drags them both to couples counceling. With the entire group hating on her as usual and not having anything to do singing wise, she bonds with Kurt. Kurt isn�t fitting in with The Warblers and goes to her for advice when he�s not welcomed with open arms. Did he really expect to just walk in and take over? He�s going to audition for a solo and Rachel helps him prepare a nice ballad Don�t Cry For Me Argentina. Unfortunately for Kurt, he�s trying too hard. The Warblers are about team work and not who can be the loudest and most show offy.

The time before Sectionals is overshadowed with relationship drama. Finn and Rachel break up after she makes out with Puck, Emma gets married to Carl in vegas and Schue is all emo about it, and Artie thinks Brittany is cheating on him with Mike. But to be fair, Tina put that idea in his head. He was comfortable enjoying giving Brittany a magic comb to help her do well in her performances. It turns out she isn�t cheating on him and was just sad that she lost his magic comb. Oh Brittany.

After The Hipsters, a group of old people perform, The Warblers take the stage and boy do they shine. Okay, so mostly it�s Blaine but at least everyone is singing. And acapella is always very impressive. They sing Hey Soul Sister and it�s pretty amazing. At this point i�m convinced that they deserve to win over New Directions. It�s interesting watching Kurt take a back seat. Rachel is encouraging him from the audience and all of New Directions loves it. You know who doesn�t? SCHUE. What a hypocrite. The look on his face is really hilarious.

It�s finally time for New Directions to take the stage. It starts out with Sam and Quinn trying to belt out I�ve Had The Time Of My Life. Man. This is rough. Depending on them alone was kind of a mistake. But I guess they have to be fair. They verge into Valerie and a solo by Santana and it�s turned into a show. Brittany and Mike are out in front dancing in ways I can�t even comprehend, and the whole group is so upbeat. It�s a great performance overall but I really think if more than just three people got to sing, they would have won. It�s a tie and both New Directions and The Warblers are going to Regionals. New Directions celebrates by letting Mercedes and Tina sing behind closed doors with Dog Days Are Over.

By Noelle at Rickey

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