Thursday, December 16, 2010

Duran Duran - Girl Panic

"I was going somewhere"

This is the best Duran Duran have sounded since the 80's. In fact, this is sort of exactly how they sounded in the 80's. Girl Panic, from their new digital EP, has a real Planet Earth feel to it. That's probably why I loved it on first listen. As a band, Duran Duran have always been a mixed bag for me. I've only really enjoyed their first couple of albums and then a few of the singles after that. And I haven't been impressed with any of their more recent, "comeback" stuff. From what I've heard of the new album, it sounds like they're finally enjoying a sort of return to form. Much of the kudos should go to Mark Ronson, who produced the album with an obvious appreciation for the band's roots. Groups like this that have been around forever shouldn't try to chase trends. We love them because of what they do well, and they're better off sticking to that. This is a great example of Duran Duran knowing their audience. And in going retro, this sounds incredibly fresh.

Duran Duran - Girl Panic by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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