Saturday, December 4, 2010

Don't Send In The Clones - Doctor Who Series 6 Spoilers

I know two blogs on this show in a row, I should stop. Don't worry, I will have something non-Doctor Who related tomorrow night, promise.

First up, quick edit, because these behind the scenes pictures of the Radio Times photoshoot with Matt Smith, Michael Gambon and Katherine Jenkins are too good not to be blogged about. Link at the bottom and prepared to be amazed.

Filming has begun on episodes 5 and 6, known as The Rebel Flesh/Gangers or the Matthew Graham two-parter if you like and if Sarah Smart (playing Jennifer Lucas in the story) wasn't good enough casting, then surely Matthew's former work buddy, Marshall Lancaster is, right? The lovely actor plays a character called Buzzer in this two-parter.

Some brief filming pictures of Karen Gillan with Matt Smith's stunt double there but the concept behind this story seems to be set in an office with some clones. At one point in the story, the Doctor himself is cloned, which if you look in The Brilliant Book explains why some of his current catchphrases are confused. Whether or not we get cloned versions of Amy and Rory remains to be seen.

Here's a picture of Caerphilly Castle, formerly used for episodes such as The End Of Time and The Vampires Of Venice. It'll be interesting to see how it's present for this one though. Matthew Graham has also said in a recent tweet that Gangers refers to both work foremen and doppelgangers as well.

This device I am not sure of - perhaps the thing that clones foremen and the Doctor alike? There's still no idea on who the main baddie for this one is as well but in recent interviews, it has been confirmed from Piers Wengers that the series split this year is for creative reasons, rather than practical ones and that Series 6 won't be bringing back any more classic monsters. Well, there are my hopes of seeing the Ice Warriors dashed but I will be surprised if we get a Dalek-less season in 2011.

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