Thursday, December 16, 2010

Contempo Technologies PVT LTD organizes Chris Mom-Chris Child game

Contempo Technologies PVT LTD has already begun celebrating Christmas by playing Chris Mom-Chris Child game.

It is an amusing game where Chris Child would find out who his/her Chris Mom is and do the tasks assigned by the Mom.

The name of all the participants will be written on a different piece of paper and would be mixed up. Each one of them would be asked to pick up one. The person who took the paper is the Chris Mom for the person, whose name was written on the piece of paper taken. Till the end, no one would disclose the name they got. From the following day, it�s the duty of Chris Mom to take care of the Chris Child, either by giving tasks or by sharing gifts. Sometimes, the tasks would be funny and it will make the game quite hilarious.

This game would be played for a few days until Christmas Eve. And in the end, the suspense would be broken to the child by announcing who the Mom is. After disclosing the secret, the Chris Mom would give the Chris Child a memorable gift.

This is not the first time Contempo Technologies PVT LTD is organizing such an event. This company is hosting Chris Mom-Chris Child game every year. Playing these kinds of games would surely create a friendly atmosphere. It would provide an opportunity for all the employees to interact with each other. And the most important thing is that employees would gain self confidence.

Finding a balance between work and play is crucial. Contempo Technologies PVT LTD is trying to achieve the balance between both and it certainly deserves appreciation.

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