Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cloned British Products is 'Safe�

Meat and milk from the offspring of cloned animals should be sold freely in Britain without being labelled, the Food Standards Authority declared.

The food safety watchdog said produce from the descendants of cloned pigs and cows is safe to eat and should not have to undergo any extra checks compared with other animals before going on sale.

Ministers are expected to rubber stamp the new guidelines, clearing the final hurdle for the meat and milk of cloned animals to be sold freely in Britain.

The FSA published new advice yesterday which stipulated that farmers must seek a license before selling meat or milk from cloned animals, but not their offspring.

An advisory panel on food safety will decide whether the food from cloned animals should be labeled on a case-by-case basis, but food from the descendants of clones will not need a label.

The new guidance was prompted by a scare in the summer when it emerged that meat from the offspring of a cloned cow had been sold unwittingly in butchers� shops without a license being obtained.

The discovery sparked a storm of controversy over ethics of cloning animals for food and the FSA commissioned an investigation into the safety of the practice.

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