Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Moths to the Flame: The Rubbernecker Follies

If you have been following my Fire Week Special, by now you have figured out that I am a rubbernecker.
I am not the kind of rubbernecker that likes to cause trouble though.
I bet you've heard that before.

Three vehicles from the local fire station are in front of Big Green Bar. I am just taking a walk, not expecting to turn a corner and run into such excitement.

I take a picture of the lights on the fire truck, even though it's pitch dark. Like a bug to a zapper, I drift closer. But I stand, out of the way. Two women are watching next to me, from across the tiny cross street. One of the paramedics is setting up a stretcher covered with clean white cotton cloth. He's not rushing, so, good. Not anything horrible.

"What happened?" I ask. The young women shrug.
"Somebody called an ambulance."
"Right," I nod. "And they went into Big Green Bar."
They stare at the empty stretcher, eating yogurt with Gummy Bears in it.  I am reminded of a newspaper photo I once saw of a grisly crime scene where spectators had Slurpees. So I cross the street to get farther away, and go to the grocery store. How about that? Told you: I'm the kind of rubbernecker you want.

But the excitement's still there when I get out! And here's your proof! Damn I love the lights!

Thankfully, the paramedics and firefighters have it under control. But it's an arena, for sure . . .  packed with an audience of people who just wanted to go back in and drink. Maybe they got to scream or found a conversational gambit in it. It is a pick-up bar, after all.

I am glad you professionals knew what to do. I went home, secure in the knowledge it was my best contribution.

I'm sure you wondered why I took photos of your vehicles in the pitch black night. Just another mental case out on the street with enough money for a camera. What is the world coming to?

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