Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pop Blitz 9/21/10

Cheryl Cole - Promise This This is what her first album should have sounded like. Gone is the R&B-lite, replaced by a storming dance track with an in-your-face (to the point of being mildly irritating) french hook. A-

Katy B - Katy On A Mission
I just don't get the appeal of this song. It's all bark, no bite. Attitude everywhere, but not much of a hook to hang it on. C

Jay Sean - 2012 (It Ain't The End) (ft. Nicki Minaj)
Jay Sean attempts to avoid one-hit-wonder status with this gimmicky, derivative track. The melody's lazy and completely forgettable. Amazingly, Nicki Minaj is the highlight. C-

Mark Ronson - The Bike Song (ft. Kyle Falconer)
Miles away from his last single, but nearly as good. It's such a laid back, summer song that it's a shame that it wasn't released back in June. Always a plus to hear Falconer's vocals, too. A-

Far East Movement - Like A G6
I'm not sure what's supposed to make this "far east," but beyond the elastic beat, there's nothing much here. Dumb lyrics + a boring hook = D+

The XX - Islands
Winners of this year's prestigious Mercury music prize, this pretty, laidback single showcases the band's downtempo style. It's a pleasant sound, though I can't say I understand what all the fuss is about. B

B.O.B. - Magic (ft. Rivers Cuomo)
I much prefer this to Airplanes. Rather than maudlin, the chorus is catchy and fun. Cuomo was the perfect choice for a guest artist. A nice Autumn single with a Summer feel. B

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