Thursday, September 16, 2010


After the furore caused by Adidas' Jabulani match ball in South Africa the spotlight and pressure has been on Nike to get it right for the new Premier League season.

The early indications are that they have got it pitch perfect. Tested on the training grounds of Europe's biggest clubs, the T90 Tracer is a ball that carries with it the strap line 'Total Obedience'. Some of our shooting in an impromptu kickaround was not exactly totally obedient but there's no doubting it's a lovely ball that even the layman can appreciate.
Nike's engineers claim they have created the first ever match ball that has a 360 degree sweet spot.
In ensuring there is no hard or soft spot the manufactures have given the player every chance to strike the ball true, with innovative technology ensuring the T90 is a leader in aerodynamic efficiency.

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