Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Review of "Dead In The Family"

Written by Charlaine Harris
Released in 2010

Eric: �You were right. This is just like the end of one of Shakespeare�s plays.�
Sookie: �We�re the people left standing, yay for us.�
Eric: �I�m free.�

I bought this book an hour after I watched the first episode for Season 3 and I decided that when I had seen and reviewed all of that season, I would then put up a review for the latest Sookie Stackhouse instalment in print. Was this book worth the wait? Um, yeah, I guess it was.

Keeping with the established fact that TV and book Sookie are two entirely different entities for the most part, this is a tale that will certainly please the Sookie/Eric shippers in their droves. No more skirting around the issues anymore as they are finally a proper couple in this book and it wouldn�t be without its hiccups, would it?

The arrival of Eric�s book maker Ocella and Alexei (who has something of an interesting family history) certainly throw the usual set of spanners into the works. It�s an interesting dynamic as Sookie (and Jason as well) finds sympathy for Alexei and just about manages to hold her hostility for the maker in question but sadly, something just doesn�t engage me.

I blame this on the second season�s depiction of Eric and Godric�s progeny and maker relationship which were so beautifully depicted and while it was wise for Charlaine Harris to take something of an opposite stance with Ocella; it still doesn�t make for an interesting read. Even the maker�s death towards the end as a crazed Alexei wrecks havoc disappointed in a way.

But Sookie and Eric�s relationship however is interesting enough. The writing still comes across as a little too fanfiction like at times but I�m beginning to warm more and more to them as a couple and it�s a credit that Sookie has enough going on in her life aside from Eric to keep this book interesting.

Her matey rapport with Pam after they�re attacked almost makes up for the departure of Amelia and the brief moments with a hugely pregnant Tara in the story but the odd couple house sharing of Sookie and Claude might take some getting used along with Dermot�s turnaround from dangerous fairy to misunderstood fairy.

Still, it�s these plots along with Sookie and Sam�s strengthened friendship and her realisation that trying to teach Hunter to handle his abilities are hard work also help make up for a weaker plot with Alcide. I get that he wanted to figure out who killed one of his wolves but I wished that hadn�t resorted in him getting Sookie drugged up as a result. Here�s hoping he gets a more engaging plot in the next book if he shows up in it.

- The cover I got for this issue was of the Season 3 cast shot for the series. Odd considering that Lafayette and Jessica aren�t part of the book world.
- Claudine made sure that Sookie was financially set up. The last scene with Claude and Dermot getting into Sookie�s bed was odd.
- Sam, Jason and Alcide were given other love interests in this book. Bill was also reunited with Lorena�s other progeny; Judith after Sookie tracked her down to cure Bill�s silver poisoning. Oh and Debbie Pelt�s body was uncovered as well.
- There were some mentioning in this book about weres and shifters aiming for the same kind of rights that vampires have been struggling to get.

Not a bad book as such but definitely one of the weaker ones of the bunch. I could easily re-read �Dead In The Family� again but after the fairy antics of the previous one, I don�t think the danger quotient was as satisfying in this one. Does that make me a sadist?

Rating: 8 out of 10.

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