Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hollyoaks - Ste/Brendon Spoiler

I promised I'd start talking more about gay plot in soaps storylines, so here's another blog, following some news concerning Hollyoaks.

It seems actor Kieran Richardson, who plays former bad boy, Ste Hay has come out as gay. Although I had sort of already guessed, the actor announced his sexuality on This Morning today as a plotline concerning his character has also been revealed.

It seems that Ste's volatile relationship with employer/gangster, Brendan Brady (Emmett Scanlan) will take another turn when the pair kiss and Brendan then rejects Ste. The scenes are due to air next month as executive producer, Paul Marquess promises that both Ste and Brendan will have different viewpoints on their mutual attraction to the same sex. I like Ste but I've struggled to find Brendan all that interesting but I'm intrigued by this storyline.

More Details:

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