Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DW Series 6 Filming In Bristol/Massive Spoiler Alert

I swear I was going to lay off filming pics after yesterday but one more from this episode, eh? First of all, a promotional still for the Doctor Who Live tour, which you can follow the progress off, courtesy of Twitter ( The tour starts in October and those lucky enough to attend should see some exclusive scenes at it.

I should've mentioned in the previous blog that filming for the Mark Gatiss episode is actually taking place in Bristol this week and that the Neil Gaiman one begins production next week. Amy's looking rather spooked in the above photo, isn't she?

I'm not sure what is inspiring this leap from Amy here but I certainly cannot wait to see it nonetheless. It's brilliant how you wait ages for some decent filming pics and then all at once, you're inundated with loads of them. The TARDIS still looks the same from last year and the Doctor's uupdated outfit is nice looking as well, though I wasn't expecting a radical change anyways.

I love this one of Amy, the Doctor and Rory musing over a photograph - the three of them have really come together as a team, haven't they? That being said, Issue 426 of DWM's Production Notes has one almighty spoiler in relation to the season's cliffhanging seventh episode ....

"So what can I tell you about next series? The startling truth about Idris' new soul - even the Doctor doesn't believe her! The frankly appalling revelation concerning the one person in the universe the Doctor trusts the most? Would you like to peek inside a cupboard that will chill your blood, or meet a workforce that will haunt your dreams? Have you ever wondered about Apollo Ten and a half? And have you already guessed that River Song is ..."And:"The calamitous and frankly shocking events at the climax of Episode 7 will still be ringing in your ears when Doctor Who returns in the Autumn for a futher six episodes. Oh, yes, feel our cruelty - you will see the Doctor's life change forever, you will gasp in astonishment at the true nature of his relationship with Amy Pond, and you will cry out in horror as Rory Williams stumbles to the brink of a tragic mistake..."

EDIT: Surranne Jones has been cast as the mysterious Idris. The actress has already appeared last year in The Sarah Jane Adventures, so it's not too big a shock that she'd wind up in Doctor Who, is it?

Reaction: Oh fuck? What the hell is Apollo Ten and a half? Is River going to be revealed as a villain and will we get a companion death this year that sticks? I guess Steven Moffat wasn't kidding when he mentioned that Series 6 really does have a game changer on it's hands. As for Amy, I love the girl but it makes sense that her storyline isn't entirely finished up and I'm so looking forward to finding out what the hell the Silence is, after the mystery surrounding it this year and I'm worried for Rory - again!

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