Monday, September 20, 2010

The Dance Party - Sasha Don't Sleep

"What you runnin' for"

The Dance Party is a new synth-rock band with an upcoming album, Touch, released in a week. I can't figure out if they're gonna be amazing or just alright. There are a number of pluses in their column, but some minuses as well. The biggest plus is that they've worked with The Darkness's Justin Hawkins, whose influence on other artists (Adam Lambert, Meatloaf) has been universally stellar. Also, a lot of their stuff sounds like The Galvatrons (especially this song). Of course, they've also worked with one half of 3Oh!3, one of the most irritating bands in the world. I'm also a little worried about the emo influences hanging around their music (the vocal phrasing in particular), but I'm optimistic about the album as a whole. In fact, the more I listen to this single, the more I like it. They've got an amazing cover, as well.

The Dance Party - Sasha Don't Sleep by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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