Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Some extremely talented people have some very interesting projects in the works, that are worth chasing down and checking out.

Jonathan Blitstein -- a producer of
Manigma, now has his own full-length play "Keep Your Baggage With You (at all times) about relationships in the digital age, coming to the Dream Up Festival at the Theater For The New City from Aug 8-14.

Julia Wolfermann -- a fine actress, will be appearing in the HB Playwrights production of A Stretcar Named Desire, directed by Austin Pendleton & Brian Lady at the Cherry Pit from July 22 to August 7.

Austin Pendleton (a legendary actor/director/teacher/producer/writer...), by the way, is a busy guy right now, because he is also directing
Etty at the Midtown International Theater Festival.

Rachael Richman -- a very special actress with unique training and experience is currently in Are We Here Yet at the undergroundzero festival (no caps allowed for "undergroundzero festival") at PS 122, through Sunday July 18. (WEEK TWO!)

Mikal Evans -- has a wonderful voice and will be performing Friday July 30 11 PM at
Rockwood Music Hall (on Allen Street near Houston). Mikal is also in a new film called Kissing Chloe with

Robin Singer -- a beautiful and talented actress who, in addition to being kissed in Kissing Chloe is in a new comedy web series called Public Relations. And... she'll be appearing in
Jessica Hinds' Why They Came on August 14 9 PM at Theater at St. Clements, part of the Strawberry Theater Festival. Follow Robin @

Eric Roffman -- And then there's Me -- Andrew Serban's short film
West Side Girl (with Me in a small part) will have its world premiere at Anthology Film Archives (as part of the Short Film Program at the NewFilmmakers Film Festival) at 7:15 PM on August 18, 2010:

Andrew Serban -- is a terrific new filmmaker, cinematographer and photographer:

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