Saturday, July 3, 2010

June Muster

Our Declaration of Independence was won by gentleman farmers and good writers, men in agreement. After that, we've had to fight to keep it so, in small ways and large, meeting both threat and stupidity head on.

Today and here, this blog honors the nineteen law enforcement officers killed in June, 2010. Their sacrifice causes me to reflect that Independence is a living thing that must be renewed every day. These who are listed below are some who have kept it alive. They are not now here to enjoy it. Some were felled by gunfire by vicious killers. A significant number of others were killed by drunk drivers. Almost all of them leave behind families with young children.

--Marc Castellano--Joshua Yazzie--Eddie Wotipka--
--Thomas Coleman--Wesley Brown--Michael Perry--Doug Weddleton--
--Caroline Green--Dean Riding--Craig Shaw--Philip Ortiz--Melissa Powers--
--Richard Daniels--Carol Scruggs--Lucke Nihart--Justin McGrory--
--Brett Oswald--David Curtis--Jeffrey Kocab--

You can learn more about these officers on the Officer Down Memorial Page.
In the meantime, please do not drink and drive today.

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