Karen Gillan said in DWM that her fitness level was going to be tested on this show. Hope she likes running because even without a certain Donna Noble quote, we all know there's an outrageous amount of the stuff to do.

Amy is something of a tie grabber as these pictures can show. Is it me or is there a bit of UST between her and The Doctor? I know after Rose, that's the last thing that a lot of viewers want to see but those pictures show a lot of chemistry between Eleven and Amy.

Another one at the ice cream van. Maybe the baddie of the episode is trying to kill people with 99's. Joke, people.

Some YouTube Goodness ...
New Title Sequence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fAQ26q5ATI
Amy Grabbing Eleven: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9mDt68fuuY
More Filming: http://www.youtube.com/user/slrpap#p/u/11/zM7M7mzZ6yQ
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