Thursday, March 13, 2008

American Idol 2008 Results: DAVID HERNANDEZ Voted Off!

The American Idol top twelve results show kicked off with a promotional segment for the �Horton Hears A Who� movie. Ryan Seacrest revealed that over twenty-nine million votes were cast for the top twelve finalists. Seacrest also pointed out comedian Jim Carrey in the audience. Carrey was dressed up as an elephant and provided some additional plugs for the �Horton Hears A Who� movie. Carrey is the voice of the elephant Horton in the movie.

The top twelve American Idol 7 finalists performed a group song of Beatles melodies. After a recap of the top twelve performance show, Ryan Seacrest asked Carly Smithson, Michael Johns, Jason Castro, and Syesha Mercado to stand up. Seacrest revealed that Carly, Michael, and Jason were safe, but Syesha was in the bottom three. Seacrest called Syesha down to center stage, where Syesha gave another performance of �Got To Get You Into My Life.�

After the Ford music video, Seacrest introduced a segment on how much the contestants� lives had changed since becoming a part of American Idol. Seacrest asked Chikezie, Amanda Overmyer, David Cook, and Kristy Lee Cook to stand up. Seacrest revealed that Chikezie, Amanda, and David were all safe, but Kristy was in the bottom three. Seacrest told Kristy to grab the microphone, and Kristy gave another performance of �Eight Days A Week.�

During call-in questions from American Idol viewers, Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell were asked why they didn�t just duke it out on stage. Seacrest responded, �I say load in the mud, I�m ready.� Another viewer asked Simon Cowell if America or England had the most singing talent, Simon Cowell conceded that American singers had the most talent, but on the judges� panel Simon said the Brits were better. Katherine McPhee and David Foster performed �Something.�

After shooing Jim Carrey away from the contestants� section, Ryan Seacrest called David Archuleta, Brooke White, David Hernandez, and Ramiele Malubay to center stage. Seacrest revealed that David Archuleta, Brooke, and Ramiele were safe, but David Hernandez was in the bottom three. David Hernandez gave another performance of �I Saw Her Standing There.�

Seacrest called the bottom three of Syesha Mercardo, Kristy Lee Cook, and David Hernandez to center stage. Seacrest asked the judges if America selected the right bottom three. Randy Jackson said that it was probably the right bottom three, Paula Abdul said that she had never seen a stronger bottom three, and Simon Cowell said America was spot on. After hearing from the judges, Seacrest revealed that Syesha was safe. Seacrest announced, �After twenty-nine million votes, America has decided that Kristy you are safe.� David Hernandez was eliminated from the competition.

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