Si de moda hablamos no podemos dejar de mencionar a ciudades como: Amsterdam, Paris, Dusseldorf, Mil�n, y Munich. Los mejores dise�adores del mundo entero han lanzado un estilo distinto sobre los tapados de moda. As� los dise�adores advierten rigurosos cambios y novedosos tapados para la nueva temporada.
De extraordinaria voz, cantante y compositora canadiense de m�sica country-pop. Que vino al mundo un 28 de agosto de 1965 en Windsor, Ontario, Canad�, Shania Twain, su infancia la pas� en un peque�o pueblo, Timmins, al noreste de la Provincia de Ontario. Su nombre verdadero es Eilleen Regina Edwards, cuando aun era peque�a su padre se separa de su esposa y las deja abandonadas. Fue adoptada desde peque�a por Jerry Twain quien formaliz� una relaci�n con su madre. Es as� como Eilleen Twain, antes de su lanzamiento como solista en 1993, decidi� cambiar su nombre real por Shania, nombre ind�gena perteneciente a la tribu Ojibwa. Shania Twain ha conquistado fronteras con su talento como compositora e int�rprete. Con sangre mestiza y una pinta hermos�sima, la Twain est� conquistando corazones con canciones como"The Woman in Me (Needs the Man in you)" "You're Still the One." Originaria de Timmins, Ontario, la Sta. Twain vive en Suiza con su esposo, "Mut" Lange, productor disquero de renombre mundial. Shania Twain es la mas exitosa estrella de m�sica country de todos los tiempos. Shania Twain ha obtenido seis �xitos que fueron n�mero 1 de los chats de Billboard. Su mayor �xito es �You�re Still the One�. La canci�n gan� el Grammy como mejor canci�n de m�sica country, y como mejor actuaci�n femenina en m�sica country. Es una de las cuatro canadienses en alcanzar la cima de los chart de m�sica country de Billboard desde sus comienzos en 1944. Gan� tres Juno Awards en el 2003: el premio como la elegida por los fan�ticos, artista del a�o y cantante.
Interesante pregunta. El gozo de la practica del sexo oral es evidentemente incomparable. El anal no lo s�, no lo har�a, tampoco. �Pero es bueno o es malo platicarlo? La respuesta la tiene la web: nosedesexo.
No es bueno ni malo, pues en la intimidad no existe un libreto �nico que todas las personas deban cumplir. Cada pareja, decide qu� pr�ctica adoptar de acuerdo a sus creencias y actitudes. Si bien es cierto el sexo oral como el sexo anal es aceptado por muchas parejas y rechazado por otras, se debe recordar que estas preferencias son personales y merecen respeto. Nadie debe sentirse obligado a practicar tal o cual tipo de sexo s�lo porque la otra persona se lo pide. Si a la pareja no le gusta practicarlo es mejor que se olvide de eso y pueda explorar otros caminos sexuales. Sin embargo, a trav�s del sexo oral como el anal se corre el peligro de contraer alguna infecci�n de transmisi�n sexual (ITS) o el VIH-Sida. Por ello, es importante utilizar siempre un cond�n en todas las relaciones sexuales, para cuidarnos y cuidar a nuestra pareja.
Interesante pregunta. La verdad siempre escuch� a mis amistades que sus primeras experiencias coitales obligatoriamente ellas emit�an una suerte de hemorragia leve, debido a la pr�ctica sexual. Sin embargo nosedexo contradice totalmente mi acostumbrada teor�a, porque no siempre las mujeres sangran su primera vez.
De modo que vale hacerse la siguiente pregunta: Si las mujeres no sangran su primera vez, �significa que no son v�rgenes?
Falso. Existen muchos mitos que hablan de la virginidad y uno de ellos es que �la mujer tiene que sangrar para demostrar su virginidad�. Este mito es causa de muchos conflictos dentro de una relaci�n de pareja ya que si la mujer no sangra la primera vez que tiene relaciones sexuales, el hombre asume que ella no es virgen. El sangrado que se presenta cuando se tiene la primera penetraci�n, va a depender de la cantidad de sangre que existe en el himen de cada mujer. Si la cantidad es escasa, no sangrar� y si es alta se ver� un peque�o sangrado. Pero no s�lo depende de la cantidad de sangre del himen, si no tambi�n de la consistencia de este, ya que existen h�menes complacientes (himen el�stico) que luego de la penetraci�n recobran su estado normal sin alterarse en nada. En todo caso, si no sangraste la primera vez, ya sabes que es normal. Pero si el sangrado contin�a por varios d�as (y no te toca la regla) consulta con un m�dico.
Hoy en d�a ya no es extra�o ver mujeres adolescentes embarazadas en cualquier lugar. En el colegio, en el barrio donde vives o en el trabajo. Cada d�a el inicio a las relaciones sexuales ocurre a una edad m�s temprana. Es probable que dichos embarazos no hayan sido previamente planificados. �Pero por qu� se dan estos casos de embarazos en una etapa poco recomendable? Nosedexo mas o menos nos da una explicaci�n convincente de el por qu�.
En nuestra sociedad a�n se cree que los j�venes salen embarazadas porque carecen de valores o mantienen conductas irresponsables. Esto es falso. Las adolescentes se embarazan por la falta de acceso a la educaci�n e informaci�n en sexualidad. Lamentablemente en muchos hogares hablar del tema es todav�a un tab�, por el temor que tienen los padres de adelantar la idea de sexo en sus hijos. Muchos casos de embarazo precoz se hubieran podido evitar si la adolescente y sus padres hubiesen tenido la confianza suficiente para hablar acerca de sus dudas y temores. Otro tema fundamental es no exigir a la pareja que se cuide usando alg�n m�todo anticonceptivo como el cond�n por temor a que pueda pensar mal de ella. Esta es una de las consecuencias que produce la falta de informaci�n veraz acerca de la sexualidad. m�s temas.
Siempre pens� que la masturbaci�n me hac�a perder m�s energ�a que cuando hac�a relaciones sexuales con mi pareja. Pero al leer esta p�gina web nosedesexo me di con la sorpresa de que es totalmente falso. Y ambas funciones tienen la misma intensidad de desgaste. Yo si le creo, porque nosedexo es una autoridad en temas de sexualidad.
Es falso la masturbaci�n agota m�s que un coito. La masturbaci�n como cualquier actividad f�sica implica desgaste de energ�a por lo tanto el agotamiento o cansancio est� relacionado con la frecuencia e intensidad de la misma. Hay personas que descargan su ansiedad y angustia a trav�s de la masturbaci�n. A mayor ansiedad mayor es el n�mero de veces que se masturban lo que genera cansancio e insatisfacci�n. La masturbaci�n es autoestimulaci�n, es un encuentro de la persona con s� misma para conocer su cuerpo. Algunos (as) tienen una actitud positiva hacia la masturbaci�n otros (as) la rechazan porque sienten que est�n realizando un acto prohibido, anormal. La diferencia con un coito es que en �ste son dos personas las que intercambian deseos, afectos, pero la intensidad con la que se vive depende del deseo y la disposici�n de la pareja.
"La memoria del coraz�n elimina los malos recuerdos y magnifica los buenos, y gracias a ese artificio, logramos sobrellevar el pasado." Autor: Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez Web: Frasedehoy
Hijo de padres italianos y venezolano de nacimiento, Franco de Vita se ha convertido en uno de los m�sicos y compositores m�s importantes en Am�rica Latina. Franco de Vita no es solo un destacado cantante. Su arte va m�s all� de su voz y tambi�n escribe canciones para muchos otros int�rpretes. Uno de sus temas que consigue m�s popularidad es Vuelve, que realiza para otra gran estrella latinoamericana, Ricky Mart�n. Pero adem�s de componer para otros, Franco sigue trabajando en sus propias producciones. En 1999 saca a la luz otro de sus discos, Nada es igual. En esta ocasi�n impone el ritmo latino a la mayor�a de sus temas y colabora con Cheo Feliciano y Gilberto Santa Rosa en la grabaci�n de Traigo una pena. Su carrera profesional si inicia con el grupo Corpus, con los que anima fiestas y locales p�blicos de la ciudad. En 1982 forma el grupo Icaro, con el que, al a�os siguiente, graba un disco del que Franco es autor de todos los temas. Al a�o siguiente, franco graba su primer disco como solista con el que sorprende a todos los medios musicales del pa�s. El �lbum hom�nimo de Franco de Vita rompe r�cords de ventas y popularidad en su pa�s, consiguiendo ampliamente el medio mill�n de copias vendidas y certificados de Oro y Platino. En 1986, aparece en el mercado venezolano, "Fantas�a", su segundo �lbum que supera las ventas y el impacto de su anterior con temas como el que da t�tulo al �lbum, "Fr�vola", "Aqu� est�s otra vez", "No hace falta decirlo" y "S�lo importas t�" que fue el tema principal de la telenovela La Dama de Rosa que se emiti� en la mayor�a de los pa�ses de Centro y Suram�rica.
So... At around 6:00 this evening, NY time, the last vestige of On The Lot (OTL), it's interesting website, just evaporated into space, redirecting all visitors to the FOX web site.
The show had a great concept: filmmakers competing for a development deal with DreamWorks, making a short film each week with professional Hollywood crews and actors, and the public voting for their favorites. More than ten thousand filmmakers submitted films for the contest, and tens of thousands more loaded additional, serious short films onto the website.
Unfortunately, the TV show was marred by poor writing, an awkward hostess, lack of compelling "judging" and no publicity, so it did poorly in the ratings. It was also on Tuesday at 8:00, where it was afraid to create a really edgy style (the website even BLEEPed out words like screw -- as in screw in a lightbulb) and it competed with the popular America's Got Talent.
The website was marred by bugs, and though it had many interesting and excellent features, it lacked a powerful search function (and other features), which were badly needed on a site with so many films, filmmakers, and actors.
And the whole production was marred by frequent changes of direction, and excessive secrecy that alienated many people who would have been its biggest fans.
The result was that neither the website nor the show really got any traction.
Yet it's a great loss. The concept was great, and had the execution been as good as the concept it would have been a blockbuster show. The website had an extremely rich collection of excellent films -- serious short stories by serious filmmakers -- and the forums, blogs, and industry information could have made this a very valuable website and a central hub for filmmakers and filmmaking.
I hope someone with a great vision, and an equally good production team, puts together a successful show about making films, with a companion website that becomes a central meeting place for filmmakers. And I hope this combination helps spur independent filmmaking and web video, and fosters communication between the world of emerging filmmakers and the professional film industry.
Hija de padre militar ecuatoriano, por su condici�n tenia que estar viajando de un lugar a otro. Eso no fue obst�culo para decidirse a incursionar en el mundo de la m�sica. A los seis a�os ya estaba participando de concursos de talento. Desde ese momento, descubri� que la m�sica era su vida. Empez� triunfando en concursos de talento del colegio. Cuando ten�a ocho a�os sali� por la tele americana, en el concurso "Star Search". Cuando ten�a diez a�os, cant� el himno nacional americano antes de un partido de hockey sobre hielo para los Pittsburgh Steelers y para los Penguins. Christina, a pesar de su juventud, a cantado con grandes estrellas de la m�sica. En su gira por Jap�n cant� junto con Sheryl Crow y Diana Ross. Tambi�n cant� para el presidente de los EE.UU, Bill Clinton, en el espacial televisado "Christmas in Washington", teniendo como compa�ero nada m�s y nada menos que a B.B.King.y adem�s cant� al lado de Enrique Iglesias, Phil Collins y Toni Braxton en el medio tiempo de la Super Bowl. Nombre: Christina Aguilera Nacida el: 18/12/80 en Staten Island Signo Astrol�gico: Sagitario Estado Civil: Soltera Padres: Fausto Aguilera y Shelly Fidler Estatura: 1,56 m Peso: 50 kilos
Sizzling HoTWins Models Irina and Anna from Brooklyn, New YorkEnter The CuervoUltimate Beach Guys and Girls Contest for a chance to win a one year modeling contract with Vision/LA
De ascendencia espa�ola e italiana. Uno de los cantantes latinos m�s exitosos y con mayor cantidad de venta de discos de habla hispana. Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri, mas conocido como Luis Miguel, naci� en Puerto Rico el 19 de abril de 1970 El ni�o prodigio m�s conocido de la canci�n latinoamericana. Hijo de una cantante italiana y de un guitarrista espa�ol. Al perecer la suerte y la fama le sonr�e desde peque�o. A los 10 a�os ya aparece en televisi�n, junto a su padre, cantando su primera canci�n. A los 12 a�os graba su primer disco, que por cierto, es Disco de Oro. Y a los 15, gana un Grammy en Estados Unidos. Su primer �lbum denominado �Un hombre busca una mujer', con �l realiza una complet�sima gira por todo el continente americano. Pasan los a�os y en 1990 recibe el premio World Music Awards, convirti�ndose en el primer artista latino en recibir este preciado galard�n. Lanza su nuevo disco '20 a�os'. En 1991 publica 'Romance', un cambio en su estilo musical, con el que vende casi 8 millones de discos en todo el mundo. Especializado en los boleros, Luis Miguel ha sido el autor, compositor, arreglista y productor de muchas de sus canciones, aunque tambi�n ha sabido rodearse de buenos colaboradores, como los compositores Armando Manzanero y Juan Carlos Calder�n. Entre los premios mas destacados podemos resaltar: Billboard Latin 50 Artist of the Year. Premio al Mejor �lbum Pop Masculino del A�o. 50 discos de Platino a nivel mundial. Cuarto World Music Award como Best Selling Latin Artist. Cuarto Grammy en 1998.
Un grupo de j�venes: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr fundaron la banda The Beatles en 1957 y se disolver�a en 1970. Irrumpieron en el arte musical imponiendo un ritmo hasta ese entonces jam�s escuchado. Destacarse y romper con todo lo anterior no es f�cil, por eso quienes lo logran pasan a la historia sin m�s (y con todos los honores). En un inicio fueron satanizados por la forma de interpretaci�n de sus canciones, pero la euforia de la juventud de aquella �poca hizo que la banda lograra un impacto tremendo en el mundo. The Beatles consiguieron con su m�sica, su forma de vestir, sus actuaciones, imponer modas y estilos de comportamiento. Se convirtieron en un fen�meno de ventas, que se llam� Beatleman�a, en especial porque sus fans gritaban y bailaban al ritmo de sus canciones. Estuvieron al tope de los rankings tanto en Europa como en los Estados Unidos. Es as� que se lo considera uno de las bandas musicales m�s influyentes y exitosas de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Escribir sobre The Beatles es amplio y muy agradable, descubrir cada secreto de Paul McCartney, Lennon, Harrison o Ringo quienes en por los a�os 68-69 ya ni se quer�an ver las caras. Despu�s de dar el famoso concierto de la azotea en el edificio de su sello discogr�fico Apple en el centro de Londres, el grupo no qued� contento con el disco y no se edit� hasta casi un a�o despu�s. Decidi� entrar en el estudio por �ltima vez para grabar el que fue su �ltimo disco (aunque se puso a la venta antes que "Let it be"), el imprescindible "Abbey Road" (1969). El disco acab� por separar del todo al grupo, siendo grabada cada canci�n con cada uno por separado, junt�ndose los cuatro en el estudio en pocas ocasiones. Tras la publicaci�n de "Let It Be", en 1970, se separaron definitivamente, siguiendo cada miembro con su carrera musical en solitario.
Como la casualidad puede llevar a las personas a convertirse de la noche a la ma�ana en toda una estrella de la m�sica latina. Esto fue lo que pas� con este espa�ol Alex Ubago. Supongamos que tienes una novia a la que quieres hacer un regalo especial por su cumplea�os. Como te gusta componer canciones, grabas unas cuantas en una maqueta y se las das. Alguien escucha esa cinta y cree que tu m�sica vale la pena, as� que se pone en contacto con un famoso productor para que escuche tus canciones. �ste queda encantado y decide producirte un disco... Pues bien, eso es exactamente lo que le pas� a Alex. Y al parecer no se equivocaron con este muchachito, pues por su sangre corre la m�sica, herencia de su madre que cantaba de joven. Desde muy chico tuvo afici�n por la m�sica Comenz� a tomar clases de guitarra y de solfeo con 12 a�os, y unos a�os m�s tarde empezar�a a componer. Curiosidades - Sus gustos musicales son muy amplios, desde el rock a las baladas o lo m�s tecno. Admira a solistas como Alejandro Sanz, Manolo Garc�a o Andr�s Calamaro, aunque tambi�n le gustan grupos como Los Secretos, Crowded House o La Cabra Mec�nica. - Empez� a estudiar Empresariales en la Universidad, pero lo dej� aparcado por la m�sica. Dice que en el futuro le gustar�a sacarse la carrera poco a poco. - Juega al billar americano desde hace tiempo, y si no se hubiera dedicado a la m�sica le hubiera gustado ser jugador profesional. - Tiene dos "vicios confesables": los videojuegos y el tabaco.
Raining Pleasure - Love Was Just A Girl
"Integrity's a virtue"
I think that this must be the first Greek band that I've posted on tattoowesley. And, Raining Pleasure (great name, btw) are a perfect one to start off with. Apparently they've been rather popular in their home country for some time. They're a rock group, though an experimental one that isn't afraid to embrace their pop side. For instance, their new single Love Was Just A Girl begins with some odd electronic doodling before bursting into a catchy dance rock beat and later turning into a funky Scissor Sisters-esque chorus. It's a party track through and through, and a very interesting and bizarre one. If all music from Greece is this good, I've really got to do some more research.
Raining Pleasure - Love Was Just A Girl (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! I have no idea where to buy these guys' stuff, so you're on your own!)
Nelly Furtado se inicia en la m�sica cuando se presenta a un concurso de nuevos talentos en Toronto. Luego el grupo Philosopher Kings, uno de los mayores superventas en Canad�, dos miembros de este grupo, producen su primera maqueta. "Whoa, Nelly" que resume el amplio abanico de influencias de Nelly.
Nelly creci� entre pop comercial -Abba, Lionel Ritchie, Madonna, Paula Abdul- sin perder el sentido cr�tico. Poco a poco, se fue interesando por grupos con sabor callejero como los raperos Kris Kross. De ah� pas� a New Edition (el grupo de Bobby Brown), Bel Bib Devoe, Salt-N-Peppa y Jodeci.
Entre sus canciones con m�s �xito se encuentran su sencillo estrella I'm like a bird, por el que gan� un Grammy a la Mejor Actuaci�n Vocal Femenina de Pop en el a�o 2000, Turn off the light, y For�a, que fue el himno oficial de la Eurocopa de F�tbol de 2004 y su ultimo single Say it right.
Certificaciones: Whoa, Nelly! Australia: 2x Platino (140,000) Canad�: 4x Platino (400,000) Holanda: Oro (35,000) Alemania: Oro (100,000) M�xico: Oro (75,000) Nueva Zelanda: 3x Platino (45,000) Noruega: Oro (20,000) Suiza: Platino (40,000) E.U.: 2x Platino (2,000,000) Reino Unido: 2x Platino (600,000+) Folklore Canad�: Platino (100,000) Holanda: Oro (35,000) Nueva Zelanda: Oro (7,500) Suiza: Platino (40,000) E.U.: Oro (500,000) Reino Unido: Oro (200,000) Portugal: Platino (20,000) Loose Australia: 2x Platino (140,000) Austria: 2x Platino (60,000) Canad�: 5x Platino (500,000) Holanda: Oro (35,000) Alemania: 4x Platino (800,000) Nueva Zelanda: 2x Platino (30,000) M�xico: Oro (50,000) Portugal: 2x Platino (40,000) Rusia: 2x Platino (150,000) Suiza: 4x Platino (120,000) E.U.: 2x Platino (2,000,000) Reino Unido: 2x Platino (800,000) Espa�a: Oro (40,000)
Cuando solo ten�a 5 a�os aparece en un programa de humor que su padre hac�a en televisi�n. Tras su intento fallido en los juegos de b�isbol se traslada a Los �ngeles para probar suerte en la interpretaci�n. Clooney confiaba en s� mismo.
Empieza en el cine con papeles secundarios, interpretando roles de Jefe, Marinero, Detective entre otros. Pero llegar�a su suerte al participar como protagonista en la serie �Urgencias�
Desde entonces se acelera su popularidad convirti�ndose en uno de los actores de cine top de las grandes superproducciones de los �ltimos cinco a�os: Abierto hasta el amanecer, Batman y Robin, El pacificador, Tres Reyes y hay otros tantos films que est�n en proyecto.
Considerado como uno de los mejores interpretes de m�sica latina, con mirada seductora y enigm�tica �Chayanne�
Elmer Figueroa Arce, mas conocido como �Chayanne�, nace en R�o Piedras el 29 de junio de 1968. Hijo de una maestra de escuela y de un gerente de ventas es el tercero de cinco hermanos. Su madre lo bautiza con el sobrenombre de Chayanne en homenaje a una serie de televisi�n muy popular en los a�os 60.
Comienza su carrera musical a los 10 a�os en el grupo "Los Chicos". Con este grupo graba cinco discos y participa en la pel�cula "Conexi�n Caribe". La rivalidad entre Chayanne y otro gran �dolo puertorrique�o de la misma �poca empez� a notarse, ya que "Los Chicos", son competencia de "Menudo", grupo al que a�os m�s tarde llega Ricky Martin.
Pasan los a�os y a los 17 a�os graba su primer disco como solista. Hay que resaltar tambi�n que Chayanne es el primer cantante de su generaci�n en aparecer en la portada de la revista "Playgirl", versi�n femenina del "Playboy".
Su �lbum "Chayanne" incluye Este ritmo se baila as�, uno de los temas con el que se dio a conocer en todo el mundo. En 1988 firma un contrato con Pepsi-Cola para promocionar la marca al ritmo de sus canciones. Poco despu�s, edita "Tiempo de Vals", por el que fue nominado al premio Grammy como mejor artista latino. Y en 1992 ve la luz "Prov�came", un disco en el que hace un espectacular cambio de imagen (aparece m�s sensual y provocativo que nunca).
Seg�n los expertos en belleza; posee un cuerpo perfecto, silueta estilizada, boca perfectamente blanca, de labios finos y curiosa sonrisa romboidal�Se�ores y se�oras, Damas y caballeros con ustedes el Bomb�n de la pantalla grande �Cameron Diaz� Su primera vez en el cine fue con Jim Carrey en la pel�cula �La mascara�. Ahora su curr�culum cinematogr�fico ya incluye una nominaci�n a Globo de Oro como Mejor Actriz. Cuentan que en una fiesta, un fot�grafo se qued� prendado de tanta belleza al verla y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos ya estaba en las primeras planas de las revistas mas famosas de New York. Luego su carrera floje� un poquito, si es que se puede decir "flojear" a aparecer en dos a�os en tres superproducciones hollywoodienses al lado de estrellas como Keanu Reaves. Pero realmente empieza a pegar duro en "La boda de mi mejor amigo", una comedia rom�ntica donde consigue que la mism�sima Julia Roberts no le robe el novio. Pero los reconocimientos serios llegan con "Algo pasa con Mary", una historia de cachondeo de los geniales hermanos Faralley en donde absolutamente todos los personajes se enamoran de Cameron. Yo no conozco a nadie que al final no desee que Ben Stiller consiga al gran amor de su vida (aunque en ese momento su compa�ero real era Matt Dillon, que en la pel�cula no consigue a la rubia inocente).
Con tan solo 17 a�os, la rebelde Avril Lavigne, ha logrado ascender extraordinariamente en las listas musicales y de ventas, consider�ndola como la nueva voz juvenil de este milenio. Avril Lavigne naci� en Napanee, un pueblo de Ontario (Canad�). Desde los 2 a�itos prefiri� concentrarse en la m�sica antes que estudiar en los libros. Naci� precisamente para vivir en la locura de la m�sica. De ni�a tuvo una afici�n precoz y genial hacia la m�sica y su determinaci�n casi enfermiza por dedicarse al mundo del pop-rock-pank. Indagando en su vida, la peque�a Avril era incapaz de quedarse quieta en clase y prefer�a salir a liberar su inagotable energ�a. Incluso afirma que m�s de una vez se tumbaba en su cama y so�aba con ser cantante. Avril cant� m�sica gospel con los coros de una iglesia, trabaj� animando festivales y cant� m�sica country en ferias hasta que un buen d�a su talento fue descubierto por una famosa firma americana, Arista Records.
Con ra�ces musicales, herencia de sus padres y bajo la batuta del compositor Manuel Alejandro. Alejandro Sanz entra al mundo de la m�sica. A los siete a�os y con diez ya compone sus primeros temas. Su gran despegue como solista empieza en el a�o de 1991, con apenas 22 a�os ya lanza su primer �lbum �Viviendo de prisa�
Alejandro S�nchez Pizarro, su nombre verdadero, nace en Madrid.
Siete discos de platino en Espa�a y m�s de un mill�n de copias vendidas en todo el mundo, suponen el ascenso musical de este singular personaje. "Si t� me miras", su segundo disco, marca su maduraci�n como m�sico y "B�sico" (recopilatorio de sus anteriores discos) es un homenaje a sus m�s fieles seguidores. En la ciudad de las m�scaras, Venecia, graba "Alejandro Sanz III", obra que le consolida como artista y con la que traspasa las fronteras espa�olas.
Alejandro Sanz se considera m�sico antes que cantante. Compositor de sus canciones y de las de muchos otros artistas como Mal� o Ricky Martin. Casado con la modelo mexicana Jaydy Mitchel, la pareja celebra su boda en la paradis�aca isla de Bali oficiada por un monje hind�.
Miley Cyrus - East Northumberland High
"You're my type of guy I guess if I was stuck in East Northumberland High for the rest of my life"
Yeah, you read that right. Today I am posting a song by Miley Cyrus (aka Disney's Hannah Montana). Living in the States, it's hard not to be aware of the recent Disney music craze in the charts. I can't say I'm particularly immune. I watch far too much Disney Channel (that means all the Hannahs, Corys, Dereks, High School Musicals... but I can't stand those hotel twins). It's pretty much the only channel nowadays where the sitcom is still alive and well. Out of curiosity, and with my tail between my legs, I decided to listen to the new Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus release. After all, it seems to be "all the rage," as they say. There is a lot of crap on it, including some absolutely awful, treacly songs. But, to my surprise, I was able to cut it down to about ten tracks that actually make up a really strong, electro-inspired album that hardly sounds Disneyfied at all. Some of this stuff is excellent! And, I'm becoming less and less ashamed to admit that. Take East Northumberland High, for instance. It's my favorite song of its type since Since U Been Gone. Melodically, it hearkens back to something that No Doubt might have done in their earlier years. And lyrically, it's actually kind of clever. The capper is the insanely perfect chorus, though. This could be a massive crossover hit, especially if nobody knew who was singing it. That's not to take away anything from Cyrus (who, from what I understand, has actually written most of the stuff on her album) but there definitely is a stigma attached to anything Disney. The only hideous thing about this track is the very end with its amazingly unconvincing cry of "rock and roll!" But, even that's pretty funny. Anyway, enough defending my song choice today. Listen to it and see what you think.
Miley Cyrus - East Northumberland High (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)
Top seeds Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh took home their 11th title of the year winning the 2007 AVP Crocs Tour Brooklyn Open presented by Cushman & Wakefield on Coney Island. May-Treanor and Walsh defeated second-seeds Nicole Branagh and Elaine Youngs in the women�s final on Sunday August 26, 2007.. The AVP next heads to Cincinnati for the AVP Crocs Tour Pringles Smartflavors Cincinnati Open presented by Herbalife, August 30-September 2, the final regular season event of the 2007 AVP Crocs Tour.
Misty May won the 2004 Olmypic gold medal in beach volleyball with partner Kerri Walsh
Championship Match winners
First Place,May-Treanor and Walshsplit $28,000 Second Place Branagh and Youngs split $21,000
Final Scores Game 1 21-18 Game 2 21-16
Pikko has updated her myspace with two new songs to download free (off of her Electric Body Design album). I especially recommend the wicked Bad Intentions, featuring the just-as-amazing Moto Boy as her duet partner.
You can now listen to a small sample of BWO's new superballad The Destiny Of Lovehere. Click on "provlyssna."
Murder Mystery - Love Astronaut
"I go looking for love, but is it looking for me?"
Murder Mystery are a new band from New York with an old-school rock sound. Love Astronaut, my favorite song from the new record, sounds like the Strokes if they decided to write a really good pop song. From the bubbling synth that opens to the track to the catchy, simple chorus, it's an insistent little song that doesn't necessarily hit you over the head but instead gradually works its way into your consciousness. It's an example of indie rock at its best... not overly produced but still catchy and polished.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Just as I had recommended (several times, if I'm not mistaken) the boys from the BRILLIANT band Superfamily are releasing Warszawa (the most beautiful song on the album?) as their next single. Rush over to their myspace and give it a listen. It will be a massive hit.
More Delays News!!!
Straight from the mouths responsible for my number one album of 2006 comes a bucketload of extremely exciting news, including word on what I guess will be the first single from the new record!
"Hello dear friends, we bring you good news-the mixing of our next Album 'EVERYTHINGS THE RUSH' is now complete and we do declare it sounds fucking amazing! (Really-this is no time for false modesty!) The first release is going to be the limited edition 'LOVE MADE VISIBLE EP' featuring 'Love Made Visible', a reworked 'You See Colours', 'We Together Make A City'(Love Made Visible Torch Team remix) and 'Slow Burn' (which is a bit of a first for us as it was completely written and recorded in a day.) We don't have a release date for the album/single with a tour of full size venues yet but we can announce we'll be sharing 'Love Made Visible' with you on October 22nd. Or rather, Oct 22nd is officially 'Love Made Visible' day! Around the time of the EP we're going to be playing some shows in smaller venues in the UK and of course you guys are going to get first shout on the tickets, (within a week or so we'll have what computer boffins call a 'microsite' with all the dates and info on getting the EP and gig tickets first.)Much as we're loving being back in Southampton we're all dying to get out there and play for you all-choosing the setlist is going to be a bit of a bastard but its a nice problem to have, see you soon! Delays XXXX"
Montt Mardi� - Metropolis
"A city that can touch the sky"
If you're anything like me, you're still lamenting the demise of extraordinary Swedish synthpop duo Le Sport. Well, we're both in luck, as Montt Mardi�'s new single (from his amazingClocks/Pretender double disc) features none other than Fredrik Hellstr�m from Le Sport! Mardi�'s latest album is divided into two halfs: one disc of classic motown-ish inspired stuff backed by a full orchestra and the other disc influenced by the 80's where each song is a duet with a well-known Swedish artist. Metropolis is from the second disc, and it's probably the best song I've posted on this blog since Superfamily. It is sinfully catchy (as is all of Mardi�'s stuff, really), incredibly 80's, and you will all love it. Absolutely guaranteed.
Bloggerhas just introduced video blogging (VLOGging).
The Blogger edit form now has a button that allows you to directly upload a video to Blogger.
In the past it was a two step process. First you needed to upload a video to video Google or YouTube(or other video host). Then, second, you copied the embed code to the Blogger post.
So, this is not a totally new capability, but it does make it simpler and faster to put video in your posts!
Sneaky Sound System - Thin Disguise
"Spending too much time at the disco? Well, maybe you've got to give a little jazz a go"
I wrote about Australian pop band Sneaky Sound System a few months ago before I had heard their album in whole. Now that I have, I can't resist posting Thin Disguise, my favorite track from the record and a song that I think is perfect for the last days of summer. It's what all those Armand Van Heldens, David Guettas, and Groove Armadas should sound like. I love all those guys... don't get me wrong, but this track blows all of their recent stuff out of the water. It's just so... fun. Plus, it's got perhaps the best line this year (quoted above) that precedes a very random, but very enjoyable, jazz piano breakdown.
Sneaky Sound System - Thin Disguise (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)
It's still called Ebert & Roeper. And Siskel is still on the credits. Ebert has not been on the show for a while as he recuperates, so it's Roeper & friends in reality. The website doesn't seem to say anything about the show, but now contains a huge archive of televised reviews by Siskel, Ebert & Roeper.
All this has been a slow evolution from the time when Siskel took ill.
However, suddenly, I noticed today for the first time, the trademarked (seriously, it's trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected intellectual property now controlled by Ebert!) thumbs up and thumbs down that have been a part of the show since it was Siskel & Ebert have disappeared.
A quick search on Google provided the following explanation from the Economic Times: D-ABCDT told AP on August 24 that Ebert has �exercised his right to withhold use of the thumbs until a new contract is signed�.
About a year ago I wrote a post aboutDiamond Walnuts adopting a soft cover for their walnut cans, instead of dangerous metal lids. The change was very welcome, since I had just severely cut my hand on one of their metal lids.
Recently, however, they seem to be back to the metal tops. I don't understand that.
I tried to buy airline tickets and use points from AMEX to cover part of the cost.
There are a lot of hidden charges and hidden benefits depending on how it is done.
Here are some of the issues...
If the ticket is bought from the airline:
1 - There is a charge to transfer points from AMEX to miles at the airline. 2 - Miles only pay basic charges, other charges (like taxes) may have to be paid additionally. 3 - A specific number of miles is required to pay for a flight; the value of miles varies. One point (or one mile) may pay for more or less than one dollar's worth of the ticket cost. 4 - A ticket paid for by miles is not eligible for earning frequent flyer mile points. 5 - A ticket paid for by miles will not earn points on AMEX. 6 - A ticket paid for by miles will not be eligible for automatic flight/baggage insurance from AMEX. 7 - It required several calls to the airline, a call to AMEX, and several visits to the airline web site to complete the transaction.
When the ticket is bought from AMEX travel, the following may all be possible. In my case, for some reason, the charge on AMEX did not go through, although...
(a) I was assured before hand that I could make the charge on AMEX (b) When I called AMEX to clear up the problem, some apparent glitch in the system prevented customer service from answering the phone for at least an hour, responding only with a strange prerecorded message to call up during normal business hours.
So here's what I think (unconfirmed!) the issues when buying the ticket from AMEX would be (if it were possible):
1 - Points on AMEX (up to the cost of the ticket, reducing the effective cost) may be converted to a credit at one dollar per point. 2 - The ticket would be eligible for frequent flyer miles at the airline. 3 - The ticket would carry any automatic insurance that was normally carried. 4 - The purchase price would earn points at AMEX. 5 - There would be no transfer fees, and the entire cost of the ticket would be one charge on the credit card.
It would seem that it would be much better to buy the plane ticket from AMEX than to transfer miles to the airline and buy it there. However, there may be other factors that I have not taken into account here. (Comments welcome!) And since AMEX customer service was unable to respond in a timely manner, I did not use AMEX to verify these hypothetical advantages. Advantages don't count when you can't use them when you need them.
There is an old joke. A man goes into a store and asks for wild salmon. It's very expensive. The man says, "The fish market across the street sells salmon for $4 a pound, less than half your price." "So buy it there." "They're out of it." "Oh," says the fish monger, "When I'm out of salmon, I sell it for only $2 a pound."
Every year some shows from the NYC Fringe Festival break out into theater history.
The Fringenyc Encores Series is a showcase for some of the best and most crowd-pleasing shows from the New York International Fringe Festival; most had sold out runs.
August 30 � September 16, 2007 at SoHo Playhouse and The Bleecker Street Theater
The 2007 Fringe Encores selections
As Far As We Know Beautiful Child Bombs In Your Mouth � Double Vision Hilliary Angonisties Jamaica Farewell Lights Rise On Grace Mary Bridget Poppleton is Writing a Memoir Naked In A Fish Bowl Paper Son Piaf: Love Conquers All Riding The Bull
Venue #1 SoHo Playhouse 15 Vandam Street at 6th Ave & Varick/ 7th Ave Transportation: 1 to Houston St. or C, E to Spring
Venue #2 The Bleecker Street Theater 45 Bleecker Street at Lafayette Transportation: 6 to Bleecker St. or B/D/F/V to Bway/Lafayette
As Far As We Know This ensemble performance chronicles the struggles of an Ohio family tortured by the absence of their son, a soldier abducted during an ambush on a Halliburton transport in Iraq. Inspired by the capture of SSG Matt Maupin.
Beautiful Child Manhattan 1955: Truman Capote and Marilyn Monroe attend the funeral of Constance Collier, Marilyn�s acting coach. A vivid snapshot of the Marilyn only Capote knew.
Bombs In Your Mouth Chug Beer, eat Jello, arm wrestle. Do whatever it takes not to talk about the memory of your deadbeat dad. A comedy by Cory Patrick.
� Double Vision Love hurts. Running from it can leave you half-crazy and riding the subway nude. Six singles navigate the tricky waters of modern urban relationships in this dark romantic comedy. [Warning: Nudity]
Hilliary Angonisties Spring 2009. Hillary in the White House. 65 million people disappear. Is the Rapture upon us? Pat Robertson, Stephen Hawking, Chelsea and the Antichrist weigh in. Can Madame President avert Armageddon? Starring Priscilla Barnes as Mrs. Clinton.
Jamaica Farewell Revolution. CIA. Seduction. Desperation. A dream. Heartbreak. Handsome. American. Customs. Million dollars. Duffel bag. Prostitutes. Bullets. Adrenaline. Kerosene. Run for your life.
Lights Rise On Grace Grace falls for Large. Riece falls for Large. Large... falls. First love. Lost love. New love. Tough love. Follow three desperate New Yorkers as they defy tradition, uncover and recover secrets.
Mary Bridget Poppleton is Writing a Memoir Mary Bridget Poppleton fakes her own pregnancy. Why? Because she's writing a memoir, and who wants to read about a happy childhood?
Naked In A Fish Bowl Unscripted, uninhibited and wildly entertaining, this unique improv-comedy eavesdrops on the lives of four friends in NYC.
Paper Son Byron Yee's acclaimed solo show about growing up in Oklahoma, moving to California, becoming a stand-up comedian, and then finding his heritage.
Piaf: Love Conquers All For those who have loved, suffered and survived. Come share a cocktail with a French legend as she shares her passion for music, men and morphine!
Riding The Bull A love affair between a devout rodeo clown and a hell-raising rancher leads to Graceland, prophetic sex, and cows that rise from the dead. For more information and show schedule phone 212-691-1555 or visit
Scott Wong and Todd Rogers at the Net! 8-25-07 3:48pm
The top seeded team of Todd Rogers and Phil Dalhausser secured their ninth AVP title of the season defeating Aaron Wachtfogel and Scott Wong, both making their finals debut, 23-21, 24-22.Rogers and Dalhausser have nine domestic titles this year which is the most for any team since Jose Loiola and Kent Steffes had 12 in 1997.With the victory, Dalhausser captured his 20th career title with Rogers notching his 32nd win. Wachtfogel and Wong are two of three players to make their debut in the finals this year.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Video Premiere: Lil' Chris - We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off
He's released one of my favorite albums of the year and it looks like the second one is already on its way with his new single, a cover of the 80's classic. Gym Class Heroes recently butchered this track (and I mean, that crap is unlistenable), so it's great to hear it be given all of the energy it needs. Plus, the video is fantastic in an extremely literal sort of way... nearly as good as the already-classic Gettin' Enough.
Darren Hayes - This Delicate Thing We�ve Made Release Date: August 21, 2007 Label: Powdered Sugar
So it's finally here: the much anticipated double album release by Darren Hayes. I may show my youth here, but Savage Garden�s (the duo Darren once provided vocals for, as if you didn�t know) debut album was the first cd that I ever bought. In the decade since that purchase, the band�s two albums have continued to hold a very special place in my heart. Hayes� solo albums? Less so. Spin was alright, if too wannabe-popstar, while The Tension & The Spark was a major step up, yet a bit sonically distant for my tastes. Pleasantly, This Delicate Thing We�ve Made is the best post SG record Hayes has produced. Still, that doesn�t mean it�s perfect.
Falling victim to the same curse that all double albums (with very few exceptions) succumb to, the record could use some trimming. My biggest complaint is that the album doesn�t stay focused as completely as I wish it would on the elaborate and potentially provocative concept of time travel that Hayes sets up brilliantly in the early highlight How To Build A Time Machine. It�s a concept album that too often strays from the concept. Remove the stale commentary of Bombs Up In My Face and The Great Big Disconnect and you�ve already got a stronger album. All they serve to do is distract from the larger story, seemingly tacked on to give Hayes a chance to embrace his inner Prince (the former) and Lennon (the latter). Still, enough complaining, because there is a whole lot in this sprawling work to love. The opening suite of songs (the ferocious Fear Of Falling Under bleeding seamlessly into the jubilant Who Would Have Thought) is dead-on. I wish Hayes would have worked with Guy Chambers (his songwriting partner on Who Would Have Thought) more, for their collaboration hints at unlimited potential. The much lauded Casey lives up to the hype, a soaring epic of a pop song and probably the best work Hayes has created since Savage Garden broke up. Similarly, first single On The Verge Of Something Wonderful and the pounding Future Holds A Lion�s Heart that precedes it are both easily stronger than anything on the past two records. And, I haven�t even mentioned the slower stuff. The stately acapella Walk Away, the towering Maybe, and the very Savage Garden-esque Sing To Me are all highlights, and even if the record goes on too long, these kind of tracks tent pole the release and keep up the momentum.
As double albums go, This Delicate Thing We�ve Made is pretty high up there. At twenty-five tracks, it could easily be pruned into something even greater (I�d say about twenty tracks oughtta do it) and it�s to Hayes� immense credit that he was able to create such an expansive work with so very few clunkers. In a perfect world, it would be his great comeback� no time machines required. A-
Key Tracks: Casey, How To Build A Time Machine, Who Would Have Thought?
Just In Case You Missed It Two Weeks Ago:
The Mo - Where Are They Now?
The first song ever featured on tattoowesley was The Mo�s The Right World. To this day it remains one of my favorite songs of all time, and the album it comes from (Night At The Zoo) is undoubtedly one of the best pop/rock albums every released, even though the vast majority of people probably don�t even know of its existence. A few years ago, the band announced that they were breaking up and I was absolutely devastated that such a promising group would disband after two genius releases. They seemed to be gaining so much momentum, at least in Sweden (their ballad Nostalgia Locomotive, with Kris Le Mans, is still played quite a lot on Swedish radio today). But, alas, it wasn�t meant to be.
Ever since the date that I learned of their implosion, I have been waiting with an almost unreasonable anticipation for the solo releases that individual members had promised. None of those albums have been released yet, but three of the four members now have myspace pages up where you can hear some new stuff. And, let me tell you right now� The Mo was just the beginning. This new stuff is AMAZING. If you�re lucky, I�ll be hosting some of the songs on tattoowesley. For today, I�ll link to each member�s myspace so you can hear the brilliance for yourself. I can�t wait to see these solo careers blossom.
Niklas �Nicko� Stenemo
The primary voice and songwriter for The Mo, this guy was number two (under The Ark) of my most anticipated albums of 2007. It still remains to be seen if his solo album will actually be released this year, but judging from the three perfect pop tracks he�s released to fans so far, it�s going to be a masterpiece when it finally does show up in stores. This Summer, I�m convinced, could become a late summer smash. It�s so incredibly catchy and bright with about a million different hooks. Perfect Day is very eighties and sounds a lot like The Mo, while The Child is a more contemplative with some gorgeous background vocals. From the sound of the three tracks, it seems like Nicko has taken the sound of All The Time (What�s That About) - the last track off of Night At The Zoo - and ran with it, as the songs have a very organic sound to them, despite the bright, 80�s inspired production. Three of the best songs I�ve heard all year. Myspace
Ricky Karlsson
The keyboardist for The Mo, Ricky also added to the band�s distinct sound with his instantly recognizable vocals. Given this, it shouldn�t be too surprising that his stuff sounds a lot like The Mo as well, even if it is more electronic. What A Frame (which has since been removed from the myspace page) has a big synthesizer riff that�s not too unlike The Right World, while It�s A Longshot and Burn The Bridges slow down the tempo a bit but are just as catchy. The best, by far, though, is The Hotspurs, a dance throw down that sounds better than anything Timbaland has done in the past few years. Myspace
Dixa Magnusson
Dixa was the bassist for The Mo and his solo sound probably strays from the group�s the most out of the three. Adopting a darker electronic mood, he�s created some very mature sounding stuff. Best of the three available for sample is Done With The Dark Boys, which coasts on an almost-industrial beat with detached vocals and a surprising lack of guitars. I Don�t Wanna Dance follows suit, with some great lyrics. Myspace
The Cops - Drop It In Their Laps Release Date: May 7, 2007 Label: Inertia
You could fill a museum with all of the 80�s revivalist bands out there right now. And, really, since a lot of them sound pretty much the same, it all comes down to the strength of their songs. Luckily, the full-length debut from Australia�s The Cops is brimming with great tunes.
The group comes across as a modernized version of The Cars throughout much of Drop It In Their Laps. Even their name is similar. I say this in the best possible way, though, as the album is all about brief, fun pop songs with great, splashy hooks. Out Of The Fridge/Into The Fire starts things off nicely, with a surprisingly funky beat, while Call Me Anytime, The Message and Starve On My Love are the obvious single choices. Worth a mention as well is Hot Weapon, a goofy ode to a car that should serve as this year�s Greased Lighting. In fact, there really isn�t a weak track on the album. Nothing completely stands out from the pack either (though Le Chic is very fun), but you won�t really care as these songs are designed for maximum instant singalong status. In this regard, The Cops could easily be the Australia version of Maroon 5. Kudos go as well to an excellent album cover, truly giving the whole project a retro vibe.
Like a lot of bands out at the moment, The Cops don�t yet have a totally distinctive sound. But, what they do they do very well and it�s hard to imagine anybody that wouldn�t enjoy Drop It In Their Laps, even if it is only at face-value. B+
Key Tracks: Hot Weapon, Call Me Anytime, The Message
Si te interesa cambiar tu apariencia o mejorar a trav�s de un corte de cabello, estos videos son una propuesta. D�selos un breve vistazo, no te arrepentir�s. Este video muestra un espectacular corte pelo.
Otro video intersante sobre c�mo hacer un corte de cabello.
En este post te recomendar� algunos tips para comenzar a bloguear.
Quiz�s hasta el momento a�n no has decidido crear tu propio blog. Pues consid�ralo que de hoy no pasas y lo has decidido. Este es el momento. Recuerda que el uso de blog cada vez se expande y acoge m�s blogueros en el mundo. No importa tu especialidad o carrera: existen abogados, m�dicos, comunicadores, ingenieros hasta taxistas. Primero debes ilustrarte que caracter�sticas tiene un blog. Luego debes escoger qu� tem�tica abordar en tu blog. Despu�s debes saber qu� servidores ofrecen mejores ventajas gratuitas para crear tu blog. Posteriormente para hacerle popular tu blog o weblog, debes registrarlo en diferentes directorios como blogalaxia, perublogs, blogsper�, bit�coras, entre otros. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad. Cuando hayas logrado todos estos pasos avisame y te enlazar� para ayudarte a hacerlo m�s popular.
Youtube se ha convertido, desde que form� parte de la gigante compa��a Google, en un espacio de publicidad para los usuarios o iternautas. Si usted lleva bastante tiempo visitando esta web de videos se habr� percatado que cada vez que reproduce un video usted puede ver publicidad ya sea recomendando una p�gina web o blog u ofreciendo alg�n tipo de servicio.
Esta nueva forma de hacer publicidad se ha masificado y muchos internautas han salido beneficiados significativamente y se ha hecho famosos. Dos casos sobresalientes: el primero se trata de Delf�n Quishpe que cant� un tema musical denominado �las torres gemelas� y gracias a ese video fue entrevistado por televisoras de varios pa�ses latinos. Y el segundo caso el video de La Tigresa del Oriente, peruana de nacimiento y alcanz� el �xito internacional gracias a la difusi�n de ese video, logrando un contrato jugoso con la Warners Music.
Quiz�s todos nosotros tengamos gracias a Youtube un minuto de fama, �usted ya lo intent�? Video de Delfin Quishpe:
Video de La Tigresa del Oriente:
Friday, August 24, 2007
Moneybrother - Guess Who's Gonna Get Some Tonight
"I got out and now I'm back here again"
2005 was one of those musical turning point years for me. I discovered Melody Club, The Mo, Bodies Without Organs, The Sounds, Surferosa, Don Juan Dracula, The Callahan, Moneybrother, the new and improved Robyn.... basically every amazing Scandinavian band other than The Ark (I knew about them earlier). It was an unparalleled year, though 2007 seems to be giving it a run for its money. The best thing about the past 12 months is that it's given us new albums from almost all of these musical saviors. We had Melody Club, The Ark and a Robyn rerelease, and I'm looking forward to the new BWO, solo stuff from the Mo guys, and, just this past week, a new one from Moneybrother. Moneybrother's disco-fied They're Building Walls Around Us was one of my favorite singles from 2005 and I'm happy to say he's back with some brilliant tunes this year. Guess Who's Gonna Get Some Tonight opens up his new album Mount Pleasure (sexual enough for you yet?) with an undeniable "bang." It's every bit as catchy as one of those High School Musical songs, yet given the Moneybrother treatment, both vocally and lyrically. A full review will likely be coming soon.
Moneybrother - Guess Who's Gonna Get Some Tonight (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)
Personalmente cuando veo a este actorazo recuerdo a la pel�cula m�s memorable �Troya� donde �l protagoniza al m�tico griego Aquiles.
Su nombre no es Brad Pitt, as� como suena, sino William Bradley Pitt en Shawnee. Es del signo sagitario, naci� en el estado de Oklahoma, y se cri� en Springfield, en Missouri.
Brad estudi�, como todo joven que quiere sobresalir en la vida, Publicidad y Dise�o gr�fico. Sin embargo su pasi�n por la actuaci�n prim� y dej� su carrera antes de acabarla.
En la d�cada de 1980 viaj� a Los �ngeles para trabajar en cualquier pel�cula que se le presentase, pero nada. As� que trabaj� en varios oficios, menos como actor.
Reci�n en 1991 tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar en la pel�cula �Thelma y Louise� de Ridley Scott, junto a Susan Sarandon y Geena Davis, donde dio vida a un ladr�n y solo aparecio 15 minutos. Desde entonces es visto como un �dolo y sex-symbol. Ademas de convertirse en un gran actor de los mejor pagados. Ex-marido de la actriz Jennifer Aniston. Actualmente vive con Angelina Jolie.
Chad Schmidt (2008)
Dallas Buyer�s Club (2007)
State of Play (2008)
Dirty Tricks (2008)
Ocean�s 13 (Ocean�s Thirteen)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
El asesinato de Jesse James (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford)
Babel (Babel)
Sr. y Sra. Smith (2005)
Ocean�s 12 (Ocean�s Twelve) (2004)
Troya (2004)
Simbad: La leyenda de los siete mares
Confesiones de una mente peligrosa
Full Frontal (Full Frontal) (2002)
Ocean�s Eleven (Ocean�s Eleven) de Steven Soderbergh (2001)
Spy Game (Spy Game) (2001)
The Mexican (The Mexican) (2001)
Snatch: Cerdos y diamantes (Snatch) (2000)
El club de la lucha (Fight Club) (1999)
�Conoces a Joe Black? (Meet Joe Black) (1998)
El lado oscuro del sol (The Dark Side of the Sun) (1997)
Siete a�os en el T�bet (Seven Years in Tibet) (1997)
La sombra del diablo (The Devil�s Own) (1997)
Sleepers (Sleepers) (1996)
12 monos (Twelve Monkeys) (1995)
Seven (Se7en) (1995)
Leyendas de pasi�n (Legends of the Fall) (1994)
Entrevista con el vampiro (Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles) (1994)
El favor (The Favor) (1994)
Amor a quemarropa (True Romance) (1993)
Kalifornia (Kalifornia) (1993)
El r�o de la vida (A River Runs Through It) (1992)