Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Laakso - The Death Of Us

"We did it for love and we did it 'cause we had to"

Today is Laakso day, for a band can�t release an album as good as theirs (Mother, Am I Good Looking? - see review below) and escape my undying praise. Mother is the kind of album that�s hard to pick a single track from, as everything fits together so perfectly and each song has its own qualities that makes it special, but today I�m going to post the epic The Death Of Us. While it might not exactly be your typical rock hit, it succeeds in building up a wall of emotions and twisting the listener through points of contemplation and catharsis, all while being remarkable addictive at the same time. It�s impossible to pick a highlight from the record, but this was one of the tracks that hooked me the quickest, and I�m hoping it�ll do the same for you. Also, I�d be remiss not to mention that these guys are supporting my musical heroes The Ark on their current Scandinavian tour. If only I were there to see that double bill!

Laakso - The Death Of Us (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here)

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