*Edit: I'm about ready to send in my own (perhaps too carefully selected) top ten. I wanted to bump this up to the top of the page to remind everyone to get their votes in before the 26th! Pop Lovers, It's Time To Represent!The brilliant Adem over at
I'm Always Right has stumbled upon the equally brilliant idea to compile a list of top 20 pop albums of all time. I'm not going to try to explain it better than him, so here's the information straight from his blog...
"What is YOUR favourite POP album of all time? Do you have 10 of them? If you answered yes to that final question, then you're going to come in very handy for what IAR, and the writers/editors of QUITE A FEW OTHER BRILLIANT/ACE/FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC POP BLOGS have got heating up in the oven in time for the New Year.
What's going to happen is this: I want to know what your top 10 favourite albums are of all time. List your albums from 1 to 10, or, if you cannot decide your order of preference but DO have a list of ten, email them through to myfavouritepoprecord@gmail.com... The plan is to have voting close by Friday, January the 26th 2007. Then, within the first two weeks of February, once the top 20 has been compiled, I'll be contacting several pop lovers and pop bloggers (who've all agreed to be a part of this venture) to join me in a written-panel discussion about each of the top 20 pop albums of all time as voted by you.
Remember, email your top 10 through to: myfavouritepoprecord@gmail.com"Bottom line... this is exciting stuff (especially to a guy like me who: #1 Loves countdowns & #2 Loves GOOD pop music). I have also agreed to be a part of the panel of bloggers mentioned in the post once everything gets sorted. I'll be getting my top ten in when I can settle on a list I'm happy with (I take these sort of things freakishly seriously!). I urge all the
#1 Hits readers out there to contribute as well. I know you all have fantastic taste in music!
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