Tuesday, November 14, 2006


�I'm lonely, you're lonely too�

It's not often that a song manages to be both irresistably dance-worthy and darkly melancholy at the same time. The Pet Shop Boys, for sure, have managed it. And, this song by prolific Finnish duo Viola certainly fits the bill. The group's first release back in 2001 was titled Only Pop Music Can Break Your Heart, and I think this really says it all. Since then, they have released seven more albums/eps of dark, catchy electronic pop. Pretty impressive, if you ask me. Even more impressive is the quality of their work, highlighted by Sad Eyed Disco Dancers, a stark, catchy piece of art-dance-rock, if there is such a thing.

Listen & Download: Viola - Sad Eyed Disco Dancers
Download: Viola - Sad Eyed Disco Dancers

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

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