Friday, September 29, 2006


CUNY program on Science & The Arts, and Roald Hoffman's Entertaining Science at the Cornelia Street Cafe have announced their programs.

Here's the CUNY program schedule:

Benjamin Franklin�s Arcs and Sparks, Monday, October 16, 7:00 PM
Being Beakman, Tuesday, October 24, 7:00 PM
Theatre of Science, Thursday, November 9 through Sunday, November 12
A Scientist Goes to the Movies, Friday, November 10, 6:30 PM
Verse and Universe, Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11
Tesla, Monday, December 11, 7pm

These programs are free and open to the public, and often FILL UP. So reserve a ticket early and come early!

The reservation number is (212) 817-8215 But they ask that you
check their website and use the program number when calling.

Here's the schedule for Roald Hoffman's Entertaining Science:

Oct. 15: Chateau Jiahu, Vintage 7000 BC, with biomolecular archaelogist Patric McGovern, wine expert Darren Siegfried, choreographer Rachel Cohen, some possessed women and men and virtuoso glass player, Katie Down.

Nov. 5: �Naming Nature� Robbin Moran and David Wolfe on Linnaeus vs. Woese, with some evolving Swedish music as well.

Dec. 3: �I Forgot to Learn to Forget� David Sulzer (or perhaps David Soldier), artist Vitaly Komar, with music by Rebecca Cherry and Steve Beck.


May 5: �Phallacy�, scenes from Carl Djerassi�s new play.

June 3: �Illusions�, on how objects are recognized and invented by brains, with Stuart Firestein, and a magician friend.

For reservations, call the
Cornelia Street Cafe. (212) 989-9319. These programs also SELL OUT early. So reserve a ticket early and come early!

I went to several of these events last year at both venues and they were very interesting, enjoyable, and quite different from most public shows!

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