Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sarah Geronimo, Enchong Dee, and JC de Vera are Bench Daily Scent Endorsers

Kapamilya stars Sarah Geronimo and Enchong Dee and Kapuso hunk actor JC de Vera bring us together the latest product of Philippine's number one clothing apparel - Bench.

Sarah, JC and Enchong are the endorsers of Bench Daily Scent cologne with six variants - Indian Summer, Nine to Mine, Lazy Afternoon, Sunday Morning, Spring Break, and Happy Hour.

Bench Daily Scent colognes are now available in all Bench stores here and abroad.

Watch the TV advertisement below:

Karylle Launches "Time For Letting Go" Album on ASAP '09

After 3 years of waiting and wanting, Karylle has finally released her new album under Polyeast Records.

Time For Letting Go has 11 tracks including the carrier single "I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me" by Dianne Warren. Other 10 songs are as follows:

Almost Over You
Wala Na Ba Ang Lahat
The Best Of Me
Minamahal Kita
Hulog Ng Langit
Touch Me In the Morning
You've Made Me Stronger
Something New In My Life
Live For Your Love

Watch Karylle below as she performs I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me:

FLASHBACK Peter Joback+Laakso 'Italy vs Helsinki' I Luv this clip and song

When will Peter comeback to Melodifestivalen?
soon I hope- with a tune like this one.

Malena Ernman-What A Grand performance! in Malmo- both Malena & Agnes are going to Globen

Marlene stole the show at Malmo- Sarah Dawn Finer & Star Pilots ' Higher' are going to
second chance! Poor Maria & Anna did not even qualify for the first round.
while Sarah Dawn was the one
who got lifted up Higher! above the stage on a platform.
( well the song did need a lift!) Well done Agnes & Marlene.

My Review of "Darkly Dreaming Dexter"

Written by Jeff Lindsay
Released in 2004

Dexter (to himself): �I know it is a nearly human weakness and it may be no more than ordinary sentimentality but I have always loved funerals.�

Making the error of watching the first two seasons of the series before reading the book, I�ve decided to amend things by trying to read all four books prior to FXUK airing the third season in late April 2009.

Most of the first season was based on the debut book, �Darkly Dreaming Dexter� and as an opening novel goes, Jeff Lindsay really has come up with a compelling character. Dexter is a serial killer who kills those who deserve. It�s as natural to him as breathing and something that he is deeply unapologetic for as well.

The book opened up with luring a choir master to his death. Unlike fellow serial killers, Dexter has a certain level of standards. Innocent people are strictly off the menu and the idea of murdering a child is one that disgusts him in a big way. Of course within the book, Dexter is adamant about being dead inside.

However when he butchers the choir master at the start, there is an emotional reaction to his response. He also seemed to have a similar emotional response when he murdered Jaworski half way through the book as well.

Like with the series, this book is also focused on a specific target for Dexter called the Tamiami Slasher (aka the Ice Truck Killer). This dude�s going around murdering various prostitutes and making sure that Dexter had enough clues to try and track him. This guy�s every bit as proud of his work as Dexter and there�s a fan boy type of admiration that Dexter exhibits for the guy, unaware that they�re related.

I suppose if you have to go with a downside is that killer is introduced far too late into the book and while it made sense for Dexter to let his own brother go in the end (Brian/Biney), the series score bigger points with the way they chose to handle the character during the first season.

From book to screen, Dexter still translates incredibly well but some of the other characters have very little to do. Angel and Masuka are little more than ciphers, Harry got some brief enough flashbacks and Rita only popped in and out but at least we�re clear on how Dexter feels (or not) about her in this story.

Deb is probably the only character who appeared as much in the book as Dexter, which made sense given that she seemed to be always interacting with him. My only grievance is that Deb did seem to rely too much on Dexter and his hunches in her desperate bid to get out of vice.

In terms of antagonists, Doakes is surprisingly underused. He only appeared in a few pages and mostly made snide remarks while LaGuerta went from overtly flirtatious with Dexter to wanting to put him behind bars. I suppose we should actually be grateful that Biney wound up killing her instead. We should also be grateful that the series has done a better job with that particular character as well.

- LaGuerta went by the name of Migdia in this book. Dexter mentioned various times that she was good at police politics while also noting that Deb wasn�t.

- Paul�s abuse of Rita was referenced but Paul himself doesn�t grace his presence in the book.

- Dexter�s love of food was nicely touched upon, though we don�t get much on his boat.

- At the end of the book it�s made clear that Deb is aware of Dexter�s dark self. Actually in earlier chapters, she�s pretty suspicious of Dexter.

- Dexter refers to himself as Dark Passenger a lot in the book.

- The tagline for this book was �A serial killer with a heart � be grateful it�s not yours.�

Quote, Unquote

Brian: �Do I have to remind you of the importance of family?�
Dexter: �No, no, no I can�t. Not Deborah.�
Brian: �Too bad. I�m so disappointed.�

Overall a very good opening novel to what has become one of the best series on TV. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone. The humour, the wry observations are all beautifully there.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

My Review of Angel's 6x18: "Aftermath Part 1"

Written by Kelly Armstrong
Artwork by Dave Ross

Angel: �Screening process?�
Kate: �I think it still needs a few requirements.�

With a fortnight passed since �After The Fall� finally came to an end, the start of �Aftermath� doesn�t waste much time in reminding readers that things have changed for Angel.

Given that there�s a bit of bounty on his head with every demon lord works his salt, Angel seemed more worried about the lack of attempts on his life. It�s almost as if he had a death wish on his hands. Angel, you�re not going to make much of a difference if you�re dead.

Within a minute of discussing the dearth in assassins on his tail, a gang of them came out of the woodwork to try and kill Angel. Having Angel battle some good old fashioned demons is good, even if Angel isn�t particular cheerful about having a few baddies to take out.

In fact Angel did mope a bit about not being able to make much of a difference. It also didn�t help that he couldn�t get past being reminded that he could make things tip in the favour of evil as well.

He also got a reminder of his actions when he first arrived in LA. However the vampire who reminded him of that wasn�t banking on Angel killing him but it gave Angel the idea to try and rebuild a gang in a fevered bid to escape those haranguing him now that he�s famous.

So who could possibly join Angel�s little gang? Wesley, Fred and Cordelia are all gone and everyone else is caught up in trying to get themselves sorted out. Even Connor isn�t particularly game for the idea of teaming up with his father but his motives are believable.

Angel isn�t surprising when he didn�t push the issue with Connor. I think Angel more than understood why his son and friends would want some time out. Their experiences in hell may have been frustrating as a reader but they�re certainly enough to make you want to opt for a quieter existence.

However one person who did have no problem in wanting to help out was Kate. We saw her back in �After The Fall Part 7� and honestly, I did presume she was permanently gone but her reunion with Angel is certainly a highlight. Look Angel, yet another blonde woman slaying the big bads.

It also didn�t Kate all that long to offer her services to Angel either. Given that they�ve probably not have had contact with each other since �Epiphany�, it�s nice that Angel agreed to let Kate help him out. We already know that her demon fighting skills have improved and it�s not like he�s got anyone else either.

Watching the pair of them trying to set up business cards was endearing as are Kate�s motives for wanting to help people. Plus she�s quick in both promoting the new Angel Investigations and finding somewhere for her and Angel to set up base. Let�s just say that a church is as good a location as anywhere else.

Plus with all of that, there was much discussion of screening. I�m pretty sure that�s both applicable to cases and potential employees and we certainly got some question worthy assignments with this one. More questionable though are those two members from the city council.

Although they�re not in this story long, they were annoying and it did feel like they were insisting upon Angel to join them in keeping LA clean from demons. However that�s not as bad as the growing list of unwanted folk who want Angel for their own uses.

In fact Angel got bombarded by so many wasters that it took him a while to spot a real threat. This could�ve been a major drawback but it�s understandable that when Angel relented and did join up with the city council that he could demand an officer round the corner. Given how fanatical that Angel�s fans have become in a short space of time, I don�t blame Kate for being extra precautious.

Of course the more interesting note is how this issue ended. When is a panther not a panther? Well, when it can morph into a mystery woman with a stake aimed for Angel�s back. I don�t know who this lady is but I�m certainly intrigued.

Also in �Aftermath Part 1�

The cover I got was by Nick Runge with Angel wielding a sword and a leopard by his side. I think it�s one of the series best covers.

Angel: �Fine, then you can take him a message. Take them all a message.�
Demon: �I�m not talking -�
Angel: �You don�t need to. Your corpse is the message. Now, if you�ll excuse me, I hear someone in real danger.�

I noticed that with this issue there was a little note on the cover that this isn�t intended for anyone under 13.

Angel: �I like making a difference. Helping out.�
Demon: �That prophecy I heard says you will help out. On our side.�
Angel: �Don�t remind me.�

Angel (to himself): �Even after a month of normalcy, everything remains changed. No more hiding in the shadows. No more hiding what I am. Back to the beginning. Back to when I used to do some good.�

Funnily enough this issue also had some more promotional pictures for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Dollhouse. I wonder will Buffy�s �Predators And Prey� will also do the same.

Connor: �There�s another team? Is that a good � I mean � if you need someone to watch your back now and then, I�m there, but I really need to find a job on my own, make some money, get a better place.�
Angel: �I could help with that.�
Connor: �I�d rather you didn�t.�

Angel: �Kate?�
Kate: �Been a while, huh?�
Angel: �It has. You look -�
Kate: �Different? Don�t recognise me without a scowl, I bet. Word is you�re reopening Angel Investigations. Thought maybe I could help.�

We saw Gunn drive off in a car with Illyria, Spike somewhere else and Lorne in a caf� of sorts. Connor�s also refusing to take Gwen�s calls.

Kate (to Angel): �After I left LA � things changed. I realised what I missed most about leaving the force. Helping people. I want to do that again.�

Kate: �At least there were demons this time and someone was in danger.�
Angel: �I don�t count.�

Kate was drawn very strangely in this comic. It�s like the artist thought she was younger than she actually is.

Male Council Member: �I told you it wouldn�t work.�
Female Council Member: �No sense of responsibility these days.�

Kate (re demon): �A little help here.�
Angel: �He�s human, Kate. Don�t play it up for my sake.�

There was another ad for Doctor Who�s �The Whispering Gallery� in this issue. They might want to start doing some Doctor/Donna stories fairly soon.

Kate: �I want an ordinance making it illegal to interfere with Angel or his work.�
Male Council Member: �A city wide restraining order.�
Female Council Member: �Highly irregular.�
Kate: �He saved the city from hell. Make an exception.�

There was no release date given for �Aftermath Part 2� but Buffy�s �Predators And Prey� comes out on March 4th.

For an opening issue, �Aftermath Part 1� sets up a nice story nicely. It�s kind of weird that we started with a smaller cast yet again but perhaps it works better in hindsight, given that we�ve got so many characters that are resurfacing in later issues.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Charice Performs Her First International Single "Fingerprint" at Oscars After-Party

Charice performed her new song and her first international single "Fingerprint" from her upcoming US debut album in the Oscars after-party at Mr. Chow in Los Angeles last Feb. 22, 2009. However, she wasn’t able to sing the whole song because of some technical problems.

Here are parts of the lyrics:

How can I be sure
When everything is so confusing
I’m old enough to learn
That I’m too young to know what I’m doing
Gotta break free
From what used to be
It no longer makes sense for me
How do I stand out
In a world that’s all about fitting in
I’m certain of my doubts
But I wouldn’t be me for no reason
My identity
Right in front of me
There’s nobody else I wanna be like
I’m just trying to find
Find my fingerprint

Will STAR PILOTS take off in MF Malmo among all the Big Stars for the last Semi-Final.

Its the last Semi-final with the last eight songs for 2009, in the past the 4th Semi Final
has produced the Melodifestivalen winner. So already this is looked on as
showcasing the very best songs from Malmo on this saturday night. Certainly we have
some BIG stars with Anges (one of Sweden's Top previous idol performers)
goes almost Motown with "Love Love Love" . Malena Ernman, a world glass opera
singer goes schlager. Malena has a fantastic classic song wrote
by schlager-master Fredrik Kempe and one of his best tunes for Mf 2009 I think.
Thorleif are our veteran dansband with a large following and to sing
"Sweet Kissin in the moonlight" On the comeback trail is Sarah Dawn Finer
who I see is perhapes hoping to take the 'Empty Room' place left behind by Sanna
in 2008. But will 'Moving On' be the ballad to fill Sanna's shoes?

Among all this the newcomers Star Pilots with 'Higher' the new boys from the cockpit, they did
so well & had the most votes from the audience during Malmo's rehearsals along with
Agnes they were picked to go direct to Globen. As for my verdict, its a hard choice
with a lot of great songs and artists- My 2 favourites are Maria & Anna + Star Pilots
so I would luv for them to go into the final. With Marlena & Sarah Dawn Finer going to
2nd Chance, however I am sure Agnes with her large fan-base will get into the final 4 for sure.
So will this mean another schlager casuality in the final semi ! oh no ! As always the fate is
all written in the Stars.....

Doors to manual...Lets enjoy the MF ride

"Hi I am a Maria Haukaas Storeng a Norsk Special Agent, I have just flown in From Oslo to Malmo to be part of Melodifestivalen 2009.
My mission to help Sweden get outa this Eurovision slump in their results over past few years. I will be working closely with Agent Sahlene, hold on swedes be storeng....
you are about to be saved with our song 'Killing me Tenderly'"

Here they come the SwedNosk duet we have been
waiting for its like 'Chips' in 1982 all over again. Well almost!

Shirley Clamp has'nt lost her schlager crown in the new charts.

Lovely Shirley Clamp has started the Melodifestivalen 'CHART Attack', as each year the national singles chart in Sweden are Under Attack from Melodifestivalen. Last year an early casuality Miss Velvet made No:2 with 'Deja Vu' being an early single release she really got the ball rolling....
Then by the Globen final week in 2008 we had in the following weeks single charts a total of 19 Melodifestivalen songs in the Top 30 alone! I will keep an eye on chart movers on the blog as it happens.
This week it's great to see our Shirl' has shot into Top 3 from No:25 with 'Med hjartat fyllt av ljus' The song failed to make even a 2nd chance, but we luv'd it still & swedes have shown the same opinion with sales this week. Nina Soderquist's 'Tick Tock' peaked already at No:13 last week, however no sign of Marie Serneholt yet. Its still early as some record companies delay the releases. Plus oF course any songs from the final or 2nd chance are not allowed to be promoted or released until after the final is done.

MYX Music Awards 2009 - List of Winners

Sarah Geronimo was the big winner in the just concluded MYX Music Awards 2009.

Sarah was voted as the Favorite MYX Celebrity VJ, Favorite Female Artist, and Favorite Artist. She also went home with the Favorite Remake Award, Favorite Mellow Video, and Favorite Media Soundtrack all for the song "A Very Special Love".

Young belter Charice Pempengco and Journey's new frontman Arnel Pineda were given the MYX Special Citation awards for giving honor to the Philippines because of their talents.

Legendary Pinoy Rock band The Eraserheads was also honored with the MYX Magna Award for their exceptional contribution to the Philippine music industry.

Here is the list of other awardees:

Favorite MYX Bandarito Performance: Astrojuan

Favorite MYX Live Performance: Aiza Seguerra

Favorite International Music Video: "Crush" by David Archuleta

Favorite Collaboration: Christian Bautista and Sitti for "Captured"

Favorite Guest Appearance In A Music Video: Karylle ("Only Hope" by Gary Valenciano)
Favorite Indie Artist: Paraluman

Favorite New Artist: Rico Blanco

Favorite Rock Video: "Ang Pusa Mo" by Pedicab

Favorite Urban Video: "Shake That Thing" by Dannie Boi featuring Beatmox

Favorite Group: 6cyclemind

Favorite Male Artist: Erik Santos

Favorite Song: "Betamax" by Sandwich

Favorite Music Video: "Procrastinator" by Sandwich

The MYX Music Awards is a yearly event started by the MYX Music Channel in 2006 to honor the biggest hitmakers in the local music business. MYX viewers from all over the Philippines decide on the winners of the awards and send in their votes through texting.

Catch the premiere airing date of the 4th MYX Music Awards on March 1, Sunday, with its complete coverage starting at 8:30 pm with the Red Carpet Special, 9:00 pm for the MYX Music Awards 2009 and at 11:30 pm for the post-event and after party.

Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy (Music and Lyrics)

Britney Spears reveadled the cover of her latest single "If U Seek Amy" on her official website.

"If U Seek Amy" is the third single to be released from Britney's 6th studio album "Circus". The track was co-written and produced by Max Martin, who also wrote previous hits for Brit Brit, including "…Baby One More Time" and "Oops!… I Did It Again".

Earlier this month, Brit shot the music video for the song.

Hear the music and see lyrics of "If U Seek Amy" below:

If U Seek Amy
(Britney Spears)

La la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la (2x)

Oh baby baby have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom? Is she smokin up outside? Ouuh
Oh baby baby does she take a piece of lime
For the drink that I’ma buy her
Do you know just what she likes so?
Oh oh tell me have you seen her
Cuz I’m so-oh oh
I can’t get her out of my brain
I just wanna go to the party she gon’ go
Can somebody take me home?
Ha ha he he ha ha ho

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy
Love me, hate me
But can’t you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy
Love me, hate me
Britney Spears lyrics on

La la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la (2x)

Amy told me that’s shes gonna meet me up
I don’t know where or when and now their closing up the club Ouuuh
I’ve seen her once or twice before she knows my face
But its hard to see with all the people standing in the way ouuuh

Oh oh
Tell me have you seen her cause I’m so oh
I can’t get her off of my brain
I just wanna go to the party she gon’ go
Can’t somebody take me home
Ha ha he he ha ha ho

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy
Love me, hate me
But can’t you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
Oh but can’t you see what I see
Yeaaah say what you want about me (about me, about me)

So tell me if you see her
(if you knew what she was wearing and what she was like)
Cause I’ve been waiting here forever
(if you knew if she was going out of line)
Oh baby baby if u seek Amy tonight
Oh baby baby we’ll do whatever you like
Oh baby baby baby
Oh baby baby baby

La la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la (2x)

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy
Love me, hate me
But can’t you see what I see?
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy

Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me yeaah
Love me, hate me
But can’t you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me
Oh but can’t you see what I see
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen and Adam Lambert Make it to American Idol Season 8 "Top 12"

The three additional American Idol hopefuls who will be part of the Top 12 were named on last night's AI episode. They are:

Allison Iraheta who sang Alone by Heart

Kris Allen who sang “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson

Adam Lambert who sang “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones

Competing next week in the last batch of the Top 36 semi-finalists are:

Ju’Not Joyner
Scott MacIntyre
Nathaniel Marshall
Jorge Nuñez
Von Smith
Alex Wagner-Trugman
Arianna Afsar
Felicia Barton
Kendall Beard
Kristen McNamara
Lil Rounds
Taylor Vaifanua


There is a very interesting festival of French authors going on now (26) through Saturday (28) at NYU.

"Eleven major French writers, (including, for example, Marjane Satrapi, author of Persepolis), all translated into English, exemplifying the wide variety of styles and forms of contemporary French literary production, will come to New York from February 26 to 28 for two and a half days of one-on-one encounters with leading American writers, in dialogues hosted by well known American cultural critics (including, for example, E.L. Doctorow).

"These discussions will shed light on the concerns and accomplishments of writers in France today as well as on the similarities and differences that the commitment to writing implies in France and in the U.S.

"As with all foreign languages, translation of French works in the U.S. is disproportionately meager, with many more American authors translated in France than French authors here. The Festival of New French Writing hopes to attract new American readers to modern French and Francophone fiction and non-fiction."

The website ( ) alone is worth looking at, with extensive information about the authors.

Here is a list of participants. Information about each of them (and the exact schedule) is available on the site:

Fr�d�ric Beigbeder / Paul Berman Moderated By Tom Bishop

Emmanuel Carr�re / Francine Prose Moderated By Caroline Weber

Marie Darrieussecq / Adam Gopnik Moderated By Deborah Treisman

David Foenkinos / Stefan Merrill Block Moderated By Violaine Huisman

Bernard-Henri L�vy / Mark Danner Moderated By Caroline Weber

Marie N�diaye / Francine Duplessix Gray Moderated By Lila Azam Zanganeh

Olivier Rolin / E.L. Doctorow Moderated By Benjamin Anastas

Marjane Satrapi / Chris Ware Moderated By Fran�oise Mouly

Chantal Thomas / Edmund White

Jean-Philippe / Toussaint Siri Hustvedt Moderated By Olivier Barrot

Abdourahman Waberi / Philip Gourevitch Moderated By Lila Azam Zanganeh

ABS-CBN to Investigate Allegations of Wowowee Winner Nena Santos

ABS-CBN through its Corporate Communications head Bong Osorio, issued an official statement regarding the allegations of Mrs. Nena Santos, a house and lot winner of Wowowee's "Bigtime Pera O Bayong" game segment (read full details here).

The short statement read: "ABS-CBN together with Globe Asiatique is in the process of investigating the claims of Mrs. Nena Santos about the prize she won in Wowowee. We will make sure that Mrs. Santos gets the prize due her as soon as the important details are ironed out.

"To date, Wowowee has given out 19 houses without any problem. This is the first time we are encountering a problem like what Mrs. Santos has raised."

Maggie Wilson Covers FHM Philippines 9th Anniversary Issue

Maggie Wilson joins the bandwagon of beauty-queens-turned-sexy-covergirls of FHM Philippines on their March 2009 issue.

Margaret “Maggie” Nales Wilson (born March 15, 1989 in the Philippines but raised in Saudi Arabia) is a British-Filipino model-actress from Bacolod City and was crowned Binibining Pilipinas-World at the 43rd Bb. Pilipinas beauty pageant held at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on March 3, 2007.

She represented the Philippines in the 57th Miss World pageant on December 1, 2007. She is presently an MTV VJ, the first Philippine beauty queen to become one.

For the 9th year anniversary of FHM Philippines, Maggie reinvents herself as a sexy vixen from being a demure beauty queen.

FHM Philippines March 2009 edition is now available at magazine stands nationwide.

Arnel Pineda and the Journey Band Will Perform Live in Manila on March 14

World-renowned rock band The Journey is coming to the Philippines for their much-awaited concert on March 14 at the SM Mall of Asia concert grounds.

This comes at the heels of the band's well-publicized performance at the 2009 Super Bowl 43rd pre-game in Tampa, Florida last February 1, 2009. The American band Journey is composed of Neal Schon (guitars), Jonathan Cain (keyboards), Ross Valory (bass) and Dean Castronovo (drums), and of course, Philippines very own Arnel Pineda (vocalist). The former vocalist of local cover band Zoo was recently given his own segment on ABS-CBN's variety show ASAP '09 titled Rock Express.

Arnel was discovered by Neal through the video sharing site YouTube, paving the way for the Filipino singer to replace Journey's former vocalist Steve Perry.

Journey will definitely rock the local concert scene with their first performance in the Philippines after their successful tours in Europe and the United States. Arnel's powerful voice is featured in the band's 11th album titled Revelation, a certified-platinum album in the United States. Tracks include "Open Arms," "Only The Young," "Don't Stop Believing," and "Separate Ways."

Tickets to the March 14 concert are available at Ticketnet (Tel. No. 911-9999).

Stencil Graffiti Artworks that are worth seeing

1. Snort (London, UK)

�after following a white paint trail around the streets of shoreditch it ends up at this stencil. �

2. Do not cross (Copenhagen, Denmark)

3. Maid (London, UK)

4. What Are You Looking At? (London, UK)

5. The Thief(London, UK)

6. Rude Boy Rat(Brighton, UK)

7. iNeed (London, UK)

8. Dead Pedestrian (somewhere in Europe)

9. Banana Therapy (London, UK)

10. I Am Your Father (Melbourne, Australia)

11. E=mc^2 (London, UK)

12. Cut here! (somewhere in the planet Earth)

13. Taking Shower is for Dirty People (Washington, DC, USA)

14. Girl Jumping (Brooklyn, NYC, USA)

15. Ribcage (Paris, France)

16. Killing People is Rude (Chicago, IL, USA)

17. Strange Zebra (Dublin, Ireland)

18. Leopard Escapes (London, UK)

19. Just Back from McDonalds? (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

20. Just Do It! (Lisbon, Portugal)

21. Girl Slide (London, UK)

22. Take That Society (London, UK)

23. Kid and a Boat (London, UK)

24. Art Removed! (Asheville, N Carolina, USA)

25. Weapon of Mass Humiliation (Wellington, New Zeland)

26. The Truth about Capitalism (San Francisco, CA, USA)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wowowee Facing "Bigtime Pera O Bayong" Scam Controversy

ABS-CBN noontime show Wowowee is again facing another controversy. This time on their "Bigtime Pera O Bayong" game segment where the show supposedly gave a house and lot, car, and P1 million cash as grand prize, a house and lot as second prize, and P1 million as third prize.

In last night's PEP article titled "Wowowee winner complains about the "repossessed" house-and-lot prize" by Nerisa Almo, a certain Nena Santos - second prize winner of Wowowee's "Bigtime Pera o Bayong" on July 7, 2008, complaint about what she's been through to claim her supposedly brand new house and lot which, to her dismay, turned-out to be a re-possessed house not yet ready for occupancy.

Read PEP's full article below:

"Laging sinasabi ni Willie na ang Wowowee, programa ng walang pag-asa. Kaya asang-asa talaga ako na 'yong bahay na mapapanalunan ko, tulad ng bahay na nakikita namin sa TV at saka may laman," lamented Nena Santos, winner of Wowowee's "Bigtime Pera o Bayong"on July 7, 2008.

PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) got an exclusive interview with Santos, who resides on Banlat Road, Tandang Sora, Quezon City, with regard to her complaint about the house and lot that she supposedly won in that segment of the noontime show.

As the second-prize winner, Santos said, she's supposed to get a house and lot from the real estate developer Globe Asiatique. The first prize winner won a house and lot, a car, and P1 million cash; while the third prize winner got P1 million. After seven months, however, Santos claims she still has not received her prize.

Santos said that she's been going to Wowowee every month to follow up her prize. But on her every visit, a certain Wowowee staff named Abby would only tell her: "'Antay-antay lang po tayo, tingnan na lang natin,' ganun lagi ang sinasabi."

Until her last follow up early this February, another staff told her to follow up the house and lot herself at the Globe Asiatique office in Ortigas. She told PEP in disappointment, "Parang nainis pa sa akin na, 'Sige na nga, nanay, pumunta na lang kayo sa Wowowee bukas. Hanapin ninyo si Ellen, bibigyan kayo ng certification at kayo na lang ang makiusap sa Globe Asiatique.'"

The 56-year-old Santos said that after receiving the certification, she thought everything would be smooth and easy in getting her "dream house," which is located at Santa Barbara Villas II in San Mateo, Rizal.

To her dismay, she still could not move into the house after waiting for seven months.

"Pagdating namin doon sa San Mateo, hinanap namin si Engineer Lalaine. Sabi niyang ganun, may laman pa raw 'yong bahay dahil na-repossessed yung ibinibigay sa akin at may laman pa. Hindi na brand new, repossessed ang bahay at may laman pa," said Santos, who only has a "permit to occupy" in her hands.

She continued, "Ang ginawa ng isang tauhan niya, tinanggalan lang ng isang jalousy, sinilip namin doon sa loob. Nandoon pa nga lahat ng gamit dahil naremata nga daw."

The complainant was really disappointed especially when she recalled what Wowowee host Willie told her during the day she won as the second-prize winner of "Big Time Pera o Bayong." She said, "Sinabi pang ganun, 'Naku, nanay, magandang bahay 'yan sa Saint Monique Valais, kaloob ng Globe Asiatique, kumpleto ang gamit."

When she asked a staff of Globe Asiatique, she learned that the house that was shown to her would cost only P550,000—half the price of the house she supposedly won and worth less than the third winner's P1 million prize.

Santos added that the house was probably the prize of the winning contestant of Wowowee's "Want More, No More" segment, which replaced "Bigtime Pera o Bayong."

Globe Asiatique allegedly told her that she still has to wait for 10-15 days to give the former occupants time to take their things out of the house.

"Ano ba naman ako, kawawa naman ako. Hindi na nga natupad 'yong walang gamit, 'tapos luma pa ang bibigay. Kaya nga nagrereklamo ako. Bukod na sa luma na, repossessed lang, hindi pa fully furnished," commented Santos.

The complainant said that she could not be wrong about the house and lot that was promised to her because the "Bigtime" winner on July 1, 2008—which was only a week before Santos won—had shown her brand new, single detached, and fully furnished house in an episode of Rated K last August 2008.

Hence, she questioned the staff from Wowowee by saying, "Bakit po si Mary Ann, nanalo noong July 1, pinakita sa programa ni Korina Sanchez 'yong bahay na napanalunan?' sabi ko. 'Etching lang po 'yon,' sabi ni Ivy. 'Hindi po talaga 'yon ang bahay na binibigay, nakiusap lang po sila sa Globe Asiatique.'"

The same Wowowee staff allegedly told her, "Hindi naman porke nanalo kayo ng house and lot, mansion na ang mapapanalunan n'yo. Pasalamat pa nga kayo, nanay, may house and lot kayo. Ang dapat ninyong ginawa, nagsimba kayo, nagpasalamat kayo at may house and lot na kayo.'"

Nena Santos is now planning to seek help from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to be able to own the house that she won in Wowowee.

She also took this opportunity to call the attention of Wowowee contestants who may have the same fate as hers. She suspected that she's not the only winning contestant who experienced this kind of treatment.

Santos narrated, "Kasi tinanong ko sa Globe Asiatique, 'Ako lang ba ang nagrereklamo?'"

The Globe Asiatique staff allegedly replied, "Hindi po, kasi marami rin ang nagrereklamo."

She continued telling the staff from the real estate developer, "'Ang akala ko kasi 'yong makukuha ko katulad ng sa Rated K.' The staff replied, 'Oho, 'yon ang pagkakamali, dapat ipakikita nila kung ano ang ibibigay nila.'"

Santos also told PEP that her family has lost interest in watching their favorite noontime show. "Kaya nga sabi ko, hindi naman pala totoo 'yan. Kaya ngayon, hindi na kami masyado nanonood ng Wowowee. Dati talagang tutok kami sa Wowowee," she ended.

Meanwhile, ABS-CBN lady boss Charo Santos-Concio already issued a statement regarding the "complaints" yesterday, February 24, via "Flash Report."

"You Changed My Life" Grossed P18 Million on its Opening Day

The on-screen tandem of John Lloyd Cruz and Sarah Geronimo proves its power on ticket sales once again. Their second movie team up, You Changed My Life, was reported to have raked P18 Million nationwide gross on its opening day alone last February 25 according to Star Cinema Booking and Distribution. This surpasses the P14 Million nationwide opening day gross of A Very Special Love, which premiered last year.

A Very Special Love’s box office success earned John Lloyd and Sarah the recognition as Box Office King and Queen from the SM Cinema management. The warm reception for their team up gave birth to the idea of having the sequel, You Changed My Life, which was also helmed by AVSL director Cathy Garcia-Molina and produced by Star Cinema and Viva Films. Although it’s still early to say, John Lloyd and Sarah are already projected to claim the Box Office King and Queen title once again this time around for You Changed My Life.

Although there’s a big reason to celebrate, both John Lloyd and Sarah admitted to Showbiz News Ngayon that they’re a bit sad that the whole movie experience is now over. The Pop Star Princess will go on a concert tour in North America this March and April while the award-winning actor will return to the taping of his hit teleserye I Love Betty La Fea with his ka-love team Bea Alonzo.

Sarah reveals the kind of friend she found in John Lloyd through the course of the shooting of their two films. "In this business madalang makahanap ng taong ipaparamdam sa ‘yo na hindi ka lang basta ka-trabaho. Hindi ka lang babatiin kasi magkatrabaho kayo, papakitaan ka ng maganda dahil may nakakakitang ibang tao. Kay John Lloyd nabura ‘yung perception na ‘yun. Nagpapasalamat ako kay Lord na binigyan niya ako ng pagkakataong makilala ang isang John Lloyd Cruz."

On the other hand, John Lloyd talked about what he will miss most about Sarah. "Meron siyang special power. She has this endearing quality to make people feel very special. Parang magic. Papasok siya ng kwarto and everyone biglang magla-light up ‘yung face. Instantly lahat nahahawa sa aura niya."

Be sure to catch You Changed My Life now showing in theaters nationwide.


Judy Santos Stole Items at Japan Airlines

SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon featured an interesting story about what's inside the bag of this famous young Pinay actress...and guess what they've found out?

A stolen airline items.

And would you believe who this young actress was?

It's Judy Ann Santos.

But Judy Ann made a very practical reason why she did that....sayang nga naman ang mahal na bayad sa business class kung 'di mo naman susulitin. Afterall, libre naman yung mga items.

And even host-actress Kris Aquino pledge guilt of stoling candies and tostillos during her Dra. Vicki Belo and Willie Revillame interview.

Watch the very entertaining SNN video below:

I see a red moon rising: rare natural phenomena captured on camera

Stunning pictures of a red rising moon have emerged today.

The rare natural phenomena, which is known as �Etruscan Vase�, is caused by differences in air temperature near the earth's surface.

Also known as an Omega moon because of its shape, the optical effect is more usually seen in views of the setting sun rather than the rising full moon.

Photographer John Stetson caught the moment on camera at Casco Bay near Cape Elizabeth in Maine, USA, earlier this month.

Mirages such as this are possible when there is a layer of relatively warm air at the ocean surface with colder air above it, with a rapid drop in temperature the higher above surface.

On the day the pictures were taken the water was 39F (4C) while the air well above it was a chilly 18F (-8C).

Light passing through the atmosphere bends away from the warmer air towards the colder, denser air.

The result is that we see two moons - one being a mirror image of the other.

The lower part of the image is formed by rays from the moon which are reflected upwards from the warm layer of air at the surface.

If you are above this layer, you see both images together as rays also pass relatively undeflected over the top of the warm layer.

Optics expert Les Cowley said: �The effect is not dissimilar to the mirage seen above a hot road surface.

�The mirage depends on your height above the sea surface. You must be above the warm air layer but climb too high and the effects diminish.�

The moon appears red in colour because it is low in the sky, and blue light from it is scattered by the atmosphere while more red light passes through.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dr. Manny Calayan Issued a Statement in Defense of Boy Abunda Against Dra. Vicki Belo's Comment

Dr. Manny Calayan of Calayan Surgicenter, where Boy Abunda and his talents are the major cliet-endorsers, issued a formal statement in defense of Boy Abunda against Dra. Vicki Belo's comment (read related article here) on Abunda's looks and to question Belo's business ethics.

The full statement reads:

"We are behind Boy Abunda, 101 percent. We understand his feelings and reactions to the ridiculing and insulting remarks he sustained from Dra. Belo. Promoting one's business or services by stepping on someone was uncalled for. Besides, Dingdong Dantes used to be our endorser and part of what he has become came from our services, and so did other of her big named endorsers: Claudine Barretto, Ruffa Gutierrez, and Katrina Halili.

"There's a simple reason for our 'TO C TO BELIEVE' campaign and that's more about inner beauty that's from a good and sincere heart like Boy Abunda, which transcends outward a person's life and touches other people's lives. And through that inner beauty, we see and believe in the beauty of other people and we believe in their goodness! We accept whoever you are, we make you feel good. That's the Calayan experience and that's TO 'C' IS TO BELIEVE!"

ABS-CBN Shows Dodged Totoy Bato's Punch on TNS Survey

ABS-CBN shows still rule the ratings game as far as TNS National Survey is concern despite the premiere of GMA-7's powerhouse cast' Totoy Bato.

The Robin Padilla, Regine Velasquez, and Manny Pacquiao starrer failed to rock the nationwide competition despite its very high rating in Mega Manila. Totoy Bato only came in fifth place with 30.9 percent rating.

May Bukas Pa still in the lead Monday night with 39.7 percent. Followed by another Kapamilya programs I Love Betty La Fea (37.2 percent), Tayong Dalawa (32.7 percent), and TV Patrol World (31.2 percent) in second, third, and fourth spot.

Kapuso shows Luna Mystika (28.2 percent), 24 Oras (23.8 percent), and Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang (23.1 percent) places at sixth, seventh, and eigth.

Completing the Top 10 are Boy Abunda and Kris Aquino's SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon with 20.6 percent, and GMA-7's Koreanovela Fated To Love You (18 percent).

Here are the Top 10 daytime and primetime programs from February 20 to 23 based on the overnight ratings conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) among National households:

February 20, Friday

1. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 21.5%
2. Saan Darating ang Umaga? (GMA-7) - 21.3%
3. Paano Ba ang Mangarap? (GMA-7) - 19%
4. Pieta (ABS-CBN) - 17.4%
5. Pilipinas, Game KNB? (ABS-CBN) - 17.3%
6. Daisy Siete (GMA-7) - 16.7%
7. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 16.4%
8. Parekoy (ABS-CBN) - 16 %
9. La Traicion (ABS-CBN) - 12.3%
10. Be Strong Geum Soon (GMA-7) - 12.2%

1. May Bukas Pa (ABS-CBN) - 40.5%
2. Tayong Dalawa (ABS-CBN) - 38.9%
3. I Love Betty La Fea (ABS-CBN) - 38.5%
4. TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN) - 33%
5. Luna Mystika (GMA-7) - 28.7%
6. Gagambino (GMA-7) - 28%
7. SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon (ABS-CBN) - 27.1%
8. Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang (GMA-7) - 24.2%
9. Pinoy Fear Factor (ABS-CBN) - 23.4%
10. 24 Oras (GMA-7) - 22.2%

February 21, Saturday

1. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 21.9%
2. Komiks Presents Flash Bomba (GMA-7) - 20.3%
3. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 17.3%
4. Cinema FPJ: Da King On ABS-CBN (ABS-CBN) - 16.6%
5. Takeshi's Castle (GMA-7) - 12.3%
6. Pilipinas, Game KB? (ABS-CBN) - 11.9%
7. Pinoy Records (GMA-7) - 11.6%
8. Entertainment Live (ABS-CBN) / Wish Ko Lang (GMA-7) - 10.4%
9. Maynila (GMA-7) - 9.7%
10. Lovely Day (GMA-7) / Startalk (GMA-7) - 9.6%

1. Maalaala Mo Kaya (ABS-CBN) - 34.4%
2. The Singing Bee (ABS-CBN) - 26.5%
3. Imbestigador (GMA-7) - 21.8%
4. Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho (GMA-7) - 21.6%
5. Bitoy's Funniest Videos (GMA-7) - 21.2%
6. Banana Split (ABS-CBN) - 17.6%
7. Kakasa Ka Ba Sa Grade 5? (GMA-7) - 15.8%
8. Kapuso Movie Festival (GMA-7) - 13.6%
9. XXX (ABS-CBN) - 10.9%

February 22, Sunday

1. ASAP ‘09 (ABS-CBN) - 17.9%
2. SOP (GMA-7) / Your Song Presents Feb-Ibig (ABS-CBN) - 13.1%
3. Matanglawin (ABS-CBN) - 12.3%
4. The Buzz (ABS-CBN) - 11.7%
5. Showbiz Central (GMA-7) - 11.1%
6. Dear Friend (GMA-7) - 10.7%
7. Takeshi's Castle (GMA-7) - 10%
8. Kay Susan Tayo (GMA-7) - 8.5
9. Bakugan Battle Brawlers (GMA-7) - 8.4%

1. Rated K (ABS-CBN) - 31.1%
2. The Singine Bee (ABS-CBN) - 26.2%
3. Kap's Amazing Stories (GMA-7) - 23.3%
4. Sharon (ABS-CBN) - 23.2%
5. My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad (GMA-7) - 20.9%
6. Goin' Bulilit (ABS-CBN) - 19.7%
7. Mel & Joey (GMA-7) - 19.6%
8. TV Patrol Linggo (ABS-CBN) - 17.5%
9. All Star K (GMA-7) - 16.5%
10. Ful Haus (GMA-7) - 15.1%

February 23, Monday

1. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 20.4%
2. Saan Darating ang Umaga? (GMA-7) - 19.9%
3. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 19.4%
4. Paano Ba ang Mangarap? (GMA-7) - 18.8%
5. Pokemon (GMA-7) / Daisy Siete (GMA-7) - 16.4%
6. Parekoy (ABS-CBN) - 16.3%
7. Slamdunk (GMA-7) 15.7%
8. Pieta (ABS-CBN) - 15%
9. Doraemon (GMA-7) - 14.3%
10. 81st Oscar Awards (ABS-CBN) - 13%

1. May Bukas Pa (ABS-CBN) - 39.7%
2. I Love Betty La Fea (ABS-CBN) - 37.2%
3. Tayong Dalawa (ABS-CBN) - 32.7%
4. TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN) - 31.2%
5. Totoy Bato (GMA-7) - 30.9%
6. Luna Mystika (GMA-7) - 28.2%
7. 24 Oras (GMA-7) - 23.8%
8. Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang (GMA-7) - 23.1%
9. SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon (ABS-CBN) - 20.6%
10. Fated To Love You (GMA-7) - 18%

Source: TNS via PEP

Totoy Bato Knocked-out all ABS-CBN Shows on Its First Night According to AGB Nielsen Philippines

Action superstar Robin Padilla returns to primetime television via his new action-drama series in GMA-7, the TV remake of Carlo J. Caparas's Totoy Bato. The show, which premiered last night, February 23, knocked out the competition and topped the primetime race with a very impressive 36.7 percent.

Totoy Bato boasts a stellar cast that includes Regine Velasquez, Eddie Garcia, boxing champ Manny Pacquiao among others.

Former No. 1 Luna Mystika slipped to second place with 33.8 percent; followed by fellow Kapuso shows Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang (29.9 percent) and 24 Oras (29.7 percent).

Meanwhile, the inspirational drama May Bukas Pa leads ABS-CBN's campaign with 29 percent to take the fifth spot. Tayong Dalawa and I Love Betty La Fea took the next two slots.

Completing the Top 10 are: Fated To Love You, TV Patrol World, and Showbiz News Ngayon.

GMA-7 telefantasya Gagambino's final episode last Friday, February 20, managed to score second place with its 34.7 percent, behind Luna Mystika's 36 percent.

Here are the Top 10 daytime and primetime programs from February 20 to 23 based on the overnight ratings conducted by AGB Nielsen Philippines among Mega Manila households:

February 20, Friday

1. Saan Darating ang Umaga? (GMA-7) - 25.1%
2. Paano Ba ang Mangarap? (GMA-7) - 23%
3. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 22.4%
4. Daisy Siete (GMA-7) - 19.8%
5. Be Strong Geum Soon (GMA-7) - 15.7%
6. Pilipinas, Game KNB? (ABS-CBN) - 15.3%
7. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 15.1%
8. Love At The Corner (GMA-7) - 14.9%
9. Rosalinda (GMA-7) - 14%
10. Pieta (ABS-CBN) - 10.5%

1. Luna Mystika (GMA-7) - 36%
2. Gagambino (GMA-7) - 34.7%
3. Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang (GMA-7) - 33.3%
4. Tayong Dalawa (ABS-CBN) - 31%
5. I Love Betty La Fea (ABS-CBN) - 30.6%
6. 24 Oras (GMA-7) - 30.3%
7. May Bukas Pa (ABS-CBN) - 29.8%
8. Fated To Love You (GMA-7) - 27.3%
9. TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN) - 24.9%
10. SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon (ABS-CBN) 23.7%

February 21, Saturday

1. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 23.2%
2. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 16.9%
3. Wish Ko Lang (GMA-7) - 15.3%
4. Takeshi's Castle (ABS-CBN) - 15.1%
5. Pinoy Records (GMA-7) - 14.6%
6. Cinema FPJ: Da King on ABS-CBN (ABS-CBN) - 13.7%
7. Startalk (GMA-7) - 13.1%
8. Komiks Presents Mars Ravelo's Flash Bomba (ABS-CBN) - 12.3%
9. Entertainment Live (ABS-CBN) - 9.8%
10. Pilipinas, Game KNB? (ABS-CBN) - 9.3%

1. Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho (GMA-7) -29%
2. Imbestigador (GMA-7) - 27.1%
3. Bitoy's Funniest Videos (GMA-7) - 24.4%
4. Kakasa Ka Ba Sa Grade 5? (GMA-7) - 20.2%
5. The Singing Bee (ABS-CBN) - 19.8%
6. Maalaala Mo Kaya (ABS-CBN) - 19.6%
7. Kapuso Sine Festival (GMA-7) - 16.6%
8. Banana Split (ABS-CBN) - 15.7%
9. XXX (ABS-CBN) - 10.5%
10. Sine Totoo (GMA-7) - 10%

February 23, Monday

1. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 25.3%
2. Paano Ba ang Mangarap? (GMA-7) - 24.2%
3. Saan Darating ang Umaga? (GMA-7) - 23.5%
4. Daisy Siete (GMA-7) - 18.1%
5. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 17.2%
6. Lalola (GMA-7) - 15.8%
7. Parekoy (ABS-CBN) - 13.5%
8. Pieta (ABS-CBN) - 12.8%
9. 81st Oscar Awards (ABS-CBN) - 11%
10. SiS (GMA-7) - 9.5%

1. Totoy Bato (GMA-7) - 36.7%
2. Luna Mystika (GMA-7) - 33.8%
3. Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang (GMA-7) - 29.9%
4. 24 Oras (GMA-7) - 29.7%
5. May Bukas Pa (ABS-CBN) - 29%
6. Tayong Dalawa (ABS-CBN) - 28.2%
7. I Love Betty La Fea (ABS-CBN) - 26.6%
8. Fated To Love You (GMA-7) - 25.7%
9. TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN) - 24.9%
10. SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon (ABS-CBN) - 23.2%

Source: AGB Nielsen Philippines via PEP

Hungary's Adok Zoltan a Disco Fantasy.

As Melodifestivalen is well on the road to�
the Globen Finale its always a�
good�time to check out�
what other�countries�have�
picked to take to Moscow.�
Adok Zoltan's 'Dance with Me' has set off
our 'schlager' panic button-for�
some reason ! it has that�svenska beat. �
Plus the video is rather ace,
as well as being very easy on the eye.�
Well done Hungary you finally got it 'right'.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Boy Abunda's Message to Dra. Vicki Belo: "Walang Sinuman ang May Karapatang Manlait sa Aking Pagkatao!"

Boy Abunda strikes back on Dra. Vicki Belo!

When Dra. Vicki Belo took the hot seat of Showbiz Central's "Gimme Mo" (read article and watch video here) segment Sunday afternoon, she was asked to comment about Calayan's (her biggest rival) claim that they have better-looking endorsers than Belo Medical Group. She said, "Well, first of all, I feel kinda bad. Kasi, ako naman ang nag-umpisa ng mga bati-bati ng mga artista. I feel bad, kasi parang ginagaya lang nila ako. Sana naman, maghanap naman sila ng unique marketing… And I’d like to say, if you want to look like Boy Abunda, then go to Calayan. But if you like to look like Dingdong Dantes and Piolo Pascual, come to Belo."

Last night on Boy Abunda's late showbiz program SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon, he tearfully answered Belo’s fiery statement on Showbiz Central. And he said, "Nang magkabati sina Kris at Vicki, tinanong po ako ni Kris, how did I feel. At ang sabi ko po mga kaibigan, I missed her. That came from the bottom of my heart, I missed Vicki.

"Off-cam, sinabi ko po kay Kris na nakaka-miss din dahil noong mga panahon na nag-uusap at hindi pa nagpapahinga yung aming pagiging magkaibigan, everytime she gets into problems, she'll call me for advice. Sabi ko dito sa Hayden controversy, siyempre tahimik ako dahil hindi nga kami nag-uusap.

"Kahapon right after The Buzz, my first caller po was Ruffa Guttierez, na sinasabi sa akin kung narinig ko na yung sinabi ni Dra. Vicki Belo sa [Showbiz] Central, sa kabila. Hindi pa. That was the first time I was hearing it.

"Hanggang may mga text messages na pumasok po sa akin. At sinabi kong hindi naman siguro sasabihin sa akin ni Vicki ito. Baka nagkakamali lang dahil malalim naman ang aming pinagsamahan at matagal ang aming pinagsamahan. At sabi ko nga, wala naman kaming pinag-awayan ni Vicki.

Nasindak po ako, na-surprise po ako, di po ako makapaniwala nung luminaw na lahat ng mga sinabi nya…kaibigan ko pong matalik si Dra. Vicki Belo for years. Vicki if you’re watching alam mo na kahit kailan hindi ako namuhunan sa gandang panlabas dahil alam ko wala ako masyado nun. Alam mo na namuhunan ako ng lakas ng loob, sipag at tiyaga, dasal, at Vicki wala akong ilusyong gumanda. At wala ring ninumang may karapatan na manlait sa aking pagkatao."

Boy narrated that his mom called him late Sunday night from Samar and asked him if he did something wrong to Vicky and why the lady doctor made fun of him on national tv. Boy assured her mom that he did not do anything against the famous cosmetic doctor.

"Vicki if you’re watching, you know i did not do anything bad to you to deserve this insult. Wala akong ginawa sa ‘yo. And Nay, if you’re watching, wala po akong ginawa. Narating ko po ang maliit na espasyo ko dito sa industriya na wala po akong tinapakan. At mga kaibigan, hindi po tayo kinakailangang kasing-ganda o kasing-gwapo ni Dingdong Dantes para maging masaya at para maging mabuting tao." he added.

Watch Boy Abunda's video below: