Saturday, May 31, 2008
Bad rules lead to bad results. The loyalty with which the DNC Rules Committee defended enforcing its terrible rules was very disheartening.
It may have seemed like a good idea at one point to try to prevent the nomination process from being too long by barring states from having early primaries (as if that worked...) But once it became apparent -- a long time ago -- that Florida and Michigan were going to become problems, the rules should have been changed -- a long time ago!
The rule as applied to Florida, for example, gave Florida Republicans, who controlled the state legislative process, another chance to dirty trick the Democrats by legislating the Florida primary date ahead of the deadline; thus, effectively creating a problem for the Democrats in the state.
Regardless of who was responsible for setting the Michigan date early, bringing more Democrats to the polls to support the primary process was much more important for winning the state in November than leaving the primary results unconvincing and just hanging there waiting to disenfranchise or de-enthusi-ize the Democratic voters.
Anyone who thinks it is more important to uphold a bad rule than to mobilize and motivate voters in a state to vote Democratic in November should not be on the DNC.
Since Obama would have been almost as surely the nominee if they had seated the two delegations according to the most pro-Clinton formula as he is with this "compromise," it would have been much wiser to acknowledge the failure in practice (however well intentioned they might once have seemed) of the "timing" rules and seat the delegates, than defend the "principle" of following a rule (however bad) and exacerbate intra-party conflicts, resentment, and general bad feeling in two crucial states for the Democrats.
The object and purpose, after all, of everything the DNC does is to elect Democrats. Why insist on rules that work against this goal? Rules don't exist for themselves. They exist for a purpose. So when the rules are working against the purpose, instead of for it, you change the rules.
Democratic National Committee,
Psychologische Test
Dit korte verhaal gaat over een meisje.
Op de begrafenis van haar eigen moeder ontmoet ze een kerel die ze nooit eerder zag. Ze vond deze kerel het einde, ze geloofde zelfs dat hij haar droomkerel was. Ze was dus direct stapelverliefd op hem, maar ze vroeg zijn telefoonnummer niet en dan...Een paar dagen later... Vermoordde het meisje haar eigen zus.
Vraag : Wat was het motief om haar zus te vermoorden?
Probeer het antwoord te vinden voordat je verder gaat met lezen.
Antwoord : Ze hoopte dat die kerel terug zou komen voor de begrafenis van haar zuster.
Als je correct hebt geantwoord, dan denk je zoals een psychopaat! Dit was een test van een beroemde Amerikaanse psycholoog, gebruikt om na te gaan of iemand de mentaliteit van een moordenaar had. Vele gearresteerde seriemoordenaars hebben deelgenomen aan deze test en antwoordden correct.
Als jij het verkeerde antwoord gaf: Goed voor jou!
Als jij het antwoord correct had, laat het me dan aub weten, zodat ik je uit mijn adreslijst kan verwijderen.
Als je vriendin het goede antwoord gaf, �n ze zegt voortdurend dat ze je zo graag ziet dat ze jou zou kunnen opeten. Wel, misschien heb je een erg eerlijke vriendin !
Heb je zelf een leuke conclusie? Plaats die als reactie op dit verhaal !
Op de begrafenis van haar eigen moeder ontmoet ze een kerel die ze nooit eerder zag. Ze vond deze kerel het einde, ze geloofde zelfs dat hij haar droomkerel was. Ze was dus direct stapelverliefd op hem, maar ze vroeg zijn telefoonnummer niet en dan...Een paar dagen later... Vermoordde het meisje haar eigen zus.
Vraag : Wat was het motief om haar zus te vermoorden?
Probeer het antwoord te vinden voordat je verder gaat met lezen.
Antwoord : Ze hoopte dat die kerel terug zou komen voor de begrafenis van haar zuster.
Als je correct hebt geantwoord, dan denk je zoals een psychopaat! Dit was een test van een beroemde Amerikaanse psycholoog, gebruikt om na te gaan of iemand de mentaliteit van een moordenaar had. Vele gearresteerde seriemoordenaars hebben deelgenomen aan deze test en antwoordden correct.
Als jij het verkeerde antwoord gaf: Goed voor jou!
Als jij het antwoord correct had, laat het me dan aub weten, zodat ik je uit mijn adreslijst kan verwijderen.
Als je vriendin het goede antwoord gaf, �n ze zegt voortdurend dat ze je zo graag ziet dat ze jou zou kunnen opeten. Wel, misschien heb je een erg eerlijke vriendin !
Heb je zelf een leuke conclusie? Plaats die als reactie op dit verhaal !
Manic Monday Weekend Hit
Neil Diamond - Beautiful Noise
Friday, May 30, 2008
Enlaces sobre las principales p�ginas webs de chateo.
Enlace 1:
Friends argentina
Chatear es muy sencillo. Debes saber que en los chats hay unas normas de comportamiento. No insultes, amenaces ni molestes a los demas. Las mensajes en mayuscula no gustan a mucha gente. Evitalos.
Terra Chats Argentinas
M�s de 4000 usuarios en linea chateando.
Enlace 1:
Friends argentina
Chatear es muy sencillo. Debes saber que en los chats hay unas normas de comportamiento. No insultes, amenaces ni molestes a los demas. Las mensajes en mayuscula no gustan a mucha gente. Evitalos.
Terra Chats Argentinas
M�s de 4000 usuarios en linea chateando.
A continuaci�n te brindamos enlaces que te redireccionar�n para chatear con amistades, mujeres y toda la gente de Colombia.
Enlace 1:
Chatea con Colombia.com
El mejor canal para que converses con la gente colombiana.
Chatea con chicas y chicos de Colombia
Las mujeres m�s bellas de colombia.....
Enlace 1:
Chatea con Colombia.com
El mejor canal para que converses con la gente colombiana.
Chatea con chicas y chicos de Colombia
Las mujeres m�s bellas de colombia.....
en este post te brindaremos los principales enlaces para chatear en vivo con hombres y mujres de todo el mundo. No os preocupais, todos los chats alojan a a miles de usarios al instante.
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Registrate y chatea
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Chat gratis en Espa�ol
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Chatzona: Chat gratis en espa�ol
Chatzona es una comunidad de chat en espa�ol totalmente gratis. Nuestra comunidad est� formada por usuarios de todas partes de Espa�a as� como de Latinoam�rica.
Enlace 4:
Chatea con gente hispana
Haz amigos chatea y divi�rtete en nuestra sala de amistad. Si lo que buscas es amistad con gente de todas partes esta es tu sala.
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Chatea con bellas argentinas
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Registrate y chatea
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Chat gratis en Espa�ol
Chat y amistad todo junto en un nuevo chat gratis. Entra en nuestras salas y conoce gran canditad de gente con la que ligar, establecer amistad, chatear etc y todo totalmente gratis.
Enlace 3:
Chatzona: Chat gratis en espa�ol
Chatzona es una comunidad de chat en espa�ol totalmente gratis. Nuestra comunidad est� formada por usuarios de todas partes de Espa�a as� como de Latinoam�rica.
Enlace 4:
Chatea con gente hispana
Haz amigos chatea y divi�rtete en nuestra sala de amistad. Si lo que buscas es amistad con gente de todas partes esta es tu sala.
Enlace 5:
Chatea con bellas argentinas
DESCARGA: Google Pack de Google Gratis - PROGRAMAS
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Norton Security Scan
Detecta y elimina virus y gusanos de Internet.
Actualizaciones de detecci�n gratuitas y an�lisis programados.
Google Desktop
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Mozilla Firefox con la barra Google
Navega por Internet de forma r�pida y segura.
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Barra Google para Internet Explorer
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Adobe Reader
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Google Earth
Acerca la imagen desde el espacio a una calle: viaja por el mundo.
Encuentra mapas, indicaciones de conducci�n, hoteles, restaurantes, etc
Norton Security Scan
Detecta y elimina virus y gusanos de Internet.
Actualizaciones de detecci�n gratuitas y an�lisis programados.
Google Desktop
Encuentra todos tus mensajes electr�nicos, archivos, historiales web, etc.
Guarda toda tu informaci�n personalizada en una misma ubicaci�n con la barra lateral.
Mozilla Firefox con la barra Google
Navega por Internet de forma r�pida y segura.
Cambia de p�gina f�cilmente mediante la navegaci�n con pesta�as.
Haz llamadas de voz y v�deo gratis a cualquier persona que disponga de Skype
Llama a tel�fonos fijos y m�viles a un precio muy reducido.
Barra Google para Internet Explorer
Realiza b�squedas con Google desde cualquier p�gina web.
Bloquea molestos pop-ups.
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Elimina con facilidad los ojos rojos y arregla fotograf�as.
Adobe Reader
Ve, imprime y busca archivos en formato PDF mediante una interfaz redise�ada.
Protege tus documentos y colabora en reuniones online, en tiempo real.
Reproduce los formatos multimedia m�s populares y permite organizar m�sica y v�deos.
Transfiere m�sica a un iPod o a otros reproductores port�tiles.
- Google Earth
- Barra Google para IE
- Google Desktop
- Google Talk
- Picasa
- Google Photos Screensaver
- Google Video Player (s�lo para EE.UU.)
De otras empresas
- Norton Security Scan
- Versi�n de Prueba de Spyware Doctor
- Mozilla Firefox Con Barra Google
- Adobe Reader 8
- RealPlayer
- GalleryPlayer
- Skype
- StarOffice
C�digos gameshark Pok�mon zafiro y rub� - Trucos Pokemon - Parte 3
111 - Rhyhorn
112 - Rhydon
113 - Chansey
114 - Tangela
115 - Kangaskhan
116 - Horsea
117 - Seadra
118 - Goldeen
119 - Seaking
120 - Staryu
121 - Starmie
122 - Mr.Mime
123 - Scyther
124 - Jynx
125 - Electabuzz
126 - Magmar
127 - Pinsir
128 - Tauros
129 - Magikarp
130 - Gyarados
131 - Lapras
132 - Ditto
133 - Eevee
134 - Vaporeon
135 - Jolteon
136 - Flareon
137 - Porygon
138 - Omanyte
139 - Omastar
140 - Kabuto
141 - Kabutops
142 - Aerodactyl
143 - Snorlax
144 - Articuno
145 - Zapdos
146 - Moltres
147 - Dratini
148 - Dragonair
149 - Dragonite
150 - Mewtwo
112 - Rhydon
113 - Chansey
114 - Tangela
115 - Kangaskhan
116 - Horsea
117 - Seadra
118 - Goldeen
119 - Seaking
120 - Staryu
121 - Starmie
122 - Mr.Mime
123 - Scyther
124 - Jynx
125 - Electabuzz
126 - Magmar
127 - Pinsir
128 - Tauros
129 - Magikarp
130 - Gyarados
131 - Lapras
132 - Ditto
133 - Eevee
134 - Vaporeon
135 - Jolteon
136 - Flareon
137 - Porygon
138 - Omanyte
139 - Omastar
140 - Kabuto
141 - Kabutops
142 - Aerodactyl
143 - Snorlax
144 - Articuno
145 - Zapdos
146 - Moltres
147 - Dratini
148 - Dragonair
149 - Dragonite
150 - Mewtwo
C�digos gameshark Pok�mon zafiro y rub� - Trucos Pokemon - Parte 2
051 - Dugtrio
052 - Meowth
053 - Persian
054 - Psyduck
055 - Golduck
056 - Mankey
057 - Primeape
058 - Growlithe
059 - Arcanine
060 - Poliwag
061 - Poliwhirl
062 - Poliwrath
063 - Abra
064 - Kadabra
065 - Alakazam
066 - Machop
067 - Machoke
068 - Machamp
069 - Bellsprout
070 - Weepinbell
071 - Victreebel
072 - Tentacool
073 - Tentacruel
074 - Geodude
075 - Graveler
076 - Golem
077 - Ponyta
078 - Rapidash
079 - Slowpoke
080 - Slowbro
081 - Magnemite
082 - Magneton
083 - Farfetch"d
084 - Doduo
085 - Dodrio
086 - Seel
087 - Dewgong
088 - Grimer
089 - Muk
090 - Shellder
091 - Cloyster
092 - Gastly
093 - Haunter
094 - Gengar
095 - Onix
096 - Drowzee
097 - Hypno
098 - Krabby
099 - Kingler
100 - Voltorb
101 - Electrode
102 - Exeggcute
103 - Exeggutor
104 - Cubone
105 - Marowak
106 - Hitmonlee
107 - Hitmonchan
108 - Lickitung
109 - Koffing
110 - Weezing
052 - Meowth
053 - Persian
054 - Psyduck
055 - Golduck
056 - Mankey
057 - Primeape
058 - Growlithe
059 - Arcanine
060 - Poliwag
061 - Poliwhirl
062 - Poliwrath
063 - Abra
064 - Kadabra
065 - Alakazam
066 - Machop
067 - Machoke
068 - Machamp
069 - Bellsprout
070 - Weepinbell
071 - Victreebel
072 - Tentacool
073 - Tentacruel
074 - Geodude
075 - Graveler
076 - Golem
077 - Ponyta
078 - Rapidash
079 - Slowpoke
080 - Slowbro
081 - Magnemite
082 - Magneton
083 - Farfetch"d
084 - Doduo
085 - Dodrio
086 - Seel
087 - Dewgong
088 - Grimer
089 - Muk
090 - Shellder
091 - Cloyster
092 - Gastly
093 - Haunter
094 - Gengar
095 - Onix
096 - Drowzee
097 - Hypno
098 - Krabby
099 - Kingler
100 - Voltorb
101 - Electrode
102 - Exeggcute
103 - Exeggutor
104 - Cubone
105 - Marowak
106 - Hitmonlee
107 - Hitmonchan
108 - Lickitung
109 - Koffing
110 - Weezing
C�digos gameshark Pok�mon zafiro y rub� - Trucos Pokemon
C�digos gameshark Pok�mon zafiro y rub� ingles y espa�ol. Redactado y traducido por: Victor Alvarez.
* funciona el c�digo con el juego en ingles y espa�ol.
** funciona el c�digo solo con el juego en ingles.
1.- Pok�mon salvajes alterados. (**)
001 - Bulbasaur
002 - Ivysaur
003 - Venusaur
004 - Charmander
005 - Charmeleon
006 - Charizard
007 - Squirtle
008 - Wartortle
009 - Blastoise
010 - Caterpie
011 - Metapod
012 - Butterfree
013 - Weedle
014 - Kakuna
015 - Beedrill
016 - Pidgey
017 - Pidgeotto
018 - Pidgeot
019 - Rattata
020 - Raticate
021 - Spearow
022 - Fearow
023 - Ekans
024 - Arbok
025 - Pikachu
026 - Raichu
027 - Sandshrew
028 - Sandslash
029 - Nidoran hembra
030 - Nidorina
031 - Nidoqueen
032 - Nidoran macho
033 - Nidorino
034 - Nidoking
035 - Clefairy
036 - Clefable
037 - Vulpix
038 - Ninetales
039 - Jigglypuff
040 - Wigglytuff
041 - Zubat
042 - Golbat
043 - Oddish
044 - Gloom
045 - Vileplume
046 - Paras
047 - Parasect
048 - Venonat
049 - Venomoth
050 - Diglett
* funciona el c�digo con el juego en ingles y espa�ol.
** funciona el c�digo solo con el juego en ingles.
1.- Pok�mon salvajes alterados. (**)
001 - Bulbasaur
002 - Ivysaur
003 - Venusaur
004 - Charmander
005 - Charmeleon
006 - Charizard
007 - Squirtle
008 - Wartortle
009 - Blastoise
010 - Caterpie
011 - Metapod
012 - Butterfree
013 - Weedle
014 - Kakuna
015 - Beedrill
016 - Pidgey
017 - Pidgeotto
018 - Pidgeot
019 - Rattata
020 - Raticate
021 - Spearow
022 - Fearow
023 - Ekans
024 - Arbok
025 - Pikachu
026 - Raichu
027 - Sandshrew
028 - Sandslash
029 - Nidoran hembra
030 - Nidorina
031 - Nidoqueen
032 - Nidoran macho
033 - Nidorino
034 - Nidoking
035 - Clefairy
036 - Clefable
037 - Vulpix
038 - Ninetales
039 - Jigglypuff
040 - Wigglytuff
041 - Zubat
042 - Golbat
043 - Oddish
044 - Gloom
045 - Vileplume
046 - Paras
047 - Parasect
048 - Venonat
049 - Venomoth
050 - Diglett
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Trailer: Speed Racer - Meteoro - 2008
Basada en una popular serie de animaci�n japonesa de los a�os sesenta, que sigue las aventuras de un joven aspirante a conductor de coches que aspira a obtener la gloria con la ayuda de su familia y del supercoche que le ha construido su padre.
Basada en una popular serie de animaci�n japonesa de los a�os sesenta, que sigue las aventuras de un joven aspirante a conductor de coches que aspira a obtener la gloria con la ayuda de su familia y del supercoche que le ha construido su padre.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Blue State is a pleasant, amusing, romantic, road-trip comedy, set in a political diatribe. John Logue (Breckin Meyer, pleasant and extremely earnest) commits himself to moving to Canada after Bush wins re-election. Chloe Hamon (Anna Paquin) is the hot girl with blue hair who answers his ad for a travelling companion.
Anna Paquin (Oscar winner for The Piano) is really terrific in this small, independent, extremely low budget film. She delivers moods and feeling with the smallest movement of an eye or lip, and seems alert, present and deeply involved at every moment.
The film was produced by (many! people, including) Andrew Paquin, Anna's brother, and was edited by Adam B. Stein, recently a finalist On The Lot.
The film is nicely shot, especially considering it was shot in twenty days at a rate of 5 pages a day. This is the first feature for writer/director Marshall Lewy. Nice work.
Anna Paquin,
Blue State,
Breckin Meyer,
Marshall Lewy
Sunday, May 25, 2008
-landscape.jpg)
taken by Phoenix shortly after arrival on Mars
Phoenix has landed on Mars. Launched in August, Phoenix used parachutes and reverse rockets to slow its decent to a solid landing on the North Polar, Arctic region of Mars.
Previous studies have shown the strong likelihood of a layer of H20-ice possibly as close as an inch below the surface. Phoenix is designed to dig into the surface and study the frozen water that it hopes to find there (including the possibility of organic material in the ice). Other experiments on Phoenix will measure moisture, dust and other meteorological properties of the atmosphere.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My Review of Angel's 6x07: "After The Fall Part 7"

Written by Brian Lynch
Artwork by Tim Kane And Nick Runge And Stephen Mooney
Connor: �Surprised you haven�t encountered one of my fathers.�
Kate: ��One off �? Heh, LA.�
Things keep building up and getting rather juicy as this comic season continues to show vital signs of actual improvement. Last issue tackled four different characters so this issue continues with one Betta George and also starts unravelling the fates of both Wesley and Kate.
Betta�s story both begins and end this comic yet again. The fish has managed to break free of the reigns of his prison and is making a decent attempt to escape. Sadly for him, the vampire we all assumed was thicker than two short planks has other ideas.
While Betta George might be keen to catch up with Spike, the vampire minion stops him from actually leaving. Worse still for Betta is that he�s furious about the fish trying to underestimate him at every turn.
Much as I like the Betta George plot I kind of wish that we got the full story in the first few pages. I�m looking forward to really finding out why he�s so significant in the grand scheme of things. What the hell does Gunn want with him and it Betta is so important, then why aren�t Angel and Wesley looking for him also?
To kick off the new stories first there�s Wesley sitting in a chair looking content. From the get go, it�s clear that he�s supposed to be in some form of a happy setting and given the amount of misery he�s had to endure, a part of me was hoping that this happiness was real for him.
After all you�ve got Wesley with a big goofy grin on his face and there�s Fred telling him that they�ve done it. Wesley�s reaction is to wonder aloud if a small of her was still inside Illyria to which she reacts that she was. Given that Illyria lied to him as he began to die, I could see where this one was going.
It�s great to see to a romanticised Wesley and Fred. Both of them want to be together and there�s a few romantic images as well as the odd monster to slay that highlights what their future might be. All Wesley wants to do is curl up in bed with the woman he loves more than anything.
Sadly Wesley is also a realist and immediately that the Fred who is offering him such joys is a fake. It�s not specified who is actually posing as Fred, though a part of me suspects that it could be Eve. Well she always did have a penchant for being annoying when she wasn�t scheming against Wolfram And Hart herself.
Wolfram And Hart clearly believe that Wesley could do with being a bit more miserable. After all they want to reveal the Fred as a fake as soon as Wesley slept with her but they didn�t bank on Wesley figuring out so quickly. I�m hoping future underestimations on Wolfram And Hart�s part will play to Wesley�s advantage.
Wesley�s first reaction to the fake Fred is to strangle her but he manages to keep his anger under control. Not that it matters seeing as the fake is every bit as dead as he is. Still the woman is a right bitch in her happiness to goad Wesley and she doesn�t waste much time either in reminding him that he is still under contract.
As we�ve seen from the start of �After The Fall Part 1�, Wesley is literally being forced by Wolfram And Hart to spy on Angel and report to them everything he gets up to. Wesley doesn�t want to do this and uses both the fact he�s dead and idle threats to try and get out of the deal.
Unfortunately the threat of being separated from Fred even more and the fact he�s bound by contract means that he doesn�t get a say in the matter. Soon enough he�s kitted out for work and is told to get on with things.
Wesley�s reaction to the hell on earth outside is a nice touch. He�s actually surprised by the amount of carnage that has managed to happen in such a short time and while he�s still determined to best Wolfram And Hart, he is for the time being their unwilling little spy.
As for the woman posing as Fred (then again maybe it is Fred), she also questions Wesley�s motives. She knows that he�ll try to break free but she�s also aware that Wesley�s loyalty to Angel could be an advantage for her as well.
The most interesting however is that she mentions Wesley being the key to Wolfram And Hart being victorious in this battle. Needless to say, I really want to find out how exactly that one will come about. How can Wesley help this firm win and more importantly, aside from Angel, is there any other way they can lose?
Connor meanwhile also has the fear of losing his own battles. Being caught by a demon gang in the last issue wasn�t exactly the best of things that could�ve happened to him and given that his mind is less focused on escaping, it�s a good job that he doesn�t have to be the one who kills the demons ready to slaughter him.
Nope, instead that honour goes to Kate who since the last time we�ve seen her has clearly went on a Supernatural marathon and decided to become a demon hunter in her own right. All she says is two words before the demon holding Connor is shot to pieces.
As reintroductions go that is pretty damn cool. Kate�s never been one of my favourite characters but I�ve never hated and while I was expecting the mystery character for this issue to be someone like Cordelia, I have to admit that her story is riveting enough to keep me amused.
As soon as she shoots the demon both she and Connor have to leg it as the remaining demons are ready to tear them both to pieces. One of the amusing things with the running is that Connor goes into overload trying to prove his toughness as Kate gently dismisses him.
Still at least there is Kate�s car so they don�t have to do that much running and the driving allows for some more sparkling dialogue. Kate wants to get Connor away from danger and all Connor wants to do is explain that he can handle himself in a fight.
He�s also quick to mention that he has multiple fathers as Kate gives a brief description of her own antics. Basically she�s helping people fall through the cracks caused by this hellish setting and when she�s not doing that she�s also blowing up as many demons as she can possibly muster.
In fact before we get to see her base she also shoots at a grisly looking spider creature which looked like it could�ve came out Doctor Who. It also enough to get Kate suspicious while in a funny scene Connor thinks she�s flirting with him. I guess in every dimension Connor is going to have a thing for older women.
As Kate�s base of operations, it�s a slayer�s wet dream. Tonnes of weapons and books but Kate�s too busy telling Connor to relax to give him a guided tour. Also when she finishes working on a nifty little weapon of her, she leaves Connor there to ponder all by himself.
Well Connor does that for a few seconds and then he arms himself. More interestingly is that it�s perhaps Kate and not his father that influenced him to fight monsters in this environment. After all when he wasn�t thinking about her sexually, he seemed to be taking in a lot of what she said.
However seeing as the comic started with Betta George, it also finishes with him and the fish is back to being a prisoner. Even more interesting is that the vampire holding him hostage explains that Gunn has being using slayers to help with his training.
This might be the first element of Buffy that has slipped into Angel�s comic season. It�s a nice, sinister twist that will hopefully pay off in later issues and it also manages to both confuse and freak out Betta George so there�s double points in that too. However something like that has got to draw attention and obviously I don�t mean from Buffy�s neck of the woods.
Also in �First Night Part 2�
The cover I got was with Spike in pure vampire mode on top of a building, looking all gothic and creepy to boot.
Betta George (to the vampire): �Wow, you really wanna bite me but you can�t, huh? There�s a reason I�m Hell�s most sought after fish. I�m a powerful telepath, little man. I mean, look at us, you�re a vamp and I can still make you think this is going on. Virtually impossible, yet here we are.�
The only appearance from Spike this issue is the image that Betta George produces to the vampire holding him hostage.
Betta George (to the vampire): �When your boss gets back, tell him I�m sorry I couldn�t stick around but I had to go see a British guy about kicking his ulp.�
Fred: �Sweetie � we did it.�
Wesley: �You were in there.�
Fred: �Maybe a smidge. You always knew.�
I have to give big praise to Nick Runge who really made both Wesley and Fred in this comic actually look like Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker.
Wesley: �What now?�
Fred: �What now �is us. Is this. Forever. We�ve earned it. We�ve earned whatever we want and for old time�s sake we can do this sometimes. But each and every time � we�ll be just fine. And we�ll always come back here.�
Wesley: �It sounds wonderful.�
Fred: �It�s getting there.�
Wesley: �If only � this wasn�t a lie.�
Visions we saw with Wesley and Fred included them by a field and a mountain, a horse drawn carriage and slaying a devil like demon.
Wesley: �Do yourself a favour. Stop pretending you�re her. It won�t get you anywhere except dead.�
Fred: �Well then we�d have something in common. See I knew you�d be smarter than this. They thought you�d be so desperate to believe that we�d have to drop the curtain and tell you when it would hurt the most.�
Fred: �I can�t believe you didn�t want to live in the lie for a while. I would�ve done whatever you wa-�
Wesley: �Shut up. You think I�ll be a company man? Really?�
Wesley had a snake on his back before forced into his suited attire. That has to mean something else, right?
Wesley: �What�s his fau- oh.�
Fred: �Yeah heaven isn�t this clich�d but hell � stereotype is pretty dead on.�
Connor: �It�s cool, I�ve done this kind of thing before.�
Kate: �I can tell.�
Connor: �Hey I grew up in a hell dimension.�
Kate: �Well then this oughta be like old home week.�
The cover issue I got here was also a poster in the middle of the comic book as well. Works better as a poster too.
Kate (to Connor): �A man wiser than both of us helped me through a crisis of conscience once. He said to me and I�m paraphrasing here ��in the greater scheme. Or the bigger picture, nothing we do matters. There is no grand plan. No big win. If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do because that�s all there is�.�
There�s a double issue frenzy in June. Issue 8 is out on June 11 and Issue 9 is out on June 25th.
Betta George (to the vampire): �And what is with that one word in your head over and over. Seriously what the hell is a slayer?�
Chronology: Seconds after �After The Fall Part 7� and �Not Fade Away�.
I liked this one. �After The Fall Part 7� is upping the intrigue on the hell on earth situation but I can�t help but think that Season Six should�ve started with this story rather than the format it�s placed in.
Rating: 8 out of 10.
Manic Monday Weekend Hit
Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
Friday, May 23, 2008
Manic Monday bereid zich voor op E.K...
Het Nederlands Elftal bereidde zich afgelopen week in een vriendschappelijke wedstrijd tegen Brachterbeek voor op het naderende E.K in Oostenrijk en Zwitserland.
Boven: Timmer, Cata, Seedorf, Butch, Ooier, Boulahrouz.
Onder: Emanuelson, Beurs, Struik, Junior, Berke.
Oranje won de wedstrijd met 7-0. Eerst was er het eigen doelpunten van Hartjesman (1-0), daarna kwam er een schitterende kromme vrije trap van aanvoerder Junior (2-0) gevolgd door een hipste schot goal van Beurs (3-0). Na rust was er een prachtige buikgoal van Butch (4-0) waarna Struik nadat hij de penalty stip had opgerookt een strafschop benutte (5-0). Nadat Berke het gras had gemaaid, schoffelde hij de bal er binnenkant paal in (6-0). In de 87 ste minuut was Cata eindelijk klaar met zijn haren doen, zweetbandjes en andere tierlantijntjes in en om te doen en zorgde toen voor de eindstand (7-0).
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Coreografias de Salsa - Clases de Salsa - Bailes de Salsa
Video 1
Video 2
Video: 3
Video 4
Video 2
Video: 3
Video 4
Chicas bailando Reggaeton - Sexy bailarinas
Este video pasa a ser parte de este espacio porque me sorprendi� la cantidad de visitas que ha tenido en poco tiempo. M�s de un mill�n de visitas. En realidad alcanzar esa cifra ya es meritorio y digno de comentar y adular, porqu� tanto �xito. Pues ya te habr�s dado cuenta las chicas que bailan y dan clases de ritmo y movimiento. Algunos bailes son m�s atrevidos que otros, pero en general todas sobre salen por su escultural figura y movimientos.
Videos: Coreograf�a de Reggaeton - Clases de Baile
Si a�n no aprendes pasitos para bailar reggaeton, pues has llegado al mejor sitio. Aqu� te proporcionamos varios videos donde se puede apreciar coreografias muy buenas, como para particarlo en las fiestas o discotecas.
Video: Mejor coreograf�a
Video: 1
Video: 2
Video: Mejor coreograf�a
Video: 1
Video: 2
�C�mo darte cuenta que tu pareja es infiel? - 20 formas de saber si tu esposo es infiel

�ES INFIEL TU HOMBRE? Pues para empezar tienes que responder las siguientes preguntas. Si la mayor�a coincide en la respuesta SI, pues lamentablemente tu esposo es infiel. Responde.
1. �Ha notado que se perfuma m�s �ltimamente?
2. �Practica deportes o hace ejercicios con m�s frecuencia?
3. �Est� m�s interesado en cambiar su vestuario?
4. �Se afeita y se cambia de ropa interior antes de salir a correr
5. �Han aumentado sus gastos en ropas, zapatos, perfumes
6. �La anima para que usted pruebe nuevas t�cnicas a la hora de hacer el amor
7. �Le ha insinuado que usted deber�a hacer algo para mejorar su figura
8. �Muchas veces cuando contesta el tel�fono nadie le responde y le enganchan?
9. �Ha notado que �ahora� prefiere escuchar m�sica en el dormitorio?
10. �Cu�ndo �l mira dormir a sus hijos, ha notado sus ojos h�medos de emoci�n
11. �Pasa mucho m�s tiempo con sus hijos pero fuera de la casa?
12. �Se ha quejado �ltimamente de inesperados dolores de cabeza cuando llega el momento �de hacer el amo?
13. �Le ha tra�do de regalo prendas intimas sugestivas?
14. �Hace mucho tiempo que no la llama �sexy?�
15. �Ha notado que �l a veces no usa su anillo de casamiento?
16. �De pronto se queda a trabajar hasta tarde con frecuencia?
17. �Entre las cuentas que recibe, ha aparecido la de alguna tienda desconocida por usted?
18 �Muchas veces llega a su casa perfumado como si tuviera acabado de ba�arse?
19 �Revis�ndole los bolsillos le ha encontrado alguna llave desconocida?
20 �Se ha dado cuenta si al irse acostar �l tenia la ropa interior al rev�s?
La moda Hi5 - Fotos - Videos - M�sica - Comentarios
El portal social Hi5, conocido fon�ticamente como jaifay, es uno de las redes sociales que m�s usuarios ha obtenido durante los �ltimos meses. Su crecimiento social es sorprendente abrumador. Todo aquel que tenga una cuenta de correo el�ctr�nico tiene su Hi5. Asi que si a�n no has creado tu cuenta Hi5 pues a continuaci�n te dejamos un enlace al portal y podr�s crearte tu cuenta. ENLACE: Hi5 CUENTA
Entrar a Hotmail.com - MSN Latino
Quiz�s no conozcas los pasos para entrar a tu correo electr�nico HOTMAIL. Pero en este blog te vamos a explicar paso a paso. es sencillo.
Paso 1: Ingresa a la web de MSN Latino
Paso 2: Seleccionar HOTMAIL
Paso 3: Ingresar tu correo y contrase�a
Paso 1: Ingresa a la web de MSN Latino
Paso 2: Seleccionar HOTMAIL
Paso 3: Ingresar tu correo y contrase�a
Env�a mensajes de texto a CELULARES CLARO

Envia Mensajes a celulares Movistar

La moda de la Minifalda - Fotos - Chicas con minifalda

Es la prenda que hace perder el juicio a cualquier hombre, claro, siempre y cuando la persona que lo use tenga unas atractivas piernas, como las im�genes que ver�n a continuaci�n. Pero para que no se quede solamente con la emoci�n de ver chicas con minifalda, le ilustrarremos un poco.

�QU� ES UNA MINIFALDA? Seg�n wikipedia "la Una minifalda es una falda corta que termina por encima de la rodilla (generalmente 20 cm o m�s sobre la rodilla), el uso de esta prenda es pr�cticamente exclusivo de las mujeres j�venes. Es s�mbolo de seducci�n y atracci�n sexual, por lo que no se recomienda su uso para actividades formales o de trabajo.

Fue creada por la dise�adora de modas brit�nica Mary Quant, quien tuvo como inspiraci�n el autom�vil Mini en 1965.

En el siguiente enlace encontrar�s a la mayor�a de celebridades en minifalda. CELEBRIDADES EN MINIFALDA
Mujeres Lindas del Mundo - Chicas bellas - Sensuales
Pues usted ingres� a este blog a ver las mujeres m�s lindas del mundo. Y realmente las hay de todo, en todos los pa�ses. Hay modelos, actrices, cantantes, vedettes, reinas, entre otras. Para ver fotos te recomendamos Los siguientes enlaces.
las chicas m�s lindas del mundo
las chicas m�s lindas del mundo
Casas Embrujadas
Si te gusta el suspenso, el peligro, las casas embrujadas, pues te recomiendo los siguientes videos y enlaces. En el caso de las casas embrujadas en general se relatan muchas afirmaciones, entre ellas por ejemploel cambio de lugar de objetos, muebles, apariciones fantasmales, ruidos extra�os y hasta voces de ultratumba.
As� tenemos los videos siguientes:
Enlace 1
Casas embrujadas
Enlace 2
Wikipedia ofrece una descripci�n y definici�n de casa embrujada
Casa embrujada en Juliaca - Per�.
As� tenemos los videos siguientes:
Enlace 1
Casas embrujadas
Enlace 2
Wikipedia ofrece una descripci�n y definici�n de casa embrujada
Casa embrujada en Juliaca - Per�.
Animes Japonesas (Coleccion)
-P�gina de Fabi�n Celdeiro: Final Fantasy - Dragon Ball Z
-Intentando SER: El anime para los Geeks
-La conversaci�n del Anime m�s grande de M�xico
-P�gina de Fabi�n Celdeiro: Final Fantasy - Dragon Ball Z
-Intentando SER: El anime para los Geeks
-La conversaci�n del Anime m�s grande de M�xico
Caricaturas Animadas gratis (Colecci�n)

�QU� ES UNA CARICATURA? Seg�n la encicpledia m�s ilustrada de internet, caricatura es "un retrato que exagera o distorsiona la apariencia f�sica de una persona o varias, en ocasiones un estrato de la sociedad reconocible, para crear un parecido f�cilmente identificable y, generalmente, humor�stico".
Pues en este blog usted encontrar� la m�s diversas caricaturas del mundo de la animaci�n. Todo en Formato GIF, lo cual lo puede utilzar en su blogs, Hi5, portales, y correo electr�nico.
Y aqu�
Datito: En esta p�gina podr�n apreciar del simp�tico, sonriente, dentado, virtuoso Ronaldinho.
Por otro lado en formato video tenemos esta clase maestra de c�mo se hace una caricatura animada en 3d. Es realmente facil crear una.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
SARAH GERONIMO "Touched" by BELO Essentials
Pop Star Princess Sarah Geronimo joins local divas Regine Velasquez and Zsa Zsa Padilla and TV host Lucy Torres in the Belo Essentials family as she becomes the newest endorser of the said beauty product brand.
In the media junket for the said endorsement last night, May 19, at the Dolce bar on Tomas Morato, Quezon City, Sarah was welcomed by Dr. Vicki Belo and children Crystal Henares, who is the general manager of Belo Essentials, and Quark Henares, a filmmaker.
Crystal said that they chose Sarah to represent their products because, "Belo Essentials stand for quality and if there's one useful beautiful person that stands for all these beauty, it will be Sarah. So we thought that she would be the perfect fit for our endorser. We're really happy to invite her and to be part of the family right now."
Aside from this, their group also though that it's time for Sarah to endorse beauty products such as Belo Essentials. Sarah was first seen by the public when she was just 14 years old when she joined and won in the singing talent search program called Star For A Night (2003)
Crystal told the media, "Well, I think this is the perfect time also for Sarah because it's moving on to the next stage of her career. She's becoming a lady, she's turning 20 years old this year. So Belo Essentials just wants a hand to hold her through that stage. But she can also, you know, develop some qualities that our previous endorsers have so we'll some beauty secrets with her."
Sarah, on the other hand, said that she could not believe that Belo Essentials wanted her to be one of its endorsers.
"Talagang na-surprise ako," said Sarah, "kasi alam ko po na maraming pong mas deserving diyan na maging Belo endorser, at ako pa po yung napili ni Dr. Vicki Belo. Talagang flattered po ako nang very, very happy."
The 19-year-old singer also added, "Honestly po, nakadagdag po ito sa self-esteem ko. Talagang na-surprise po ako nang nalaman ko ito na kinuha po ako as Belo endorser."
In the media junket for the said endorsement last night, May 19, at the Dolce bar on Tomas Morato, Quezon City, Sarah was welcomed by Dr. Vicki Belo and children Crystal Henares, who is the general manager of Belo Essentials, and Quark Henares, a filmmaker.
Crystal said that they chose Sarah to represent their products because, "Belo Essentials stand for quality and if there's one useful beautiful person that stands for all these beauty, it will be Sarah. So we thought that she would be the perfect fit for our endorser. We're really happy to invite her and to be part of the family right now."
Aside from this, their group also though that it's time for Sarah to endorse beauty products such as Belo Essentials. Sarah was first seen by the public when she was just 14 years old when she joined and won in the singing talent search program called Star For A Night (2003)
Crystal told the media, "Well, I think this is the perfect time also for Sarah because it's moving on to the next stage of her career. She's becoming a lady, she's turning 20 years old this year. So Belo Essentials just wants a hand to hold her through that stage. But she can also, you know, develop some qualities that our previous endorsers have so we'll some beauty secrets with her."
Sarah, on the other hand, said that she could not believe that Belo Essentials wanted her to be one of its endorsers.
"Talagang na-surprise ako," said Sarah, "kasi alam ko po na maraming pong mas deserving diyan na maging Belo endorser, at ako pa po yung napili ni Dr. Vicki Belo. Talagang flattered po ako nang very, very happy."
The 19-year-old singer also added, "Honestly po, nakadagdag po ito sa self-esteem ko. Talagang na-surprise po ako nang nalaman ko ito na kinuha po ako as Belo endorser."
ALFIE LORENZO Fires Back at Star Magic
Umalma ang entertainment columnist-talent manager na si Alfie Lorenzo sa diumano'y editing na ginawa ng The Buzz sa kanyang taped interview na ipinalabas noong nakaraang Linggo, May 18.
Sa nasabing interview kasi ay sinabi ni Alfie na ginamit ng ABS-CBN ang alaga niyang si Judy Ann Santos upang lumikha ng ingay para sa upcoming television comeback ni Claudine Barretto.
"Oo, tama ka kasi kailangang gumawa ng ingay dahil nagka-comeback si Claudine," diretsong sambit ni Alfie sa interview sa kanya ng The Buzz.
Tinukoy ni Alfie ang latest shampoo endorsement kung saan magkasama sina Juday at Claudine, along with Ruffa Gutierrez and Gretchen Barretto. Paniniwala ni Alfie ay "riding on the coattails of Juday" itong si Claudine para gumanda ang image at bumango ang pangalan.
"Naiinis ako. Yun bang parang they try to find a way para magkaroon ng ingay ang comeback ni Claudine at ang ikinaiinis ko, lumang style na �yon. Ba't di na lang baguhin kung paano, di ba?" reklamo ng beteranong talent manager.
Sa kanyang column na lumabas ngayong araw, May 20, sa Abante Tonite ay tahasang sinabi ni Alfie na na-gimikan siya ng Star Magic (talent arm ng ABS-CBN) sa paraang hinati-hati ang kanyang mga naging pahayag sa The Buzz, dahilan upang maging out of context ang dating nito sa mga manonood.
"Yung taped interview ni Morly Alinio ay tungkol kuno sa diamond ring na bigay ni Ryan kay Juday. E, nag-segue si Morly sa tanong kung galit daw ba ako kay Claudine. Magkaaway raw ba sina Juday at Claudine?" kuwento ni Alfie.
Ayon pa sa manager ni Juday, "chop-chop at pinagdugtong-dugtong" daw ang ipinalabas na interview at halatang pinili ang mga salitang maaaring mabahiran ng ibang kulay.
"My interview was cut off doon sa sinabi kong �lumang style na �yan, e,'�kilometric ang example ko. Like hindi naman kako the best of friends sina Juday at Claudine, they're friends even not that close�ginamit yung Pantene commercial na magkasama sila para pagkumparahin, mga fans lang naman ang nagpapaaway sa dalawa para may kumpetisyon, may pag-usapan," katuwiran ng beteranong kolumnista.
Nang tanungin daw siya ng The Buzz during the interview kung galit ba siya kay Claudine ay sumagot siya, "Hindi."
"Sagot ko, bakit naman ako magagalit kay Claudine? Noong awayin niya ang Ate Gretchen niya, kinausap ko pa siya sa lobby ng ABS-CBN and advised her na tigilan na ang ate niya para hindi na lumaki pa ang gulo at maglabasan pa ang iba pang mga baho dahil sooner dahil sooner than you can think ay magkakabati-bati rin kayo, so stop it na. Bakit wala �yon sa interview?" tanong ni Alfie.
Dagdag pa ng palabang talent manager, "Bakit tinanggal nila yung sinabi kong si Juday lang ang dalaga sa apat na Pantene models? Dahil mas aangat si Juday kesa tatlo?"
Sa official statement na ipinalabas ng Star Magic sa nasabing isyu ay ipinagtanggol nila si Claudine sa mga naging pahayag ng matapang na manager. Hindi raw sumasakay si Claudine sa popularidad ni Juday sa dahilang nakagawa na ng sariling pangalan ang batang Barretto sa showbiz, bunga na rin ng sariling sikap at talento nito.
"ABS-CBN believes that Ms. Claudine Barretto made a name in showbiz and has a loyal following because of her popularity and hard work, and has no need of any help from Judy Ann Santos or bitter old man posing as showbiz journalist."
Nag-react si Alfie sa lumabas na statement at binatikos ang Star Magic head na si Johnny Manahan. Kung siya raw ay tinawag ng Star Magic na "bitter old man," si Mr. naman daw ay "spicy old man."
"Pagkatapos ng gimik kay Lolit, sa akin naman? Hay naku [Mr.] Manahan, magdiskubre ka muna ng isang mabibildap mo na matatalbugan ang kasikatan ni Judy Ann Santos bago ka maghamon ng achievements, �noh?!
"Akala mo eh magaling kang direktor eh mukhang mga karnabal naman sa ingay ang mga dinidirek mong shows from Monday to Sunday! Aba, lahat na yata ng shows eh inangkin mo na eh buo na naman �yang mga �yan nung i-take over mo ala-EDSA? Yung mga show na konsepto mo eh nawala lahat sa ere! And you have the guts to call yourself the head of Talent Center na nagging Star Magic eh wala namang magic sa kingdom mo, puro sabit lang kay Juday!" galit na buwelta ni Alfie kay Mr. Manahan.
Sa pagtatapos ng kanyang artikulo ay muling idiniin ni Alfie ang pagkadismaya niya sa ipinalabas na interview sa kanya.
"Inulit-ulit ko kay Morly Alinio, Juday and Claudine may not be the best of friends, hindi sila that close pero magkaibigan sila, I suppose. Hindi sila nag-aaway o nagsisiraan behind their backs. Ganoon."
Muli ay tanong ni Alfie: "How come iba ang lumabas sa The Buzz?"
Sa nasabing interview kasi ay sinabi ni Alfie na ginamit ng ABS-CBN ang alaga niyang si Judy Ann Santos upang lumikha ng ingay para sa upcoming television comeback ni Claudine Barretto.
"Oo, tama ka kasi kailangang gumawa ng ingay dahil nagka-comeback si Claudine," diretsong sambit ni Alfie sa interview sa kanya ng The Buzz.
Tinukoy ni Alfie ang latest shampoo endorsement kung saan magkasama sina Juday at Claudine, along with Ruffa Gutierrez and Gretchen Barretto. Paniniwala ni Alfie ay "riding on the coattails of Juday" itong si Claudine para gumanda ang image at bumango ang pangalan.
"Naiinis ako. Yun bang parang they try to find a way para magkaroon ng ingay ang comeback ni Claudine at ang ikinaiinis ko, lumang style na �yon. Ba't di na lang baguhin kung paano, di ba?" reklamo ng beteranong talent manager.
Sa kanyang column na lumabas ngayong araw, May 20, sa Abante Tonite ay tahasang sinabi ni Alfie na na-gimikan siya ng Star Magic (talent arm ng ABS-CBN) sa paraang hinati-hati ang kanyang mga naging pahayag sa The Buzz, dahilan upang maging out of context ang dating nito sa mga manonood.
"Yung taped interview ni Morly Alinio ay tungkol kuno sa diamond ring na bigay ni Ryan kay Juday. E, nag-segue si Morly sa tanong kung galit daw ba ako kay Claudine. Magkaaway raw ba sina Juday at Claudine?" kuwento ni Alfie.
Ayon pa sa manager ni Juday, "chop-chop at pinagdugtong-dugtong" daw ang ipinalabas na interview at halatang pinili ang mga salitang maaaring mabahiran ng ibang kulay.
"My interview was cut off doon sa sinabi kong �lumang style na �yan, e,'�kilometric ang example ko. Like hindi naman kako the best of friends sina Juday at Claudine, they're friends even not that close�ginamit yung Pantene commercial na magkasama sila para pagkumparahin, mga fans lang naman ang nagpapaaway sa dalawa para may kumpetisyon, may pag-usapan," katuwiran ng beteranong kolumnista.
Nang tanungin daw siya ng The Buzz during the interview kung galit ba siya kay Claudine ay sumagot siya, "Hindi."
"Sagot ko, bakit naman ako magagalit kay Claudine? Noong awayin niya ang Ate Gretchen niya, kinausap ko pa siya sa lobby ng ABS-CBN and advised her na tigilan na ang ate niya para hindi na lumaki pa ang gulo at maglabasan pa ang iba pang mga baho dahil sooner dahil sooner than you can think ay magkakabati-bati rin kayo, so stop it na. Bakit wala �yon sa interview?" tanong ni Alfie.
Dagdag pa ng palabang talent manager, "Bakit tinanggal nila yung sinabi kong si Juday lang ang dalaga sa apat na Pantene models? Dahil mas aangat si Juday kesa tatlo?"
Sa official statement na ipinalabas ng Star Magic sa nasabing isyu ay ipinagtanggol nila si Claudine sa mga naging pahayag ng matapang na manager. Hindi raw sumasakay si Claudine sa popularidad ni Juday sa dahilang nakagawa na ng sariling pangalan ang batang Barretto sa showbiz, bunga na rin ng sariling sikap at talento nito.
"ABS-CBN believes that Ms. Claudine Barretto made a name in showbiz and has a loyal following because of her popularity and hard work, and has no need of any help from Judy Ann Santos or bitter old man posing as showbiz journalist."
Nag-react si Alfie sa lumabas na statement at binatikos ang Star Magic head na si Johnny Manahan. Kung siya raw ay tinawag ng Star Magic na "bitter old man," si Mr. naman daw ay "spicy old man."
"Pagkatapos ng gimik kay Lolit, sa akin naman? Hay naku [Mr.] Manahan, magdiskubre ka muna ng isang mabibildap mo na matatalbugan ang kasikatan ni Judy Ann Santos bago ka maghamon ng achievements, �noh?!
"Akala mo eh magaling kang direktor eh mukhang mga karnabal naman sa ingay ang mga dinidirek mong shows from Monday to Sunday! Aba, lahat na yata ng shows eh inangkin mo na eh buo na naman �yang mga �yan nung i-take over mo ala-EDSA? Yung mga show na konsepto mo eh nawala lahat sa ere! And you have the guts to call yourself the head of Talent Center na nagging Star Magic eh wala namang magic sa kingdom mo, puro sabit lang kay Juday!" galit na buwelta ni Alfie kay Mr. Manahan.
Sa pagtatapos ng kanyang artikulo ay muling idiniin ni Alfie ang pagkadismaya niya sa ipinalabas na interview sa kanya.
"Inulit-ulit ko kay Morly Alinio, Juday and Claudine may not be the best of friends, hindi sila that close pero magkaibigan sila, I suppose. Hindi sila nag-aaway o nagsisiraan behind their backs. Ganoon."
Muli ay tanong ni Alfie: "How come iba ang lumabas sa The Buzz?"
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wowowee's RR ENRIQUEZ Topless Photos
Wowowee co-host and White Castle Girl finalist RR Enriquez said that the some of the topless pics of her that were posted and distributed all over the web were photoshopped.

Click ->> HERE <<- to see full article and allegedly photo-edited pictures of RR Enriquez.
PBB Teen Edition Plus 7th Nomination Night: Rona Libby and Robi Domingo are Nominated
The result of "Harapang Nominasyon" is out!
BLAKE LIVELY and PENN BADGLEY's Romantic Getaway

AMERICAN IDOL �Live Tour' Dates and Venues
The top 10 American Idol contestants from season 7 will set on a U.S. singing tour this summer.
Hitting the road for the 11 week concert series will be David Archuleta, David Cook, Syesha Mercado, Brooke White, Carly Smithson, Chikezie Eze, Jason Castro, Kristy Lee Cook, Michael Johns and Ramiele Malubay.

The tour will kick off July 1, 2008 and runs through September 13, 2008.
See below dates and venues:
July 1 Glendale, AZ jobing.com Arena
July 2 San Diego, CA San Diego Sports Arena
July 3 Fresno, CA SaveMart Center
July 5 Las Vegas, NV Thomas & Mack Center
July 7 Los Angeles, CA Staples Center
July 8 San Jose, CA HP Pavilion at San Jose
July 9 Sacramento, CA ARCO Arena
July 11 Portland, OR Rose Garden
July 12 Tacoma, WA Tacoma Dome
July 14 West Valley City, UT The "E" Center
July 18 St. Louis, MO Scottrade Center
July 19 Rosemont, IL Allstate Arena
July 20 Columbus, OH Schottenstein Center
July 22 Indianapolis, IN Conseco Fieldhouse
July 23 Cincinnati, OH US Bank Arena
July 24 Detroit, MI Joe Louis Arena
July 26 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre
July 27 Rochester, NY BlueCross Arena
July 29 Pittsburgh, PA Mellon Arena
July 30 Newark, NJ Prudential Center
August 2 Atlantic City, NJ Boardwalk Hall
August 4 Long Island, NY Nassau Coliseum
August 6 Albany, NY Times Union Center
August 8 Hartford, CT XL Center
August 9 Worcester, MA DCU Center
August 10 Manchester, NH Verizon Wireless Center
August 12 Baltimore, MD 1st Mariner Arena
August 13 Philadelphia, PA Wachovia Center
August 14 Washington DC Verizon Center
August 16 Lexington, KY Rupp Arena
August 17 Charlotte, NC Time Warner Cable Arena
August 18 Duluth, GA Arena at Gwinnett Center
August 20 Sunrise, FL BankAtlantic Center
August 21 Tampa, FL St Pete Times Forum
August 24 Houston, TX Toyota Center
August 25 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center
August 26 Bossier City, LA CenturyTel Center
August 28 Oklahoma City, OK Ford Center
August 29 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center
August 31 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
September 2 Green Bay, WI Resch Center
September 3 Grand Rapids, MI Van Andel Arena
September 4 Cleveland, OH Wolstein Center
September 6 Bridgeport, CT Arena at Harbor Yard
September 7 Providence, RI Dunkin Donuts Center
September 8 Wilkes Barre, PA Wachovia Arena
September 10 Ft. Wayne, IN Allen County Memorial Coliseum
September 11 Evansville, IN Roberts Stadium
September 13 Tulsa, OK BOK Center
July 1 Glendale, AZ jobing.com Arena
July 2 San Diego, CA San Diego Sports Arena
July 3 Fresno, CA SaveMart Center
July 5 Las Vegas, NV Thomas & Mack Center
July 7 Los Angeles, CA Staples Center
July 8 San Jose, CA HP Pavilion at San Jose
July 9 Sacramento, CA ARCO Arena
July 11 Portland, OR Rose Garden
July 12 Tacoma, WA Tacoma Dome
July 14 West Valley City, UT The "E" Center
July 18 St. Louis, MO Scottrade Center
July 19 Rosemont, IL Allstate Arena
July 20 Columbus, OH Schottenstein Center
July 22 Indianapolis, IN Conseco Fieldhouse
July 23 Cincinnati, OH US Bank Arena
July 24 Detroit, MI Joe Louis Arena
July 26 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre
July 27 Rochester, NY BlueCross Arena
July 29 Pittsburgh, PA Mellon Arena
July 30 Newark, NJ Prudential Center
August 2 Atlantic City, NJ Boardwalk Hall
August 4 Long Island, NY Nassau Coliseum
August 6 Albany, NY Times Union Center
August 8 Hartford, CT XL Center
August 9 Worcester, MA DCU Center
August 10 Manchester, NH Verizon Wireless Center
August 12 Baltimore, MD 1st Mariner Arena
August 13 Philadelphia, PA Wachovia Center
August 14 Washington DC Verizon Center
August 16 Lexington, KY Rupp Arena
August 17 Charlotte, NC Time Warner Cable Arena
August 18 Duluth, GA Arena at Gwinnett Center
August 20 Sunrise, FL BankAtlantic Center
August 21 Tampa, FL St Pete Times Forum
August 24 Houston, TX Toyota Center
August 25 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center
August 26 Bossier City, LA CenturyTel Center
August 28 Oklahoma City, OK Ford Center
August 29 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center
August 31 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
September 2 Green Bay, WI Resch Center
September 3 Grand Rapids, MI Van Andel Arena
September 4 Cleveland, OH Wolstein Center
September 6 Bridgeport, CT Arena at Harbor Yard
September 7 Providence, RI Dunkin Donuts Center
September 8 Wilkes Barre, PA Wachovia Arena
September 10 Ft. Wayne, IN Allen County Memorial Coliseum
September 11 Evansville, IN Roberts Stadium
September 13 Tulsa, OK BOK Center
PINOY IDOL Top 24 Finalist

1. Regene Ong of Quezon City - 20,impressed the judges by singing songs by artists as diverse as Elvis Presley and Sarah McLachlan. Stands out for her vintage dresses, which she makes herself.
2. Angeli Mae Flores of Marikina - 18, competed with Sarah Geronimo in the grand finals of �Star for a Night,� like �Philippine Idol� champ Mau Marcelo. Mae says she�s the �next big thing� in showbiz.
3. J-Anne Bautista - 21, from Pampanga, a student from UP Diliman. Her parents run their own businesses. She describes herself as a �shopaholic and a movie fan.�
4. Paolo "Dio" Maghari, 24, from Bacolod City, works as a call center agent for Teleperformance. His dad Melvin Maghari is a receptionist. Dio Paolo has sung in concerts and acted in a musical play.
5. Joselindo "JJ" Pimpino Jr., 17, of Bataan, studies in Baguio, where he lives with parents Dindo and Cynthia Pimpino. He says that he holds the distinction of being the youngest PPS contestant at 14.
6. Robby Navarro - 28, of Pampanga, recounts that he used to be part of a group. His decision to go solo was difficult, he says, but he insists it�s paying off.
7. Beverly "Bev" Ejercito, 18, from Davao, daughter of a company driver. Bev says she�s proud of �graduating from high school and winning in pageants.� Her bio says her big hair matches her big voice.
8. Eleuterio "Elliot" Andal, 24, of Batangas, is the son of a jeepney driver. He has worked as choir trainor and conductor and has won in several choral competitions. He was also a PPS contender.
9. Meryl David, 23, of Bicol, daughter of a former singer and a real estate broker. Meryl David says her proudest achievement is �finishing Nursing, while singing in a band.�
10. Warren Antig, 25, from Baguio City, once got a scolding from judges Ogie Alcasid and Jolina Magdangal because he wanted to back out, delaying the taping. He�s nicknamed �Bordado� by the staff because of his tattoos.
11. Sue Ellen Cubing, 16, of Iloilo, a pastor�s daughter and a beauty contest runner-up. Her sister Genevieve Cubing, who made it to the Manila round with her, was eliminated during Hell Week.
12. Ryan "Rye" Estrada, 28, of Iloilo, is a band vocalist and a self-confessed Robbie Williams fan. During Hell Week, he became emotional after dedicating his solo piece to his mommy, Fanny.
13. Drizzle Muniz, 28, of Quezon City, a professional songwriter. She write the song, �Mr. Dedma,� for singing champion Sarah Geronimo�s album entitled �Take Flight.�
14. Ramon "Ram" Chaves III, 25, of Cagayan de Oro, considers becoming a father as his most cherished accomplishment. His wife gave birth on the same day he auditioned at SMX.
15. Vrenylin "Vren" Villaflor, 17, hailed from Quezon City, the daughter of a retired police officer. As a child, she joined the �Batang Kampeon� contest and topped PLDT�s �Tuklas Talino� tilt.
16. Daryl Jett Celis, 21, of Rizal, is the son of an OFW. His mom Miriam Elli is a bar owner in Japan. He auditioned at SMX with his lola, whom he calls his �lucky charm.�
17. Gretchen Espina, 20, of Biliran, daughter of a governor. This 20-year-old UP student auditioned at SMX Mall of Asia accompanied by a bodyguard.
18. Jennifer "Jenni" Rawolle, 20, of Manila, already competed in GMA 7�s �Pinoy Pop Superstar.� This Paco, Manila resident is a big fan of burlesque performer Dita Von Teese.
19. Sherwin Marquez/Bayangan, 26, of Dagupan, lives in Tuguegarao with his parents Manuel and Letty Bayangan. He believes he will serve as a good example if he wins Pinoy Idol.
20. Walton Zerrudo, 25, from Laguna, considers �standards� as his forte. He describes his son, Weston as his inspiration: �I want him to be proud of me.�
21. Elizalde "Kid" Camaya, 24, from Quezon City, works at the Bank of Philippine Islands. His real name is Elizalde. He says �Idol� is his �dream and passion.�
22. Carol Anne Leus, 17, from Batangas, is a student in De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. 4 years ago, she joined and topped the TFC �Pop Star Search� (PPS) in Dubai.
23. Penelope Matanguihan, 16, of Batangas, also a perennial singing contest champion. The daughter of Wilfredo and Violeta Manguihan says she�s raring to fight for her family.
24. Kristoffer Rei "Toffer" Tragico, 23, of Marikina, is the son of a driver and a housewife. He resides in Green Heights. His full name is Kristoffer Rei Nolasco Tragico.
GABY DELA MERCED in the May - June Cover of BOUNCE Magazine
Racing champion and former Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2 Housemate Gaby Dela Merced graces the cover of Bounce Magazine May - June "Back to School" issue.

MY MONSTER MOM - Movie Trailer
See below teaser trailer of Regal Film's "My Monster Mom" starring the real mother-daughter tandem of Annabelle Rama and Ruffa Gutierrez.
AI-AI DELAS ALAS is Now Filming "Ang Tanging Ina Ninyong Lahat"

At dahil sequel ito ng Ang Tanging Ina, kasama pa rin sa cast ang mga gumanap niyang anak na sina Marvin Agustin, Alwyn Uytingco, Jiro Manio, Shaina Magdayao, Yuki Kadooka, at ang nagbabalik-showbiz na si Serena Darlymple. Ongoing naman ang search para sa kambal na babaeng anak ni Ai-Ai for the sequel.
Out na sa Ang Tanging Ina Ninyong Lahat ang iba pang gumanap na anak ni Ai-Ai sa original movie na sina Marc Acueza at Heart Evangelista. Hindi na raw kinuha si Marc dahil wala na ito sa showbiz habang si Heart naman ay sadyang hindi na raw kinuha. Nasaktan daw kasi ang ABS-CBN management sa ginawang paglipat ni Heart sa GMA-7.
Mabuti pa si Marvin, na kahit matagal nang nasa GMA-7, ay kinuha pa rin ng Star Cinema upang gampanan muli ang papel ng panganay na anak ni Ai-Ai sa movie. Maayos naman daw kasi ang pag-alis ni Marvin sa ABS-CBN kaya very much welcome pa rin siya sa Kapamilya network.
Wala namang plano ang Star Cinema na kumuha pa ng kapalit nina Heart at Marc for their respective roles. Gagawan na lang daw ng kuwento kung bakit wala ang dalawang anak ni Ai-Ai sa movie.
STAR MAGIC's Press Statement on the "Gamitan" Issue Between Claudine Barreto and Judy Ann Santos
"This is in reference to the recent statements of Mr. Alfie Lorenzo in connection with Ms. Claudine Barretto. In last Sunday's, May 10, 2008, edition of StarTalk, Lorenzo made some comments regarding his artist, Judy Ann Santos, ABS-CBN, and dzMM.
"At one point, he said that Judy Ann was taken as an endorser of a shampoo brand to enhance the image of Ms. Claudine Barretto. Mr. Lorenzo insinuated that this supposedly helped in the showbiz comeback of Claudine. He went to say that without Judy Ann, Claudine would not have had a successful re-entry in showbiz.
"In clarification, Claudine and Judy Ann along with Ms. Gretchen Barretto, Ms. Ruffa Gutierrez we're signed as endorsers of a campaign coincided with Claudine's return to showbiz after giving birth. This is not part of any dirty tactics to use or exploit anyone.
"ABS-CBN believes that Ms. Claudine Barretto made a name in showbiz and has a loyal following because of her popularity and hard work, and has no need of any help from Judy Ann Santos or bitter old man posing as showbiz journalist. ABS-CBN has high regard for Claudine as with other artists."
PINOY BIG BROTHER (PBB) Teen Edition Plus Updates
:: ERNING FALCON is PBB's Guardian Big Winner
Ejay�s dad, Erning Falcon, wins the Pinoy Big Brother Guardian Big Winner Sunday night, May 18, 2008.

Ejay�s dad, Erning Falcon, wins the Pinoy Big Brother Guardian Big Winner Sunday night, May 18, 2008.
Here are the complete results of the Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus Guardian Big Night:
Guardian 4th Big Placer : My Love - Nan�s mom
Guardian 3rd Big Placer : Sandy - Nicole�s mom
Guardian 2nd Big Placer: Minda - Alex�s mom
Guardian Big Winner : Erning Falcon - Ejay�s dad
Guardian 3rd Big Placer : Sandy - Nicole�s mom
Guardian 2nd Big Placer: Minda - Alex�s mom
Guardian Big Winner : Erning Falcon - Ejay�s dad

:: PRISCILLA NAVIDAD is the Evictee
Priscilla Navidad, the 17-year-old Deaf Dreamer from Davao, Priscilla Navidad, was evicted from from Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus last Saturday, May 17.
Earlier in the live telecast, Mommy Carina, mother of Beauty, also left the big yellow house due to the latter's request.

BILLY CRAWFORD to Co-Host "ASAP '08," Aside from Hosting "Pinoy Dream Academy"
Ikinagulat ng ilang malalapit sa Fil-Am international singer na si Billy Crawford, especially the people from GMA-7, ang balitang isa siya sa magho-host ng ikalawang season ng Pinoy Dream Academy (PDA) ng ABS-CBN na nakatakdang magsimula next month. Bukod kay Billy, makakasama rin niya sa PDA sina Toni Gonzaga at Nikki Gil.
Hindi pa man humuhupa ang tensiyon sa pagitan nina Billy at mga malalapit na tao sa kanya sa GMA-7 dahil sa paghu-host niya ng PDA, kinumpirma ng isang malapit kay Billy na magiging host na rin ang international singer ng Sunday musical-variety show ng ABS-CBN, ang ASAP '08. Bahagi raw ito ng exclusive contract na pipirmahan ni Billy sa ABS-CBN pagdating niya sa Pilipinas.
At press time ay nasa ibang bansa pa si Billy.
Although may nagsabi na pumirma na ng kontrata si Billy sa ASAP '08, bukod sa nauna na niyang pinirmahang kontrata para sa pagho-host ng PDA, posible raw na ipadala na lang ang mga kontrata kay Billy sa abroad o di kaya naman ay ang manager niya rito ang pumirma on his behalf.
Nakatakdang bumalik ng Pilipinas si Billy next week at sa kanyang pagdating, nakahanda siyang linawin ang lahat ng kontrobersiyang kinasasangkutan niya.
Hindi pa man humuhupa ang tensiyon sa pagitan nina Billy at mga malalapit na tao sa kanya sa GMA-7 dahil sa paghu-host niya ng PDA, kinumpirma ng isang malapit kay Billy na magiging host na rin ang international singer ng Sunday musical-variety show ng ABS-CBN, ang ASAP '08. Bahagi raw ito ng exclusive contract na pipirmahan ni Billy sa ABS-CBN pagdating niya sa Pilipinas.
At press time ay nasa ibang bansa pa si Billy.
Although may nagsabi na pumirma na ng kontrata si Billy sa ASAP '08, bukod sa nauna na niyang pinirmahang kontrata para sa pagho-host ng PDA, posible raw na ipadala na lang ang mga kontrata kay Billy sa abroad o di kaya naman ay ang manager niya rito ang pumirma on his behalf.
Nakatakdang bumalik ng Pilipinas si Billy next week at sa kanyang pagdating, nakahanda siyang linawin ang lahat ng kontrobersiyang kinasasangkutan niya.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
My Review of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's 8x14: "Wolves At The Gate Part 3"

Artwork by Georges Jeanty
Xander: �Hi guys.�
Buffy: �You look terrible.�
Xander (re Dracula): �It�s been a long flight. He doesn�t travel well.�
Last issue saw the gruesome death of Aiko when Toru was successful in turning her back into an ordinary girl. Needless to say that as soon as Buffy and her troops arrive in Tokyo, they get one hell of a greeting.
Clearly Toru knew that Buffy would come to retrieve her scythe but even Buffy wasn�t expecting to see a strung up slayer on a public building. Horrifying the locals, it�s also a nice reminder for Buffy not to underestimate this particular threat. If Toru can do that to one slayer, then he�s going to have a cherry pick of them now.
Buffy�s pretty disgusted at Aiko�s death but fortunately she evades the �everybody sucks but me� she dished out in �Get It Done�. Instead she gets help in getting Aiko�s body down from the building and brings it back to base as the other slayers watch her.
Willow does her best to be a comfort to Buffy and after the friction between them in �Anywhere But Here�; it�s nice to see them on side. Now if only Buffy could extend that courtesy to Giles and Faith, I would be one very happy reader. No seriously, it�s time Buffy got over that one.
Anyways the fun little girl time gets interrupted by Dracula, which I guess is marginally better than Andrew. Acting like a grand dame Dracula is quick to remind Buffy and Willow that he thinks they are idiots. The fact that neither one of them hurls some form of an insult back is a bit jarring.
Still at least Xander is there to greet his friends and while he does make a lame attempt to defend Dracula, this comic does fortunately give him much better material to work than being the count�s gopher.
Dracula meanwhile not only decides to give Willow a spell to combat the shape changing vampires but he also leaves his manners at home by wanting to snack on Aiko. I suppose its comic but seeing as Dracula seems to be channelling Spike in the dialogue department; it�s a bit irritating as well.
As for our baddies, when they�re not busy setting up a giant symbol to help with the crippling of the slayer line, both Toru and Raidon are either sniping at each other or talking about precautions to be taken against Buffy and her army of slayers.
It shows that Toru is smart enough to realise that his plan could possibly go wrong and Kumiko is still being really creepy by hanging upside down on the wall. Still as secure as Toru might want to be, you have to admit that he still does have to be that extra cautious.
The scoobies are definitely not short of ideas to get their own information on Toru. Having Renee undercover as a frightened school girl in order to trick one of Toru�s soldiers was a neat twist. Renee is definitely convincing enough to dupe this bloke, even though he doesn�t come across as the brightest of vampires.
While he thinks he�s got a tasty school girl treat, Renee quickly reveals her identity before Willow is able to snare him. It seems that Dracula�s spell is reliable after all as the vampire is unable to escape from his boxed prison.
Weirdly though, the gang�s method of extracting information from him felt a tad too extreme. I mean having Willow squirt him with gasoline before Buffy torched was kind of taking things too far. I know she�s got a serious war on her hands and while that vampire was better off dead, did she really have to go that far.
A part of me would like to justify her actions by saying that maybe finding out about Toru�s plans just freaked her out but there was a callousness in what Buffy did that makes me wonder yet again if General Voll was right about her all along.
Because of this Buffy also does what she does worst by isolating those she needs. This time around it�s Satsu who feels Buffy�s distant behaviour when she�s told to stand down. Now there are some arguments that should be in privacy and this was one of them.
Instead Buffy had it out with Satsu in front of the other slayers who by the looks of it are well aware that Buffy and Satsu slept together. Of course Buffy tries to pass off her order as a method of leading but even though Satsu is younger, she isn�t stupid and calls Buffy out on her actions.
Using the Tokyo based slayers as an excuse might have been plausible but clearly Satsu knows Buffy better than she thinks. Satsu even openly ponders if Buffy�s orders have more to do with either protecting or avoiding her and Buffy herself isn�t able to put up much of an argument against the flighty slayer.
Instead Satsu basically tells her that she�s fighting with her and storms off. Buffy on the other hand just ponders that she finds it sexy that Satsu calls her �Ma�am�. While I still maintain that Buffy isn�t gay, there is the possibility that this tryst between her and Satsu might last a bit longer, provided Satsu doesn�t get killed in this arc.
Buffy isn�t the only person with romantic problems. The last two issues have gotten past the awkward stages and confirmed that Renee�s crush on Xander isn�t one-sided. Nope, Xander ups the flirty banter between him and Renee by explaining the etiquette of dating.
This dialogue is a nice reminder to a younger Xander and given how much I like Renee as a character, it�s also undeniably cute as well. He might go on just a tad too much but it�s really nice to see him open up to another person romantically and Renee�s way of countering his proposition is also hilarious.
She reminds him about the less savoury antics that in real life would never occur on a first date but she also puts him out of his misery by planting a juicy kiss on him too. Oh and if she wasn�t likeable she remains nasty to Dracula, who isn�t so quick with the comebacks in this one.
Actually by the looks of things while Dracula might protest about never wanting to go on a date with either Xander or Renee, he sure as hell looked jealous when he saw them making out with each other. I admit that I did find that funny, particularly as Xander and Renee ignored his hints for them to cut it out.
As for the action of the episode, you�ve got a street littered with over a thousand vampires, lot of slayers hiding in the alley and on a roof there�s Xander, Renee, Buffy, Dracula, Andrew and Rowena all discussing different tactics. Everyone except Buffy seems to be spoiling for a fight. All she wants is her scythe back.
Knowing what Toru is doing with her beloved weapon, it�s no wonder Buffy is eager to get the scythe back but with so many vampires standing between her and Toru�s lair, she doesn�t have a lot of options. That�s where Willow comes in and she uses her magic by teleporting Dawn to the scene.
I suppose I should�ve guessed that with the insanely prolonged giant problem, Dawn would once again come in handy. She was useful in knocking out Amy and squatting zombies in �The Long Way Home Part 3� so it makes sense to use her size to terrify the crap out of Toru�s minions.
That being said Dawn did take her time getting into Godzilla mode. Then when she did, she had no problem smashing a few building as well in order to pose a serious threat to Toru�s minions. Andrew musing about the unusual situation Dawn was put it was nice.
As for finding Toru, it was really was a case of being too good to be true. I should�ve guessed when Buffy and the gang go inside the factory and he didn�t seem to look their way. Then Willow got the headache from hell and Xander�s face came into contact with a lot of blood.
Killing Aiko wasn�t satisfying enough for Toru as the victim he claims now is Renee. While her death isn�t as tear jerking as Tara�s was in �Seeing Red�, it�s definitely impacting enough to invoke fury. I liked Renee and I liked the idea of her and Xander hooking up. Does Joss Whedon and his staff writers have to kill off every love interest for the Scoobies when he�s not making them evil?
Given that Renee also hasn�t appeared in that many issues anyway (I think she�s been at least eight), I think this comic took an easy way out in killing her. Unless Renee actually survived being impaled by the scythe but that�s highly unlikely.
Granted if it hadn�t have been her then Satsu could�ve easily also gotten as she�s the only other developed new slayer in Season Eight. Maybe it�s not such a bad thing that Faith, Kennedy, Rona and Vi aren�t around. There�s at least one of them whose death would seriously anger me more. I�m also dreading how Xander is going to react to having yet another dead lover.
Also in �Wolves At The Gate Part 3�
Cover for this issue that I bought was the one with Dawn stomping all over Tokyo in Godzilla mode.
Willow: �How long are you gonna stay up here?�
Buffy: �Just �til I figure out what to do next.�
Given the severity of Toru is trying to pull off, I think Buffy really should warn both Giles and Faith as well as the other slayer factions what he�s up to.
Dracula: �I�m assuming you�ve considered using Carolina�s grasp. I mean you�re not complete idiots are you?�
Buffy: �Oh good it�s you.�
Willow: �And Xander!�
Buffy: �Who�s grasping Carolina�s what now?�
Dracula: �I need to get my coffin installed. The sun should be up before long.�
Buffy: �It�s eight pm.�
Dracula: �Is it? I�ve never understood time zones.�
When Kumiko is sleeping/praying upside down it looks like her feet are literally inside the ceiling.
Toru: �You have no imagination, do you Raidon?�
Raidon: �I�m fairly certain it died with my soul.�
Raidon: �What�s Kumiko doing?�
Toru: �I think she�s praying, though it�s always hard to tell with her.�
There�s a timely ad in this comic for Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull actions figures given the movie�s imminent release.
Vampire: �Well you have to be careful. You never know who you could run into out here.�
Renee: �Boy, you�re telling me.�
Buffy (to the vampire): �Everytime we try to fight one of you guys, you turn into air and it�s really hard to fight air. At least until you remember � air burns.�
Buffy had on a T-shirt with a dragon logo on it. Plus school girl Renee was the first time we�ve seen that girl in a different costume.
Vampire: �Please I told you everything I know. You have to let me go.�
Buffy: �I never agreed to that.�
Buffy: �I need you to stay here and look after them. And I need you to help them bury Aiko.�
Satsu: �You want me to stand down.�
Judging by the way the other slayers are looking, they definitely do know that something went on with Buffy and Satsu.
Satsu: �I�m not following your order. Not this time. I�ll see you on the battlefield. Ma�am.�
Buffy: �I can�t believe I find it sexy when she calls me �Ma�am�.�
Renee (to Xander): �Okay, so just to be clear. When people ask what we did on our first date, you want me to tell them we dressed me up like a school girl, used me as bait on the streets of Japan. Lit a vampire on fire, then geared up to go into battle with several hundred girls and Dracula.�
At one point we did see Dracula dressing up in the same outfit he wore in �Buffy Vs. Dracula�. I also quite like that sword of his.
Dracula (to Xander/Renee): �I resent that. I would never go on a date with the two of you. Even if you begged. So don�t even bother asking.�
Buffy (to everyone): �I�m not looking for a fight. All that matter is the scythe. Once we get that back, they can�t hurt us. I mean except, you know in the traditional biting and stabbing and clawing sense. But we�ll deal with that when it comes.�
There were not one but two people who commented on The Doctor and Rose�s appearances in �No Future For You Part 1� in the letter section.
Dawn (to the vampires): �Hi. Or I mean � roar?�
Buffy (to Toru): �Yep, that is, in fact, a giant Godzilla woman wreaking havoc on your minions and to make matters worse, she�s a teenage so moody. Believe me, there�s no dishonour in surrender despite what your culture says to the contrary.�
I�m guessing Kumiko drummed up the mirage of Toru to distract Buffy.
Buffy: �Guys it�s a -�
Toru: �I believe the word you�re looking for is �trap�?�
The next issue of this arc is released the day before my birthday � June 4th, though as I live in Ireland I�ll get it on June 5th hopefully.
Well this was definitely an improvement. �Wolves At The Gates Part 3� was more darker and wins points for keeping Andrew and Dracula�s contributions to a thankful minimum. It�s going to be interesting to see how this very arc is resolved next issue.
Rating: 8 out of 10.
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