Monday, March 31, 2008

Philippine Consulate in New York Urges Filipino-Americans to Vote for Ramiele Malubay

Yes, American Idol is of national importance in the Philippines. But who wouldn't???
(Where was the Nigerian Consulate for Chikezie???)

Dear Friends in Media and Community:

Please find below letter of Mr. Joseph Zing requesting for assistance in promoting Ramiele Malubay - the Filipina contestant on Americal Idol.

Your support to our very own kababayan would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Philippine Consulate General New York

* * *
The Honorable Ms.Rebong:

We write to your honorable office asking for your valuable help in promoting and supporting your very own Ramiele Malubay - the Filipina contestant on American Idol.

She has the talent and charisma to reach all the way to the top. However, as she struggles against insurmountable odds, she needs the very committed support of her fellow countrymen in this battle. In fact, she is the only genuine Amateur competing against seasoned professionals.

Any help your office can extend will be greatly appreciated by her committed fans, including the thousands of Filipinos living here in the USA and in the Philippines. Should you have the time, please visit her official fan site at

Thank you very much for whatever manner of assistance you may be able to extend to her.


Joseph Zing

Source: rickeydotorg

Virus Newton: deja con cara de WTF a tus amigos

Si tienes un amigo poseedor de un Mac y tuvieras la oportunidad de hacerle esta broma yo no la dejar�a pasar porque personalmente es el virus m�s original que he visto y, seg�n dicen no es nada maligno para el ordenador. Recordad que s�lo vale para Mac y mirad el v�deo:

Ubuntu 7.10 sale imbatido en el PWN2OWN 2008

El otro d�a coment�bamos que el MacBook Air fue hackeado en el concurso "PWN to OWN" en solo 2 minutos aprovechando seg�n parece alg�n bug de seguridad de Safari. El siguiente en caer ha sido Windows Vista.

Tal y como dec�amos en el post anterior el �ltimo d�a del concurso permitieron a los participantes aprovechar vulnerabilidades de aplicaciones de terceros. Fue entonces cuando Shane Macaulay consigui� comprometer al equipo que corr�a el Windows Vista aprovechando un exploit que tiene como responsable al Flash de Adobe.

Finalmente, la port�til Sony Vaio corriendo Ubuntu 7.10 fue la victoriosa del evento, dado que nadie pudo explotar una vulnerabilidad de forma satisfactoria ni siquiera utilizando software de terceros.

En estos momentos Apple ya estar�a trabajando para parchear la vulnerabilidad que dej� en tela de juicio a su tan querido MacBook Air

Seg�n LinuxWorld en el concurso alg�n participante conoc�a la forma de comprometer a la maquina con Ubuntu, pero al parecer ninguno se sent� a desarrollar el exploit.

�Es posible que el respeto por linux de parte de la comunidad hacker haya influido de alguna forma en el desarrollo del PWN to OWN?

Ubuntu 8.04 Beta

Para aquellos que no puedan esperar, ya est� disponible para descarga la beta del nuevo Ubuntu 8.04, que ser� la segunda versi�n de Ubuntu con "Long Term Service", esto es, con soporte para los 3 pr�ximos a�os. Se puede actualizar tambi�n desde la version 7.10, as� como la 6.06 LTS. Aqu�, la lista de novedades desde la �ltima versi�n, con la inclusi�n de Gnome 2.22 y Xorg 7.3 a la cabeza. Tambi�n est� disponible el nuevo Kubuntu, que est� vez ha sido dividido en en dos sub-sabores dependiendo de que se quiera un KDE estable (3.5.9 en este caso) o la �ltima versi�n de este escritorio, la 4.0, pero con menos garant�as de estabilidad.

Z3, el primer ordenador de la historia moderna

Berl�n, 22 de junio de 1910. Ese d�a naci� Konrad Zuse, un chico al que la historia le ten�a preparado un papel trascendental en el devenir de la computaci�n moderna. Graduado como ingeniero civil en la Universidad T�cnica de Berl�n en 1935, para sacarse la carrera tuvo que realizar una gran cantidad de c�lculos a mano, algo que encontraba aburrido, por lo que comenz� a idear una m�quina que fuera capaz de llevar a cabo este tipo de operaciones de manera autom�tica.

Tras acabar su etapa universitaria entr� a trabajar en la empresa Henschel & Sohn pero un a�o m�s tarde dej� su empleo para empezar a construir la m�quina programable con la que llevaba so�ando desde su �poca de estudiante.

Sus esfuerzos se vieron recompensados cuando en 1936 cre� la primera calculadora mec�nica binaria de programabilidad limitada que le�a las instrucciones desde una cinta perforada y funcionaba con electricidad. Su nombre: Z1. A pesar de que nunca acab� de funcionar correctamente por la mala calidad de los materiales empleados en su construcci�n, sent� las bases de los futuros proyectos de Zuse.

Con la llegada de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Zuse fue llamado a filas, pero se libr� de acudir al frente a cambio de utilizar sus conocimientos para desarrollar nuevas computadoras m�s potentes y funcionales. As�, y tras conseguir el apoyo del Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt (algo as� como Instituto de Investigaciones Aerodin�micas), en 1939 termin� el dise�o y construcci�n de una versi�n mejorada de la Z1 que incorporaba circuitos el�ctricos con rel�s a la que llam�, c�mo no, Z2.

A partir de ese momento, Zuse comenz� a dise�ar un nuevo prototipo que vio finalmente la luz el 12 mayo de 1941. Bautizado como Z3, ha pasado a los anales de la historia moderna como el primer ordenador programable y completamente autom�tico del que se tiene constancia. Contaba con 2.000 rel�s, ten�a una frecuencia de reloj de entre 5 y 10 Hz, una longitud de palabra de 22 bits y realizaba los c�lculos con aritm�tica en coma flotante puramente binaria.

El Z3 utilizaba una cinta externa para almacenar los programas con los que trabajaba y, a pesar de que no dispon�a de ninguna instrucci�n de salto condicional, se pod�an construir bucles y llevar a cabo tareas y c�lculos que resultaban muy complejos para la �poca de la que estamos hablando.

Desgraciadamente, esta joya de la computaci�n fue destruida en 1944 durante un bombardeo aliado sobre Berl�n. A�n as�, existe una r�plica completamente funcional del Z3 expuesta de manera permanente en el Deutsches Museum, sito en la ciudad germana de M�nich.

3 Pinoys Make It To Australia�s "So You Think You Can Dance"

3 Filipino-Australians made it to the Down Under�s edition of So You Think You Can Dance. The hit reality show is like American Idol for dancers and Australia bought the franchise from Fremantle Media for its local version. From thousands who auditioned, 10 girls and 10 guys made it to the final cut including 2 pinays and one pinoy!

The 3 Filipinos who made it to the Top 20 are:
Rhiannon Villareal
Joel De Carteret
Demi Sorono
So You Think You Can Dance - Australia is already half-way of its first season as half of the Top 20 were eliminated in previous episodes. Our very own Joel de Carteret has just been eliminated last week, however, Demi and Rhiannon made it to the Top 10 and still in the running to win the title of Australia�s most favorite dancer.

Know more about Joel de Carteret.
Know more about
Demi Soronon.
Know more about
Rhiannon Villareal.

KC CONCEPCION Working on Her First Music Album

KC Concepcion is now a multi-hyphenate. She started out as a commercial model, and later tried her hand at theater and television acting. Now, she's giving recording a shot, via her still untitled debut album under Sony BMG. This album will be released in May 2008.

KC's participated in the whole creative process of making the album. She's proud of what the album will become.

"Maganda po 'yong feel ng album kasi gusto naming mangyari 'yong music niya��pag bumiyabiyahe kayo or long road trip��yon ang nilalagay n'yo sa CD player n'yo. Para siyang easy listening na very relaxed, very masarap pakinggan. Hindi siya bumibirit, hindi siya masyadong nag-i-impose sa listener," said KC.

So far, she has recorded about one fourth of the whole album. It will offer some originals and revivals, like a Top 40 popularized by Barbadian singer Rihanna.

"Gumawa kami ng bagong version ng �Umbrella' na very ethereal, pinatong-patungan namin ng vocals ko. Umiba 'yong tunog ng �Umbrella' dito. Ballad pa rin po siya, parang naging very mystical siya."

There are also some hit songs from the '80s and early '90s. "We also have �Just Can't Get Enough,' �80s, na ang tumugtog po don Pinikpikan. And we have ballads like �It Must Have Been Love' at marami pang iba mga Tagalog songs na surprise. One is from my favorite artist Joey Ayala, na favorite song ko from his collection."

Her mom Sharon Cuneta has listened to some of the raw tracks that KC has recorded so far. "Nasa iPod po niya [�yong songs], pero hindi pa kasi tapos. Every time naririnig namin, meron kaming gustong idagdag or bawasan. Marami pang mangyayaring mixing, so hindi pa final 'yong tracks."

What remains sure is that what KC has done in her yet-to-be-released album has pleased her mom. Says KC: "Excited siya at gusto niya 'yong mga kanta."

BRITNEY SPEARS Delivered the Highest Rating Ever for "How I Met Your Mother"

The first television appearance of Britney Spears in the CBS comedy �How I Met Your Mother� drove up a record-breaking 10.62 million viewers for the series according to Nielsen Media Research.

The figure is up more than 1 million viewers from the week before, and some 2.4 million from what the sitcom averaged before the season was upended by the Hollywood writers strike.

Monday�s much-awaited telecast also generated the largest audience between the ages of 18 and 49 in the show�s three-year history.

Watch the video clip of How I Met Your Mother - All Britney Spears parts:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

2008 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award Winners

The big winner as almost anyone could have predicted in this year's Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award (KCA) is teen sensation Miley Cyrus who took home awards for Favorite TV Actress and Favorite Female Singer.

Here is the KCA Winners as Voted on by Kids:

* Favorite TV Show: Drake and Josh
* Favorite Reality Show: American Idol
* Favorite TV Actor: Drake Bell
* Favorite TV Actress: Miley Cyrus
* Favorite Cartoon: Avatar: The Last Airbender
* Favorite Movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks
* Favorite Movie Actor: Johnny Depp
* Favorite Movie Actress: Jessica Alba
* Favorite Animated Movie: Ratatouille
* Favorite Animated Voice: Eddie Murphy (Shrek The Third)
* Favorite Music Group: The Jonas Brothers
* Favorite Song: �Girlfriend� by Avril Lavigne
* Favorite Female Singer: Miley Cyrus
* Favorite Male Singer: Chris Brown
* Favorite Male Athlete: Tony Hawk
* Favorite Female Athlete: Danica Patrick
* Favorite Book: Harry Potter Series
* Favorite Video Game: Madden NFL 2008
* Wannabe Award: Cameron Diaz

Vote For FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2008

Yes, it's back! Who will top the FHM Top 100 Sexiest Women list this time? Will it be Katrina Halili (possibly her 3rd time in a row?), Angel Locsin (revenge!), Ehra Madrigal, Angelica Panganiban, Bianca King or another girl will surprise us?!....which goes by the name of Marian Rivera.

Voting period is from April 1 to June 15 only.

How to vote? Here's how:
2. Or thru your mobile phone:

1. The FHM 100 Sexiest poll is open to all Smart, Globe, Sun, Talk N� Text and Addict Mobile subscribers.
2. To vote, the texter must text in FHM100 and send to 2948. Example: FHM100 Marian Rivera. Texting of votes costs P2.50 for Smart, Talk N� Text, Globe and Addict Mobile while P2.00 for Sun.
3. 1 text vote = 5 entries
4. To get a complete list of all keywords, text FHM100 to 2948.
5. Send all keywords to 2948 for Smart, Globe, Sun, Talk N� Text and Addict Mobile subscribers.

My Review of Angel's 6x05: "After The Fall Part 5"

Written by Brian Lynch
Artwork by Franco Urru

Senior Partners (to Wesley, re Angel): �His blood will be on your hands, Wesley. Which is disappointing. We really wanted it on ours.�

And just when you think that things couldn�t suck even more for Wesley. He�s lost his girlfriend, his own and is now confined to being Wolfram and Hart�s bitch at their very leisure. To cap it all off, he also has to answer to them in the middle of a big battle.

Yes, the Senior Partners are none too happy with the way Wesley has been handling things in his ghostly form. It�s great that Wesley does try to stand up to them even when he�s blamed for Wolfram and Hart being destroyed again. It�s also pretty useless as the Senior Partners still hold him responsible for the entire mess.

Lorne isn�t exactly having the best time of things either by the looks of it. Wesley�s little omen about Angel dying is naturally bothering him and the fact that Wesley disappeared before elaborating on it doesn�t help matters.

Lorne�s mistrust of Wesley though is still mentioned. Does he really think that Wesley is one of the bad guys? I mean Angel was pretty mistrusting of Wesley at the start of this arc too so it�s not entirely an inconsistent thought. That being said, Lorne does go on to sympathising with his friends.

I bet he�s doing this because he doesn�t feel all that confident about Angel�s plan actually working. I also find it interesting that he raises the issue of Fred up. It�s interesting for a few reasons but for now, it�s interesting because Lorne believes that by being dead, Fred is in a lucky position. Well I know someone�s luck that is going to change by the end of this issue.

Angel on the other hand is psyching himself up for battle. Of course his method is more with keeping up the pretence that he�s a vampire by shaving and not wanting to answer certain questions. It�s a smart move I guess but maybe an actual training montage would also be an advisable move on Angel�s part too?

At least Angel is smart enough to bring his dragon along for the ride. With all the nasty creatures that he�s going to have to kill to restore peace, a dragon is exactly the kind of creature you want on your side.

Even Spike and Illyria are preparing for imminent carnage. All the scantily lady demon folk are in armour and led by Spider. Spider is thankfully kept away from Spike this issue so we get to see a focus on him and Illyria, which works out well enough.

Spike is still uncertain about war and the chances of winning. If he fails on Angel�s team, he�s got a hoard of Lords that will be baying for his blood but if he joins the Lords, then he has Angel to worry about. Illyria on the other hand is just interested in killing as many demons as she can. Such moral worries about choosing sides aren�t a massive priority to her.

Of course Angel also has three more reliable people on his team too. Connor, Nina and Gwen are all doing their own thing. Nina gets to play with some cool weaponry while Connor and Gwen also voice their own feelings about this battle. I have to say that so far, everyone is pretty negative about the outcome.

I get why though. Angel does have more enemies than allies to call to arms and there are also civilians who will suffer regardless of how this battle pans out anyway. That being said, in spite of all the doubt you are given the impression that Connor will help his father out no matter what.

With five minutes passing and all the Lords and a plethora of demons in the middle of the town, it�s actually time for this battle to commence. From a sinister perspective, the arrogance of the shark demon Lord is suitably interesting. He revels in the idea of human casualties and displays the most confidence that Angel will lose this battle.

Even Gunn and his vampire gang just look on at the imminent carnage. The vampires look interested in the idea of slaughter and eating on some of the human they will save. Gunn just looks nihilistically and just thinks it doesn�t matter who lives or dies, even though he�s willing to save human lives.

It doesn�t take long for a human to get caught in the crossfire and it�s around this time that Angel actually steps into battle. If he hadn�t Gunn might have done some demon slaying. That would�ve been nice to see. I still want to see some good in Gunn aside from his attempts to struggle with his vampire nature.

As for the poor sod that�s made an example of, well Angel manages to catch him mid air and leave him somewhere safe. Angel also goes out of his way to remind everyone that if he wins, everyone gets to go free. Glad to see Angel has confidence in his abilities, despite the limits he now has as a human.

Of course that doesn�t stop the demons from underestimating Angel. Reminding the civilians that it was Angel who got them into hell in the first place is a good way of diminishing faith but at least Angel takes responsibility in admitting his mistake as well as vowing to make amends for it.

Sadly for Angel as moving as that little speech might have been, he�s got way too many demons to fight all at once. The female Skip, some fire thing, a dinosaur and another beastie all pretty much attack him all at once. Even brandishing his sword isn�t that much of a deterrent against this lot.

As for the T-Rex, it�s funny that it�s a talking point amongst the demons. Hey, even monsters have some form of snobbery but they don�t get to be too smug for long when a bright light sends a few cars flying over. Yet another thing for Angel to kill in this big battle?

Not really as the light seems to be a signal for Wesley. Wolfram and Hart do continue to berate him but even they have to let him go when he argues about getting on with his job so to speak. With everyone else fighting, the only people to pay attention to Wesley�s return are the pink and blue haired ladies from the previous issue.

One of the things that Wesley then wants to do is get everyone together to help Angel out, who at this point is barely winning. Lorne however is one step ahead and has already sent everyone into battle with his own powers of persuasion. Good on Lorne and good for Angel, because he�s pretty useless without the gang here.

With the dragon freed by Groo and Angel receiving much needed help with Connor, Gwen and Nina, things do seem to getting better. Hell even Spike is useful when he�s not insisting on the lack of banter. Don�t be such a spoil sport � banter during fights is a Whedon trademark.

Angel�s delight at everyone pitching in to help him is rather touching as he insists that he didn�t ask for the help. Lorne also pointing out to a demon Lord that he�s got more power imaginable is also a neat way of him justifying why he chose to side with Angel in this battle. Gunn on the other hand is still watching but believes that he�s reunited the gang. Funny that he doesn�t want to be a part of that same gang then.

As for Groo, well he contributed good to this story by just freeing the dragon. The dragon then gets into battle with the T-Rex and even on this show, that�s some sight to behold. Maybe the producers of Primeval could do something like that in their next season.

Of course, Angel asking Connor and Spike why they want to help is a little distracting. Both of them mention that Lorne gave a moving speech but for Spike, there�s also another factor in his decision to help Angel out � Illyria.

Spike must�ve grown pretty damn attached to Smurf Girl because he knows there�s something up with her and he wants Angel to fix. I should be glad that he isn�t blaming Angel for whatever predicament Illyria is in and despite his reservations, Angel does agree to help Illyria out.

This however comes way too late. Illyria might be able to slaughter demons left, right and centre but her erratic behaviour takes a new height after she spots Wesley. Of all the things to happen to Illyria, the one fate I wanted was for her to revert to the real Fred. By the outcome of the last page, that�s exactly what I get.

Finally the first major transformation to happen in the comic that I�ve liked. Fred is back at long last but her return couldn�t have come at a worst time. Not only are there about five different demons behind her who could end her in a second but you can�t help but wonder if Wolfram and Hart have done to put Angel at another disadvantage. That and the fact that Wesley is dead, which means he doesn�t get to be with his lover in a physical sense.

Also in �After The Fall Part 5�

The cover I got for this issue was of Illyria and Wesley with a burning Hollywood in the background.

Senior Partners: �It was where we wanted Angel. It is a megaton of proof that everything is far from under control.�
Wesley: �So in addition to the other unwanted duties � I�m also in charge of caretaking your property.�

Both Lindsay and Eve were mentioned in this issue. I might be in a minority but I don�t really need to see either of them.

Lorne (to the women): �You sing a lot of gibberish ladies but sometimes you stumble onto a meaningful verse.�

Angel (to himself): �I should have spent the last couple of hours learning about Groo�s weapons but I can�t face hell�s champions with stubble.�

Anyone think that Spider and her girls were wearing similar armour to Buffy and Satsu in �A Beautiful Sunset�?

Illyria: �This plan is unacceptable.�
Spike: �Of course it is, to you. You�re off your nut. No offence but as the last sane man in hell, I say � no bloody way.�

Gwen: �They�re morons. What do they think is going to happen? Once Angel gets his ass kicked, they�re next. Harsh?�
Connor: �Yep. And correct.�

Is it me or Nina still be very badly drawn in this series? Her hair is also noticeably darker as well.

Flying Demon (to people): �What I mean to say is if any of you pathetic nothings spoil our kill, I�ll respond like so.�

Angel (to the people/demons): �Here I am. Again. Trying to make things right. Again. Yeah, so can we get to the battle? That would be great�.

Given that some of those demons made fairly close contact with Angel, I�m surprised none of them detected a heartbeat or breath. Then again, Angel�s probably using spells to keep that hidden.

Angel: �You�re not an innocent dupe tricked into working for an evil overlord are you?�
T-Rex: �What the hell are you? Are you high?�
Angel: �Making sure -�

Wesley: �So stop wasting everyone�s time and put me back so I can do my damn job.�
Senior Partners: �You�re already doing it, Wesley. You�re always on the clock. Very well. We now return you to your regular scheduled programming.�

Why we didn�t get to see the Senior Partner talking to Wesley here?

Spike: �Hey crazy idea. Less banter.�
Gwen: �More fighting?�
Spike: �I don�t care. Just less banter.�

Illyria (to Spike/Wesley): �Spike, find this quivering blob�s head so that I may impale it as a warning � you.�

The next arc for Issues 6, 7 and 8 is called �First Night�, set before the events of �After The Fall�.

Fred: �Wesley � you�re here.�

Anyone else really hate the �and yes, we are aware how cruel we are� thing at the end? That was worse than the WB�s �thanks� at the end of �Not Fade Away�.

Well this was exhausting but interesting. �After The Fall Part 5� finally felt like the Angel I watched for five years and is without a doubt the wittiest of the comics released so far. That being said, I hate that I am gonna to have to wait four months to get an update on Fred�s return.

Rating: 9 out of 10.

GMA 7's PINOY IDOL Premiers on April 5, Saturday

All systems go for the premiere of Pinoy Idol, the Philippines franchise of the no. 1 tv program in the land! The pilot episode is going to be aired this Saturday, April 5, 2008, on GMA 7 Kapuso network, right after Pinoy Records.

As part of the upcoming pilot episode of Pinoy Idol on GMA 7, SOP Constellation of Stars performed a medley of Idol songs by Carrie Underwood to Clay Aiken, from Guy Sebastian to Chris Daughtry. And the finale - the wildly popular �I Am Your Brother� by Filipino-American Reynaldo Lapuz (Pambihira!).

Jaya - I Believe by Fantasia Barrino
Kyla - This is My Now by Jordin Sparks
Regine Velasquez - Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood
Janno Gibbs - Do I Make You Proud by Taylor Hicks
Ogie Alcasid - Angels Brought Me Here by Guy Sebastian
Jay-R - Home by Chris Daughtry
Jolina Magdangal - A Moment Like This by Kelly Clarkson

(Jay-R and Jolina Magdangal�s part were not included in the video)

Fit �n Right Got 2B Fit Challenge 2008 Winners

JR Marfori and Julie Puentenegra bested 8 other finalists to become the fit, fab, firm, and famous ambassadors of Del Monte Fit �n Right Got 2B Fit Challenge 2008.

Male Goldilocks Go Lite Special Winner:
JR Marfori
Before: 221 lbs.
Now: 194 lbs.

Female Goldilocks Go Lite Special Winner:
Julie Puentenegra
Before: 156 lbs.
Now: 141 lbs.

The Non-Winning Finalists:
Male Contestants
Alex Lindenberg
Jim Oller
Elmer Sanga
John Seprado

Female Contestants
Joanne Ignacio
Angel Landayan
Amy Macuto
Gayle Valencia

GERALD ANDERSON Chosen to Play JULIAN in the Pinoy Version of "My Girl"

Binigyan ng solo presscon ng ABS-CBN ang young actor na si Gerald Anderson para sa official announcement ng pagkakapili sa kanya bilang leading man ni Kim Chiu na gaganap sa kauna-unahanang Koreanovela franchise na gagawan ng Pinoy version ng Kapamilya network, ang My Girl. This is another first na handog ng ABS-CBN sa kasaysayan ng telebisyon sa buong Asya.

Iba-iba ang pangalan na lumutang kung sino ang magiging kapareha ni Kim sa My Girl pagkatapos i-announce sa presscon ng "Dream Big Kapamilya"�to launch the new seasons of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus at Pinoy Dream Academy�na si Kim ang gaganap bilang Jasmine na lead sa naturang Koreanovela.

Pero nilinaw ng executive at business unit head ng ABS-CBN na si Mr. Deo Endrinal sa presscon na bago pa man i-announce na si Kim na ang napili nila para sa My Girl, napagdesisyunan na rin nila that time na si Gerald ang makakapareha niya at gaganap bilang 21-year-old na si Julian. Hindi lang daw nila agad in-announce na kasama rin si Gerald sa My Girl dahil presscon nga ni Kim 'yon para sa Dream Big Kapamilya shows.

"Happy po ako siyempre and excited din ako. It's my first time kasi. Oh, I have to go through some workshop para mag-mature ang acting ko and internally na rin," sabi ni Gerald sa interview.

Sinimulan na rin daw ni Gerald na panoorin ang Korean version ng My Girl and so far, nasa seventh episode na siya.

"It's very good. I really like Julian's character. He's very strong and affectionate also," sambit ng young actor.

Sinorpresa naman si Gerald ni Kim nang umapir din ang young actress sa solo presscon ng ka-love team. Natanong tuloy si Gerald kung ano ang ireregalo niya sa nalalapit na 18th birthday ni Kim sa April 19.

"Surprise," ngiti ni Gerald. "Basta malalaman din ninyo 'yon."

Anytime now ay magsisimula na sina Gerald at Kim sa taping ng My Girl, na nakatakdang ipalabas sa May. Pero sa April, mauunang ipalabas ang isa pang show ng pares na pagbibidahan ni Claudine Barretto, ang Maligno.

"Hindi sila mag-overlap," paniniguro ni Gerald.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

KATRINA HALILI has a New Coffee Table Book

Aminado ang sexy young actress na si Katrina Halili na isang malaking sugal ang kanyang pagpu-produce ng sarili niyang coffeetable book. Dito, ipapakita niya raw ang lahat ng kanyang makakakaya bilang isang sexy model. Pangarap daw kasi ni Katrina ang ma-feature sa ganitong klaseng babasahin.

�Kasi nung bata pa ako, mahilig akong tumingin ng magazines. Tapos ngayon nagshu-shoot ako na ako ng FHM, �tapos nakahiligan ko na rin siya. Naisip ko, bakit hindi ko gawin,� kuwento ni Katrina sa GMA News.

Boracay Island ang napiling location ni Katrina sa kanyang unang layout. Sa isang cove malapit sa Station 1 ng Bora naganap ang pictorial. Hindi maikakaila na nakikipagsabayan ang kaseksihan ni Katrina sa ganda ng lokasyon.

Isang sea goddess at isang socialite shipwreck survivor ang drama ni Katrina sa kanyang unang mga layout.


Can�t get enough of this season�s �King of Briefs�?

YILMAZ BEKTAS Reportedly Dating 2006 Miss Universe ZULEYKA MENDOZA

Matagal-tagal na ring walang naririnig mula sa estranged Turkish husband ni Ruffa Gutierrez na si Yilmaz Bektas pagkatapos niyang bisitahin ang asawa at ang kanilang dalawang anak dito sa Pilipinas noong August 2007.

Pero ngayong linggo ay lumabas sa mga pahayagan at magazines sa Turkey, kagaya ng Hurriyet, na may bagong babaeng idini-date si Yilmaz. Ang bagong babae sa buhay ng Turkish businessman, ayon sa mga reports, ay si Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza�ang 2006 Miss Universe mula sa Puerto Rico.

Sa isang issue ng Hurriyet ay may artikulo tungkol sa relasyon nina Yilmaz at ng 20 years old na si Zuleyka. Nabanggit din ang pangalan ni Ruffa, ang 1994 Miss World 2nd Runner-up, na asawa nga ng Turkish businessman. Sa kasalukuyan ay inaayos na nina Yilmaz at Ruffa ang kanilang divorce upang mapawalang-bisa ang kanilang kasal.

Kasama rin sa naturang artikulo ang isang solo picture ni Zuleyka at dalawang litrato na magkasama sila ni Yilmaz na tila kuha sa isang party. Sa isang larawan ay parehong naninigarilyo ng tobacco sina Yilmaz at Zuleyka, samantalang sa isa naman ay tila may ibinubulong si Yilmaz kay Zuleyka habang hawak-hawak ng Turkish businessman ang leeg ng dating Miss Universe.

Pagkatapos ng kanyang reign bilang Miss Universe, susubukan naman ngayon ni Zuleyka ang mundo ng pag-arte bilang television actress. Kasama siya sa Telemundo soap opera na Dame Chocolate.

Pagkatapos lumabas ng balitang ito tungkol kina Yilmaz at Zuleyka, marami ang nagtatanong kung alam na ito ni Ruffa. Ayon sa mga nakapaligid sa TV host-actress ay alam na ito ni Ruffa at ng kanyang pamilya.

Ayon sa malalapit na kaibigan ni Ruffa, naiyak ang TV host-actress nang mabalitaang may girlfriend na si Yilmaz.

Nag-aalala ang mga kaibigan ni Ruffa na baka sa mga bagong pangyayaring ito ay magkabalikan pa ang mag-asawa. Sabi nila, ganun daw kasi talaga ang ugali ni Yilmaz. Pinapagselos lang nito si Ruffa sa pamamagitan ng pagpapakita na may iba nang babae sa buhay niya bilang pang-akit ulit sa asawa.

Kung si Yilmaz ay may bago nang minamahal, sa tingin naman ng mga kaibigan ni Ruffa, ay wala pa ring ipinapalit ang TV host-actress sa kanyang asawa ng ilang taon.

Pero kung meron namang natutuwa sa balitang tungkol sa relasyon diumano nina Yilmaz at Zuleyka, ito ay walang iba kundi ang ina ni Ruffa na si Annabelle Rama. Hindi naman kaila sa lahat ang kagustuhan ni Annabelle na tuluyan nang iwanan ng kanyang anak si Yilmaz.

Inaamin pa nga ni Annabelle sa mga malalapit sa kanya na araw-araw niyang ipinagdadasal sa Sto. Ni�o niya na huwag nang balikan ni Ruffa si Yilmaz. At ang isang paraan na nakikita niya upang mangyari ito ay ang makahanap ng ibang pag-ibig si Yilmaz, na tila nagkaroon na ng katuparan ngayon.

Tungkol naman sa mga anak nina Ruffa at Yilmaz na sina Lorin at Venice, ayon sa malalapit na kaibigan ng TV host-actress, tila hindi na nabibigyan ni Yilmaz ng atensiyon, panahon, at suporta ang mga bata. Ayon sa mga kaibigan ni Ruffa, ito raw ang ikinalulungkot ni Ruffa.

Source: pep

Entertainment Live's Detailed Report on IRA EIGENMANN's Alleged Nude Photos

See video report below courtesy of ABS-CBN's Entertainment Live!

PBB Teen Edition Plus Housemate's Guardians Enter the Big Brother House

As what Lauren Dyogi announced as a first in any Big Brother shows around the world, the guardians of the 14 teen housemates of PBB Teen Edition Plus entered the house but in a separate location. Big Brother�s first reminder for them: if any one of them quit, go outside the house for medical reasons or any other reason not mentioned in their agreement, their corresponding teen housemate will be evicted automatically.

Carina - Mommy ni Beauty
Rose - Mommy ni Rona
Sandy - Mommy ni Nicole
Ningning - Mommy ni Linda
Gerry - Daddy ni Jieriel
Boy - Daddy ni Robi
Anna - Tita ni Josef
Ike - Tatay ni Jolas
My Love - Mommy ni Nan
Erning - Tatay ni Ejay
Violy - Pangalawang Nanay ni Valerie
Jinky - Mommy ni Priscilla
Minda - Mommy ni Alex
John - Kevin�s Dad

Friday, March 28, 2008

Manic Monday steunt Tickets For Tibet

De fantastisch mooie single 'Als je ooit nog eens terug kan' wordt gezongen door Bart Van Der Weide (Racoon) en Anneke Van Giersbergen (The Gathering). De muziek wordt verzorgd door muzikanten van de Rock formatie Kane en De Zeeuwse band Blof. De single is opgenomen i.v.m het festival Tickets For Tibet dat zondag 20 april gehouden zal worden in Amsterdam en waarvan de opbrengst naar het onderdrukte land Tibet zal gaan.

De single is vanaf 7 april te downloaden via de site De opbrengst van de single gaat geheel naar drie jonge Tibetaanse nonnen die zes jaar werden gemarteld in een Chinese gevangenis na het zingen van een protestlied tegen de Chinese overheersing van Tibet. Na een zware vlucht over de Himalaya zijn ze nu vrij. Maar door hun ernstige verwondingen kunnen ze niet werken en het ontbreekt ze aan geld voor een opleiding en medische verzorging.

'Als je ooit nog eens terug kan' is tevens de muziek tip van de week

Freaky Friday Cartoon

La fotos�ntesis artificial un paso m�s cerca

Cient�ficos alemanes han logrado un paso importante en el largo camino para imitar, de forma artificial, la fotos�ntesis de los vegetales. Pudieron sintetizar un �xido de metal estable inorg�nico, lo que permite la oxidaci�n r�pida y efectiva del agua en ox�geno.

La fotos�ntesis artificial puede contribuir de una forma decisiva, a resolver los problemas energ�ticos y con respecto al cambio clim�tico. En este caso, los cient�ficos alemanes del Research Centre J�lich, est�n intentando descubrir una forma eficiente de producir hidr�geno con la ayuda de la energ�a solar.

Muchos creen que el hidr�geno es el combustible del futuro. La industria automotriz, por ejemplo, est� trabajando duro en introducir c�lulas de combustible eficientes que puedan ser utilizadas en coches, como el caso de los japoneses, u otros.

Pero el tema es que los sistemas con c�lulas de combustible pueden ser ecol�gicos realmente si los investigadores logran producir hidr�geno a partir de fuentes renovables. La fotos�ntesis artificial es una forma, ya que esta consiste en dividir el agua en sus componentes, el ox�geno por un lado y el hidr�geno por el otro. Esto con la ayuda de la luz solar. Sin duda ser�a una forma excelente de resolver el tema del hidr�geno.

Pero no es un logro sencillo. Ya vimos aqu� otros casos en que est�n probando, incluso se han logrado paneles solares que simulan una parte de la fotos�ntesis. Pero siguen habiendo muchos obst�culos. Uno de los m�s importantes es superar la formaci�n agresiva de sustancias en el proceso de oxidaci�n del agua. Las plantas lo resuelven reparando y reemplazando de forma constante su catalizador verde, o sea las hojas.

Una imitaci�n t�cnica de esto depende de catalizadores m�s estables. Eso es lo que han logrado cient�ficos del Research Centre J�lich, la Helmholtz Association y la Universidad Emory de Estados Unidos. Se trata de un grupo de �xidos de metal inorg�nico con un centro que consiste de cuatro iones de un raro metal de transici�n el rutenio, que cataliza de forma r�pida y efectiva la oxidaci�n del agua en ox�geno mientras permanece estable.

�Nuetro complejo tetrarutenio soluble en agua muestra sus efectos en soluciones acuosas que ya tienen temperatura ambiente�, dijo el profesor Paul K�gerler, del J�lich Institute, quien sintetiz� y caracteriz� al prometedor sistema con su colega el Dr. Bogdan Botar.

�Al contrario de otros catalizadores moleculares para la oxidaci�n del agua, el nuestro no contiene componentes org�nicos. Esa es la raz�n de que sea tan estable�, dijeron.

�Ahora el reto es integrar este complejo de rutenio en un sistema fotoactivo, que convierta de forma eficiente la eneg�a solar en energ�a qu�mica�, concluy� Botar.

Fuente: ScienceDaly

El europeo del mill�n de a�os

Es s�lo un fragmento de mand�bula, pero ya ha puesto en duda la visi�n hasta ahora m�s aceptada sobre la evoluci�n humana del �ltimo mill�n y medio de a�os. Es un f�sil hallado en el yacimiento de la Sima del Elefante, en Atapuerca (Burgos), en junio del a�o pasado, y su importancia estriba en su edad. Con al menos 1,2 millones de a�os es el resto humano m�s antiguo del que se tiene noticia en Europa. De �l extraen los investigadores varias conclusiones. La primera, que hay presencia humana en Europa mucho antes de lo que se pensaba hasta ahora; la segunda -unida a la anterior-, que en este continente pudieron originarse no s�lo los neandertales, como se cre�a, sino tambi�n especies como el Homo antecessor, posible antepasado com�n de los neandertales y nosotros, el Homo sapiens.

"Hasta ahora se cre�a que la �nica aportaci�n de Europa a la evoluci�n humana era una especie muy inteligente pero fallida, los neandertales. Ahora vemos que pasaron muchas m�s cosas", explica Juan Luis Arsuaga, del Centro de Investigaci�n de Evoluci�n y Comportamiento Humanos y codirector de las excavaciones en Atapuerca junto con Eudald Carbonell (Institut Catal� de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolucio) y Jos� M. Berm�dez de Castro (Centro Nacional de Investigaci�n sobre Evoluci�n Humana).

Estos investigadores, junto a otros 27 firman hoy el art�culo en el que presentan su hallazgo en Nature, que le dedica adem�s la portada. El titular es: "�El primer europeo? La mand�bula que sit�a a los humanos en Espa�a hace m�s de un mill�n de a�os".

El nuevo f�sil es una "sorpresa", seg�n Arsuaga. "Cre�amos que hab�amos encontrado ya todos los f�siles humanos de Atapuerca. Y nadie esperaba hallar restos tan antiguos en Europa".

El hueso no es una mand�bula completa sino su regi�n anterior, la parte que incluye lo que en los humanos actuales es el ment�n. Conserva algunos dientes, adem�s de un segundo premolar inferior encontrado d�as antes. Se han hallado adem�s 32 �tiles de s�lex de la misma �poca. Son lascas simples, de entre 30 y 75 mil�metros. Con ellas se aprovechaba la carne de grandes herb�voros.

Las implicaciones de este hallazgo para la visi�n general de la evoluci�n humana pueden ser importantes. Tras d�cadas de debate, la teor�a m�s aceptada hoy es que los humanos aparecieron y evolucionaron en �frica, continente del que fueron emigrando en diferentes oleadas. Se considera probado que el Homo sapiens (nosotros) sali� de �frica hace menos de 100.000 a�os y se extendi� por el planeta, sustituyendo a otras especies humanas ya asentadas. Los neandertales, en Europa, fueron una de ellas (hoy est� claro tambi�n que neandertales y sapiens son especies distintas).

Pero este f�sil de 1,2 millones de a�os podr�a estar indicando que no s�lo fue �frica el lugar donde evolucionaron especies que forman parte del linaje del Homo sapiens. "Quiz�s hay que pensar que hubo otros centros de producci�n, que hubo ondas evolutivas en diferentes direcciones", se�ala Arsuaga, uno de los directores de las excavaciones.

Hasta ahora el t�tulo de primeros europeos lo ten�an f�siles tambi�n de Atapuerca, datados en 800.000 a�os. Son de la especie Homo antecessor y fueron hallados en 1994 en la Gran Dolina. Esta especie tiene rasgos antiguos pero tambi�n muy modernos; los investigadores han descrito la cara del llamado ni�o de la Gran Dolina como parecida a la nuestra, plana y gr�cil, pero su frente ten�a cejas con un reborde �seo muy robusto y sus dientes tambi�n eran muy primitivos. La opini�n de Arsuaga es que Homo antecessor es antepasado com�n nuestro y de los neandertales.

Entonces entra en escena esta mand�bula, catalogada "provisionalmente", como Homo antecessor. Eso implicar�a que "el poblamiento de Europa se produjo mucho m�s r�pido y de forma m�s continuada de lo que se cre�a hasta ahora", como escriben en Nature. Pero adem�s se refuerza la idea de que Homo antecessor apareci� en Europa, y no en �frica.

Ahora bien, si Homo antecessor es antepasado nuestro y hace al menos 1,2 millones de a�os estaba en Europa, y si el hombre moderno sali� sin duda de �frica hace menos de 100.000 millones de a�os... "Entonces obviamente el Homo antecessor tuvo que volver a �frica" y evolucionar en Europa, indica. De comprobarse, Europa habr�a aportado al esquema de la evoluci�n humana una especie integrada en nuestro linaje. Es una visi�n "distinta" de la aceptada hasta ahora, admite Arsuaga, pero "nuestro trabajo consiste en establecer relaciones entre los f�siles atendiendo primero a la morfolog�a, y despu�s a la geograf�a. Primero tenemos que saber qui�n es hijo de qui�n, y despu�s ad�nde emigraron".

PBA Star ROMMEL ADDUCUL Stricken with Cancer

Days after the Aquino family issued a statement announcing that former President Corazon "Cory" Aquino has colon cancer, comes the news that basketball superstar Rommel Adducul is suffering from nasopharyngeal cancer.

According to reports, the hardworking cager is currently undergoing chemotherapy sessions to prevent the cancer cells from spreading. Nasopharyngeal cancer is said to be rare in Western countries but common among Asians. The cancer cells develop in the nasopharynx which is the air space lying at the back of the nose and above the soft part of the palette.

Rommel, who plays for the Purefoods Giants, started exhibiting signs and symptoms of the disease during the recently concluded PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) finals where they lost to eventual champion the Sta. Lucia Realtors.

"I saw him really grasping for air and I didn't realized that one of his nostrils is already blocked," revealed Purefoods head coach Ryan Gregorio in an interview with ABS-CBN News.

Most of his teammates also noticed a prominent lump on Rommel's neck during the championship series.

Among those who learned first of Rommel's delicate condition is teammate Kirby Raymundo. "Honestly medyo naiyak ako parang pagpunta ko dito sa practice parang ang bigat, mabigat. Talagang malaking tulong siya sa team dahil siya yong center namin," said a distraught Kirby.


Despite his condition, the Tuguegarao native tried his best to maintain a brave face when sports reporter Bill Velasco cornered him for an interview.

"Hindi ako nagwu-worry," enthused the optimistic center. "Kasi I think �pag sinabi kasing cancer life and death na, e. Pero �yong sa �kin, mababang klase lang siya na 80 percent na hindi na siya magre-recur 'pag naundergo ko �yong chemo 'tsaka radiotherapy," he added.

Rommel's therapy would sideline him for the upcoming conference. Purefoods, however, opted to keep him in the roster thus explaining Rommel's presence during team practice and scrimmages.

The former San Sebastian College standout, however, is unsure on when will he be returning to hardcourt duty.

"Siguro next conference," he tentatively replied. "Sigurado na talaga na All-Filipino [Conference] talaga makakabalik na ako, pero itong conference na �to hopefully," he groped.

Even before joining the professional ranks, Rommel was already popular among local basketball aficionados. A three-time recipient of the NCAA Most Valuable Player plum, Rommel powered the San Sebastian Stags to five straight championships before jumping to the Philippine Basketball League (PBL) where he continued his dominance.

He surprised many people when he opted to join the Metropolitan Basketball Association (MBA) instead of entering the more established PBA. Despite earning criticisms, Rommel's stint in the MBA proved to be fruitful as shown by the handful of awards he reaped during his stay. He finally made his long overdue PBA debut in 2003 when he was drafted by the Barangay Ginebra Kings. The 6'6" center was also a consistent fixture in the National Team.

Other than his stellar hardcourt achievements, Rommel was thrown more in the spotlight when he had a romantic relationship with Fil-Italian actress Assunta de Rossi. After their separation, Rommel made tabloid news again when he was rumored to be dating controversial actress and TV host Kris Aquino. Kris ended up marrying Rommel's Purefoods Giants teammate James Yap in 2005.

Rommel is married to Jocelyn Cobankiat.

2008 New York International Auto Show

Indstry vip's catch a sneek pick on the show floor before the public Over 1.2 Million attend the New York international Auto Show each year making this show the pillar of the Autoshow industry

Speed Racer Car

Dick Colliver,

Honda Fit Honda's best selling car in Japan Us Launch April 2006 Sales up 87%

Tom Purves, President and CEO of BMW North America

Tom Purves, Introduces BMW's Concept CS sedan

Dr Thomas Weber, member of the Daimler board responsible for group research and Mercedes-Benz development

(Dr Thomas Weber, Right)
A new lithium-ion battery Technology at Daimler will be used in the series-production S 400 BlueHYBRID automotive applications by next year.

Dr Thomas Weber, a member of the Daimler board responsible for group research and Mercedes-Benz development, said: "This is a groundbreaking technology that will be a decisive factor in the future success of the automotive industry."

Think Green? According to Mercedes, The New color of Green is
Bluetech-hybrid and the parties at Mercedes as they introduce the world�s most economical and clean vehicle.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ernst Lieb, president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz USA

Dick Colliver, Executive Vice President, Acura

Acura debut the all-new 2009 Acura TSX sports sedan.

ALESSANDRA DE ROSSI is FHM's April 2008 Cover Girl

At last, Alessandra De Rossi will grace the cover of FHM Philippines April 2008 issue.

And as part of the deal, you will get Alex' demo album when you buy a copy of FHM April issue. Not only that, in case you wanna take a glimpse of her very first music video, login to Wow! It seems like Alex is also trying her luck in the music scene. Goodluck!

Alex's pictorial with Jun De Leon was done in Paul Del Rosario's yatch named Advance 92. Her make-up by Barbi Chan. Styling by Ana Kalaw and hair by Felicity.

Robert Nardelli, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler LLC

Robert Nardelli, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler LLC

James E. Press

James E. Press, Chryslers, Vice chairman and co-president. Press was hired in Sept 2007 to help turn the company around, Press was the highest-ranking American at Toyota serving over 37 years.

IAG Research Announces Winners for Automotive Advertising Awards

On Stage IAG Automotive President, Lois Miller  March 19, 2008
IAG Research, the TV ad
effectiveness and program engagement company,
announced the winners
at the 2nd Annual IAG Automotive Advertising Awards
at the New York
International Auto Show's opening press breakfast.
The IAG Automotive
Awards is the only awards program measuring effectiveness
of automobile
The awards are based on response data from 2.5 million viewers of
national television advertising collected by IAG. IAG Research measures the

effectiveness of every ad and product placement on 23 measured TV networks.
All national auto ads that began airing in 2007 were eligible for the award.
The goal of the IAG awards is to recognize exclusive ads in the
automotive industry,
and make the NYIAS a unique location to host the

Concert ni TONI GONZAGA May Repeat

Happy na sa lovelife, happy pa sa career. �Yan ang drama ng buhay ni Toni Gonzaga ngayon. Last Hollyweek ay magkasama sila ng boyfriend niyang si Paul Soriano sa kanilang bahay.

Samantalang ang career naman niya, hataw in fairness.

Masasabing successful ang 2008 ni Toni. Simula pa lang ng taon ay napakarami ng magagandang kaganapan sa kanya. Minahal ng bayan ang karakter niya bilang si Onay sa Maging Sino Ka Man, isang blockbuster ang My Big Love nila ni Sam Milby, may platinum album siya, kabi-kabilang product endorse­ments, mga hosting stints, at higit sa lahat sold out ang concert niya sa Aliw Theater noong Feb. 9. Kaya naman magkakaroon ito ng repeat na pro­duced ng Manio Events, MJM Production, and Nitram Entertainment, ang Catch Me Again, Toni Gonzaga sa Aliw Theater, CCP Complex, sa May 2, 8 p.m.

Muli ay patutunayan ni Toni sa concert na ito ang kanyang versatility bilang performer, singer, at dancer. Makakasama niya ang kanyang ka-loveteam na si Sam at mga kaibigang sina Vice Ganda, Gerald Anderson at Allan K. Si GB Sampedro ang magdi-direk ng show at si Marc Lopez naman ang musical director.

Ang mga tickets (P1,500, P1,000, P800, at P400) ay mabibili sa lahat ng SM Ticketnet outlets o tumawag sa 911-5555 at sa Nitram Entertainment sa 719-5726.

Photoshop Express Beta disponible

Ya est� disponible la beta de Photoshop Express, el muy esperado servicio de edici�n de im�genes online de Adobe. A primera vista, en Photoshop Express nos encontramos con un sitio construido enteramente en Flash 9 - otra cosa no era de esperar - gratuito y con dos gigas de almacenamiento para im�genes. integraci�n con Facebook, Picassa y Photobucket (nada de Flickr, aunque est� en sus planes) y unas opciones para mostrar galer�as bastante potentes visualmente.

Obviamente Photoshop Express es algo muy alejado de las prestaciones que la marca "Photoshop" nos tiene acostumbrados. De hecho juega en la liga de Picnik y otros editores de im�genes online: cortar, rotar, redimensionar, ojos rojos y algunos retoque muy b�sicos (aunque las opciones de auto correcci�n son bastante interesantes).

Sin embargo, Photoshop Express no es s�lo un editor de im�genes, quiere ser tambi�n sitio para almacenar y compartir (los dos gigas, el poder embeber im�genes, env�o por correo, mostrar galer�as...) �Qu� cabe esperar en el futuro? Pues probablemente a su crecimiento como software (opciones m�s potentes de edici�n), pero tambi�n una m�s que probable integraci�n con las herramientas de escritorio. De momento, la primera versi�n de Photoshop Express, de notable.

Actualizaci�n: como destaca Webware, merece la pena detenerse en las condiciones del sitio antes de utilizarlo:

Adobe does not claim ownership of Your Content. However, with respect to Your Content that you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Services, you grant Adobe a worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable license to use, distribute, derive revenue or other remuneration from, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other Materials or works in any format or medium now known or later developed

Sitio oficial, Photoshop Express, m�s informaci�n en Xataka Foto.

American Idol 7 - Who Got Kicked Off?

Click inside to find out which contestant got stripped off of tonight�s American Idol.

Group Song - �Right Back Where We Started From� (Watch here)
Carly Smithson - �I�m Not Pregnant� (
Watch here)
Caller wants Ryan Seacrest�s job (
Watch here)
Kimberly Locke performs (
Watch here)

JON AVILA as 'Kapitan Boom' on ABS-CBN's Komiks

Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2 Jon Avila will a superhero on ABS-CBN's weekly show 'Komiks'.

His debut television show is titled Kapitan Boom! created by the father of Pinoy superheroes Mars Ravelo.

IRA EIGENMANN's Nude Pictures, Fake or Not?

Racy pictures allegedly of young actress Ira Eigenmann are spreading on the Internet like wildfire, with various websites and blogs posting the unflattering images while creating links to spread the pictures specifically into adult forums.

There are rumors circulating that Ira's ex-boyfriend, who is said to be an American, took the provocative pictures, then later posted them on the web.

Others, however, contest the authenticity of the images, arguing that the woman shown in the photo is not Ira at all, and that the pictures were either fabricated or the woman involved is just a spitting image of the young actress.

Why dont you see it for yourself and decide...are those pictures really authentic or not?

YES! Magazines 2007 Readers Choice Award Winners

Definitely, no year would be complete without the country's leading and best-selling entertainment magazine's list of the most beautiful, the most popular, and the most favorite celebrities of the year as voted by its readers.

Here is the complete list of winners:

Favorite Actor and Actress of the Year: Piolo Pascual and Maricel Soriano
Favorite Real-Life Sweethearts: Ryan Agoncillo and Judy Ann Santos
Favorite Movie of the Year: Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo
Favorite TV Show (Drama) : ABS-CBN's Maging Sino Ka Man
Favorite TV Show (Fantasy-Adventure): GMA-7's Super Twins
Favorite Youth Oriented Show: GMA-7's Boys Nxt Door
Favorite Reality/Game Show: GMA-7's StarStruck: The Next Level for the Reality/Games category.
Most Handsome Celebrity: Richard Gutierrez
Most Beautiful Celebrity: KC Concepcion
Most Fashionable Young Male Celebrity: Richard Gutierrez
Most Fashionable Young Female Celebrity: Anne Curtis
Young Female Superstar: Jennylyn Mercado
Young Male Superstar: John Lloyd Cruz
Most Popular Loveteam: John Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo
Celebrity Home of the Year: Jennylyn Mercado
Celebrity Condo of the Year: Dennis Trillo's Condo
Scene Stealers of the Year: Ogie Alcasid and Regine Velasquez's admission of their relationship
Next Big Male Star and Next Big Female Star: Gerald Anderson and Kim Chiu
Band of the Year: Bamboo (We Stand Alone Album)
Band Song of the Year: Akin Ka Na Lang by the Itchyworms (Noontime Show Album)