Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Harmonica - Rocking Girl

"I'm gonna be the one to make you see that what I do is real"

A hold over from Norwegian week, Harmonica are unabashedly fun. Rocking Girl is so upbeat and happy and fantastic that it could single-handedly start and maintain a party with its energy. It's so much better and fresher than Avril Lavigne's similarly chanty Girlfriend. The track's from the group's delightfully titled EP Miaow, Miaow, BARK!, and rests alongside (from what I've heard) a handful of just-as-peppy powerpop tracks. Face it, Norway knows how to have a good time.

Harmonica - Rocking Girl (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Hear more here!)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ali Love - Bop St.

"Let me take you to the place where the people fly to outer space"

Blogs seem to be going crazy for him, but radio seems all but finished with his new single Secret Sunday Lover. Add to that the fact that it's almost impossible to get any of his music if you don't live in the UK, and I'm beginning to think that Love's deserved rise to the top is going to be harder going than it first appeared to be. We need to change that, because this guy is a great modern pop star. Bursting on the scene last year with the punky K-Hole (reminiscent of Adam Ant?) and then following it up with a poppier single this year, he's already shown his versatility. Having heard a load of b-sides and album tracks, I can safely say his debut (out in September) is going to be fantastic. Bop St., an 80's homage if their ever was one, is a perfect example of Love's charm. Let's just say that Prince is obviously an influence.... and remember this is only a b-side!

Ali Love - Bop St. (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here!)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Return of the Sunday EP: Norwegian Artists

To finally put a capper on Norwegian Artists Week, I'm posting this EP of tracks from some of my absolute favorite, established Norwegian bands. All have been featured on tattoowesley before, and all are absolutely amazing. Combine these tracks with the five from earlier in the week and you've got a brilliant taster of what's going on in Norway right now.

1. Don Juan Dracula - Fashion Girl
2. Margaret Berger - Pretty Things In Life
3. King Midas - 97 Tears
4. Pleasure - Sensitivity
5. Surferosa - Human Fool
6. Lukas Kasha - I Won't Lay Down
7. Lorraine - When I Return To The World

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Why did I not know about this earlier??

Apparently, Samsung hosted a contest on youtube for the best lip syncing video to Melody Club's sublime Destiny Calling. How it warms my heart to see tons of (what I assume to be, based on the behind the scenes stuff) Americans putting up videos rocking out to a song that I'm surprised they even know. Kudos to Samsung for choosing this song, and ultra ultra kudos to the winning video (below), an awesomely backwards shot video that begs for repeat viewings.
You can see the top twenty videos here, if you're interested.

Best bits?
* the balls (get your minds out of the gutter)
* the newspaper
* the umbrellas
Superfamily - Warszawa
Release Date: May 21, 2007
Label: Propeller/Universal

Norway�s Superfamily have created something potent and undeniably special with their second full-length Warszawa. Cribbing the best from rock acts of years past (and usually improving on them), it�s easy to feel, upon listening to the record, like this is what everything�s been building up to. This is the grand scope The Killers were going for. It�s the perfect concoction of space age hyper drama that Muse just nearly missed last year, and it's what U2 would sound like if they truly were the gods that everyone seems to make them out to be.

A bizarre concept album about love and loss and time machines, it feels very much like a product of the seventies, even though the synth-heavy music is clearly inspired primarily by the eighties. Despite all of its heady ruminations, though, the album boasts eight huge, instant, singalong pop songs. I Could Be A Real Winner and The Radio Has Expressed Concerns About What You Did Last Night are already deserved hits in the band�s home country. Each possesses the kind of melody that feels like a lost classic upon the first listen, yet in no way seems derivative or uninventive. The title track, with its majestic, symphonic synth work could just end up being the sweeping, lovelorn throwback of the year. Most instantly impressive, though, is Teens Of The 70�s, a wild mash-up of rock opera, stabbing dance, and punk attitude (propelled by yelping front man Steven Wilson). If you�re not involved in the record yet, from this point on it�ll sweep you up in its spacey fantasia. Put simply, the track redefines the term �epic.�

Warszawa is, if not the best, at least one of the best things you�re going to hear all year. It�s just in a completely different league than most everything out there right now. It�s the kind of album that redefines things, sets a new standard. Undoubtedly, a staggering achievement, and it goes without saying, a must-own. A

Key Tracks: Teens Of The 70�s, The Radio Has Expressed Concerns About What You Did Last Night, Warszawa

Friday, July 27, 2007

Video Premiere: Juvelen - They Don't Love You

A simple, stylish video for a fantastic track. Now, when are we going to get some news on an album release? I don't think I can wait much longer...

Video Premiere: Superfamily - I Could Be A Real Winner

I can't say I'm too impressed by this bizarre, low-budget video, but I implore you to watch it just to hear this brilliant single (taken from the equally brilliant album Warszawa). I think it'll set the radio alight just like their last single did. These guys are one of the most amazing, dynamic young bands out there today. I am officially obsessed. Here's hoping the majestic title track will be the next to be released.

Girl Happy - Je T'aime

"I got a feeling this time it will be different"

Rounding out Norwegian Artists Week, Girl Happy is a fun pop/rock duo who specialize in light, catchy rock music with a slight electronic influence. Their single Remind Me Tomorrow Of Today could, I think, singlehandedly reinvigorate the genre here in the States. Too bad nobody knows about it. Not anymore, though... I'm including the excellent video at the bottom of this post. Watch it, please. As for Je T'aime, it's another fantastically singalong pop song with some great, rocky verses and a big chorus. Tailor made for the radio, yet completely unknown outside of Norway, let's get these guys some exposure!

Girl Happy - Je T'aime (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Girl Happy - Remind Me Tomorrow Of Today

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Karatkorn - Days

"Days fade away while I walk away"

I know very little about Karatkorn, except that it's a dance project that sounds like it could fit right on the new Pleasure album. It doesn't sound totally unlike the kind of stuff that the UK's Booty Luv is doing right now, though it's far more refined and stylish. It's also a duet with a female singer and one of the guys in the band. Days is a perfect track for the summer, all sweeping synths and insistent beat. Nevermind the pretty dark lyrics... with a sound like this it is absolutely impossible not to dance.

Karatkorn - Days (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! I don't know where to buy the single, though!)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Write A Pikko Poem & Win A Pikko Cd: WINNERS!

The drawing was held, the winners were contacted, and the cds have been shipped out. Now all that's left to do is post the winning poems. Thanks for everyone who entered. I loved reading the stuff that you sent in.

Greg's poem:

A bit strange
A poem for Pikko?

But to win
shiny aluminum
pulsing synth
it must be done

Star-spangled past
League CFNY '82
Swedish Sounds WOXY '02
Radio is dead

Super-shiny Pikko
somewhere beyond

Be mine.

Megan's poem:

bright, sunny
shining, pulsing, chirping
uptempo, leftist, danceable, unique
lingering, longing, needing
odd, intriguing

Congratulations to the winners, and I hope you enjoy the cd!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Work - Givin' It Up

"Givin' it up I've got to try"

The Work, an electronic pop duo, hail from Bergen, Norway, a hotbed of new talent in the region. They're signed to the same label as Annie (of Chewing Gum & My Heartbeat fame) and have a similar (if a bit more dreamy) sound. Their new double single is out in August and you can hear it at their myspace. Givin' It Up was released earlier as their debut single and, though it may not instantly bowl you over, its labyrinthine melody and bubbling synths will win you over before the song's finished. The chorus, when it finally rears its head, is absolutely gorgeous.

The Work - Givin' It Up (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the single here!)

Monday, July 23, 2007


Kevin Reilly (KR)
has just started managing programming at FOX as entertainment president .

On The LOT (OTL), the (potentially) best summer show on FOX, is languishing in the ratings; and the (potentially) valuable web site thelot.com is shooting itself in the foot, preventing itself from becoming an established destination site for filmmakers.

That�s two projects just crying for some TLC, some attention and some fixing, with a large upside possible, really quickly.

Here�s my memo to KR:


On The Lot (OTL) has a great concept: New directors competing their hearts out for a $$$ Million dollar deal with Dreamworks, making short films (like those that get gazillions of hits on YouTube).

And three problems:

1 � Short films are not by themselves an audience draw � only certain kinds of films get lots of play on YouTube, and that�s not the kind of films these directors have been making -- the filmmakers have limited time and some constraints that make the films fair to middlin, at best, and not the kind that get the webonomic eyeballs.

2 � The �judging� is lackluster, the show format has little originality (it was terrible and completely derivative for a while, but it has improved to mediocrity). And the previews before each film are wrongly conceived � they don�t help the film, or hype the contest, and in some cases even contain �spoilers� that defang the films before they�re shown.

3 � There�s no publicity anymore. (There were a lot of billboards � and not much else -- when the show started.)

To fix these problems:

1 � Apply some muscle to up the energy on the show: Make the candidates into star personalities. Improve the preview films. Get the actors talking about the films. Explore the magic of filmmaking. Use rehearsals to get the judges to be more precise both in their praise and criticism. Ditch the phony boos from the audience when a judge criticizes � that�s been done to death on Idol. Set it up so the contestants can explain and defend their films, so they sound strong, intelligent and opinionated, and not defensive and argumentative.

2 � Improve the films themselves. Sprinkle in some name talent. Get the candidates working now on the films for the semi-finals and the finals, so they can be as good as possible: pre-production and script development can start on the final films, even while films are being made for the early rounds. (Some candidates will not get to make these semi-final and final films of course.) Encourage the film makers to write and direct films that are different, personal, edgy, interesting and controversial in some way, not bland and careful.

3 � Business, Show Business, and filmmaking in particular, live and die with publicity. Even feature films need lots of promotion to get viewers. With the show itself improved, and the short films improved, (and the weaker directors out of the competition), hype the remaining shows. Get the audience back. Create publicity for the contestants. Make the directors into stars. Create publicity to make the the films �important so that people will come to watch something important happen. It can be done. The ratings are way down, which means there is a lot of room to go up!


The website is very well designed, and very rich, but very badly executed.

There are forums, blogs, lots of short films, classified ads, a gallery of actors, profiles of filmmakers and actors, contests, news of the show, news of filmmaking, all well organized with front page promos and clear tabs. And there are many more features, too...


  • ? There�s not enough real news about the show � the producers are absent from the website; news often comes from other sites copied to a board post by a user.
  • ? Information on the site is often wrong. One week, the next show (actually coming on Monday) was said to be coming on Tuesday for the entire week before.
  • ? In fact, at this moment the home page says, �Two contestants will be voted off and five new contestant film premieres!� Five? There are supposed to be six. Is that an error? Or did something happen?
  • ? Either they should fix the error, or discuss the change.
  • ? The search function is terribly incomplete.
  • ? There is no list of posts, no search of blogs.
  • ? There is no useful search function to go along with actors� pictures.
  • ? Online voting has not worked well at all.
  • ? Posting classified ads hasn�t worked well.
  • ? And many more issues.

At one point there were more than 100,000 people on the site (according to the sitemeter), now it barely gets to 35,000. At one point there was a lot of activity on the boards (a lot of it expressing frustration -- a sign of a passionate fan base that isn't getting what it needs), now there is only a little. The traffic and the excitement is there, and it can be brought back with a well-run site.

Fixing all the problems on the website, and adding a few more functions to appeal to people serious about film, and other functions for film fans, could make this one of the most valuable web properties on the Internet, for FOX/BURNETT/DREAMWORKS, film fans, and filmmakers.

The thread �HELP IMPROVE THE SHOW� has over two hundred posts. Kevin, you can HELP more than anyone else!

Superfamily - Teens Of The 70's

"I keep dancing to the song that your bitch threw away"

I've promised you the biggest, most bombastic band out there today and I don't think that this will disappoint. Superfamily (kicking off my Norwegian Artists Week) are like nothing else out there. A huge seven member band (including three background singers/dancers), they mix styles and sounds from every decade of popular music and fuse it all together with an undeniable energy and spark. Their new album Warszawa is (no joke) one of the best albums I've ever heard. Their first single off of the record, the brilliantly titled The Radio Has Expressed Concerns About What You Did Last Night is, I've read, the most played song on Norwegian radio this year. And, as such, I'm counting on it to be the same sort of breakthrough that It Takes A Fool To Remain Sane was for the Ark. It's a grand, catchy track that only reveals its true brilliance after a few listens. I'm posting the music video below because I want you to see it. But, I'm choosing to post a different track today. Teens Of The 70's is less of a straghtforward pop track but that is in no way a bad thing. Epic in every sense of the word, the song moves through different portions, drawing to mind comparisons from Queen to ELO to Tim Curry to Green Day to The Killers. It's the kind of song that just keeps expanding. Just when you think it can't get any bigger, it does. It's also the kind of song that demands a full stereo system (or at the very least, a nice pair of headphones). It is, quite simply, like no other song I've heard before and is 100% more ambitious than any other band out there right now. Expect a review of the album soon.

Superfamily - Teens Of The 70's (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album on itunes in any country, or here!)

Superfamily - The Radio Has Expressed Concerns About What You Did Last Night

Sunday, July 22, 2007


There's (actually) an online magazine/blog about reality TV shows:

They list close to 300 recent, current and future shows that they cover, including shows like America's Funniest Home Videos, Deal Or No Deal, American Idol and On The Lot.
Some reminders...

1 more day to get your Pikko poems in and win a Pikko cd!

1.5 more days until you meet the universe shattering band I promised last Thursday

0 more days until I finish Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, and my god it was good, not to mention the end of an era.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007


The genius of
Mad Men (AMC - Thursdays at 10) is that they have imagined a time and place where everything now considered terrible is commonplace, allowing everybody to be evil, while keeping the show on the right side of heaven because that was then, this is now.

The show takes place in the late fifties in and around a Madison Avenue advertising agency.

For example:

-- Smoking is known to be a health hazard, but selling cigarettes is good.
-- A brash guy (ABG) insulting the slightly dumpy looks of "the new girl" (TNG) is criticized but tolerated; then TNG lets him steal a file from the ad man (AM) she works for; and later, when ABG shows up at her apartment after his bachelor party (he's getting married in a few days) she sleeps with him.
-- The pretty secretary (PS) shows TNG how to get along in the office by ... (we'll skip the details).
-- The gynecologist (G) warns his patient not to be a slut when he prescribes birth control pills.
-- G sleeps with his patient(s); PS, a patient of his, brags about G's beautiful house.
-- The ad man (AM) has a girl friend in NY and a lovely blond wife and kids at home on the island. The wife is sanguine about his not coming home at night; and happy to wake up and then get together when he does come home late.
-- The ad agency has no Jewish employees in any significant position; when a Jewish client visits they draft a Jewish mailroom employee to impersonate a designer/stylist.
-- The Jewish client after being insulted and brushed off by AM, has a drink with him later, and then comes back for another meeting.

and so on.

Well acted. Interesting. Revolting. But that was then. This is now.
Neon Sleep - Business Studies

"So please, don't go... I've got a one million dollar contract coming my way"

From Germany come pop duo Neon Sleep. Perched somewhere between Simon Curtis and Lorraine, fans of pure pop music will absolutely eat this up. Mixing a light electro thump with catchy melodies and polished vocals, Business Studies is absolutely addictive. It may not be their single (check out Make Me Move On for that), but it's the most instant track that I've heard from the guys. And, it fits their business attire image. Couple that with some hilariously pleading lyrics and you've got a hit in my book.

Neon Sleep - Business Studies (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the single here!)

Paul Prudhomme, Star chef

Paul Prudhomme is one of America's best-known chefs. Paul cooked for heads of state as well as members of the U.S. Congress.

Paula Dean

Celebrity Chef Paula Dean (Paula Ann Groover) with husband Michael Groover
Paula's know for Deep Fried Southern cooking

Barefoot Contessa

Barefoot Contessa Ina Garten Frank Newbold

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Butterfly on a flower

Contest: Write A Pikko Poem & Win A Pikko CD!!

3 More Days Left!

That's right! I've got two copies of Pikko's debut cd Electric Body Design (recently given a rave review on this very site) to give away to two lucky tattoowesley readers!

Trust me when I say that this isn't the kind of cd that you can waltz down to your local record store and pick up. As far as I know, the only place you can get it as of this moment is from the artist herself. And, face it... you want this cd. Or, at least you should if you've got the proper tattoowesley taste in music.

So, here's what you do. Compose a poem about Pikko (of four lines or more) and send it to me via email with the subject heading "Pikko Poem." It can be any kind of poem you want.. haiku, acrostic, rhyming, freeform... whatever strikes your fancy! At the end of the week, I'll do a random drawing of all the eligible entries and pick two winners. I'll also post those winners' work on the site... so make sure it's good! And, if you need some inspiration, be sure to go over to Pikko's myspace and give her songs a listen.

You've got until the end of next Sunday so get those creative energies flowing!!


For More Pictures of Daniela Please visit my TCF.NET Bull Run Photo Essay, TCF.NET New York Auto Show Photo Essay, and TCF.NET Comic Con Photo Essay.

Carly Ann Rose

Carly Ann Rose
Print Model, Fitness Model, Dancer, Actress, Make up artist, SpokesModel
Stage performer and Promotional Model In this picture Promotional Model for Peppadew

Claudia Andreatti

Claudia Andreatti, Miss Italia
It's moments like these that I live for...

I listened to a new album last night that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. As soon as it was finished I just wanted to queue it up again. I can count the number of times this has happened with an album on one hand. Artists like The Ark, Delays, & The Mo all did it. Now they've got another companion.

I'll reveal who this band is on Monday, as the kick off of tattoowesley' Norwegian Artists Week. For now, let me just say that if you've been told that bands like Muse, Arcade Fire, U2, Queen, whatever, are the biggest, most bombastic bands around, you haven't yet met the one I've got coming for you...
V Sparks - The Glitter End

"We've been feeling this way for years, only waiting to disappear"

I have a huge weakness for classic glam rock. And, whenever I see a song with the word "glitter" in the title, I usually check it out automatically. It's like a strange knee jerk reaction. V Sparks are an American band that recalls the days of Bowie and Bolan. The Glitter End starts off as a spacey ballad and quickly ramps up into an ELO-like, piano pounding chorus. It's completely over the top, with a ton of dramatic, syrupy guitar heaped over it. In other words, it wears its glamtasticness proudly on its sleeve for everyone to see. I like that, and I love this song.

V Sparks - The Glitter End (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Christina Pioli and Linda Michelle Spokes-models for Regenie's

Both Linda and Christina are Models and Actresses

Christina Pioli Spokes model for Regenies.
In addition a dancer for Shakira (including an onstage performance at the 2006 MTV Awards); a choreographer for Alicia Keys; representing the USA Dance Team in Riesa, Germany; and modeling for Dance Spirit magazine.

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, "Lidia's Italy"

Lidia Bastianich Autographs her new book "Lidia's Italy"

Lidia holds Grada Padano Cheese in her hands.
Using only the finest and freshest ingredients is Lidia's style of cooking.

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, with Son in law Corrado Manuali ESQ. (Right) and Paolo Grandjacquet (left)

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, and Elisabetta Serraiotto of Grana Padano

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, Elena Cozzi, and Elisabetta Serraiotto of Grana Padano

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, Stephanie Signore, and Elisabetta Serraiotto of Grana Padano

Lidia with Lou DiPalo from DiPalo
Fine Foods (Little Italy- NYC) and Lou's son Sam DiPalo hold a chunk of the worlds finest cheese.
Grando Padano is still made only with milk from the Po Valley, in Northern Italy, following a traditional recipe first created by the Benedict Monks of 1000 AD. Consumers can choose between 3 different aged profiles. I tried each one and they are all superb.

James McAfee; DeCecco, Corporate Executive Chef

Lidia With DeCecco and Alessandria Rotondi

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ernesto - What Goes On Inside

"I beg you please, baby hear me"

I'm not usually crazy about the soul/club sound that this artist & track are indicative of, but the moment I heard What Goes On Inside by Gothenburg-based singer Ernesto, I was hooked. Like Fibes, Oh Fibes' Get Up, it's got a smooth summertime feel that's really quite addictive. Plus, the chorus is just massive. You hear it once and you'll be singing it over and over again. It's also got retro sounding synth work that sounds a lot like the Similou. Since we seem to be so obsessed with soul/r&b/hip hop in America right now, I wish we'd at least import some good stuff like this.

Ernesto - What Goes On Inside (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Syntax-e - Big Love

"It has got to be the ride of my life"

How about some disco today? If you've liked posts by bands like Under The Influence Of Giants, Stereo Explosion, and Men, Women & Children in the past, definitely pay attention to Syntax-e. This Norwegian dance duo specializes in funky, elastic disco that at once sounds modern and completely retro. Their single I Don't Believe has been a deserved hit in its home country, while Big Love, if released as a single, should do the same. A summer party track through and through... it's almost enough to convince me that disco should take over once again.

Syntax-e - Big Love (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Chungking - Stay Up Forever

"I really don't know how long I've been up for"

UK based Chungking are (as of yet) most well known for the fact that they're working with famed producer Richard X. Even without that midas touch, though, their music bridges the gap between the Goldfrapps and the Sounds of the world, which is no bad thing. Stay Up Forever, their new single, is the best track they've released yet. A jangly new wave concoction with a brilliant chorus, I see no reason why something like this shouldn't be all over the radio this summer. Their debut is coming out later this August, so hopefully this track will build up the hype that they need to be successful.

Chungking - Stay Up Forever (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here!)

Sunday, July 15, 2007


The restaurant: Blue Hill at Stone Barns

Celebrate the music and food of Spain!

Blue Hill at Stone Barns (on the old Rockefeller estate), is one of the best restaurants in the New York area, using locally grown seasonal food, and offering many special food-related events.

They are having a special dinner and concert on August 23.

The concert, featuring Sharon Roffman (left), together with some of New York's finest young musicians, will present Spanish music from the 1600's to the current moment, including a world premiere by contemporary Spanish composer, Octavio Vasquez.

The four course dinner, with complementary wine pairings will be created by guest chef Fernando del Cerro of Casa Jose, a Michelin star chef.

This will be an amazing evening.

Reservations: 914 366-9600
Information about Blue Hill : 914 366-9606


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Concert - 6:30 pm
Dinner - 7:30 pm

Celebrate the Food and Music of Spain with Blue at Stone Barns and Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture.

Blue Hill at Stone Barns welcomes Michelin star Chef Fernando del Cerro of
Casa Jose. For generations Casa Jose, a family owned tavern in Aranjuez, has relied on the ingredients from the town�s surrounding orchards and farms. Fernando and the chefs of Blue Hill at Stone Barns will create a 4-course dinner and Spanish wine paring that melds Stone Barns� abundant summer offerings and Aranjuez�s regional cuisine.

The evening will begin with a concert in Stone Barns� Hay Barn featuring award-winning violinist Sharon Roffman

Sharon will be joined by a stellar group of musicians performing music of Spain from 1685 to the present, including the world premiere of Galician Folk Dances by contemporary Spanish composer, Octavio Vasquez.

The cost for the 4-course dinner and wine paring as well as the concert is $125.00 per guest exclusive of tax and gratuity.

Admission for the concert is $10 per person.

For reservations, please call 914.366.9600.

Blue Hill at Stone Barns
630 Bedford Road
Pocantico Hills, NY 10591

My Review of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's 8x04: "The Long Way Home Part 4"

Written by Joss Whedon
Artwork by Georges Jeanty

General: �Sound off! Who�s hurt? Stay calm, damn it.�
Buffy: �No. Panic.�

Each issue so far has ended with enough hooks to keep pulling us back in for some more and when your last one ends with the sudden reappearance of a character that should be long dead, it�s safe to say that answers are needed and fast too.

Of all the people Willow would have the misfortune to be kidnapped by, a vengeful Amy was bad enough but discovering that her boyfriend is Warren, still in his skinless state of people, I can�t help but wonder � what the hell?

Strapped down to a table, Willow gets a brief synopsis on why her most significant kill is still alive. Well first off all, after yanking off his skin, Amy managed to pull a Houdini and get Warren out of there before she could finish the job. The only other question is why Amy would do that?

It turns out that I�ll assume after their spat in �Doublemeat Palace�, Amy took to stalking Willow and saved Warren�s ass in the very hopes of causing further misery down the line. Warren is also very quick to point out that he was in on Amy�s punishment scheme from �The Killer In Me� and more interestingly that Amy�s magic is his skin.

The whole involvement on Willow turning into her nemesis in Season Seven could be cool. I hate the idea of Willow actually feeling bad for doing Warren so her involuntary having to become him is now made tolerable as a result.

As for the whole �her magic is my skin�, what can I say � Amy is an incredibly smart girl. If she�s been stalking Willow for all the this time then obviously she must have some idea that Warren is an avowed misogynist and is completely untrustworthy individual as well.

Her using her magic as a substitute for actually regenerating Warren�s skin is probably Amy�s way of keeping Warren in line. As useful as he might be in her personal vendetta with Willow, having some form of control over him is smart. We�ve seen Amy advance in the magic field so it�s unlikely that she�s unable to regenerate Warren�s skin, she�s just not doing for her own benefit.

Bigger question then would be why isn�t Warren trying to find ways of doing it himself? Like I said the guy is an avowed misogynist and there�s no way, grateful for not being totally killed would he willingly want to be under someone else�s thrall.

Then again, Warren is more naturalistically happy to exact some of his own revenge on Willow as he goes after her with an exactor knife while Amy just looks on. The Master and Lucy Saxon this lot aren�t as despite my fear of any eye injuries, not much terror is being generated.

Briefly cutting away from Warren�s revenge, we get an almighty pissed off Dawn smashing her fists into the castle walls and generally being reminded that she is a super size she isn�t super strong. It also sucks for poor Dawnie (who�s assertive I�m liking) that she�s unable to fit through the portal the gang are working on to get Willow back.

Buffy isn�t that much in trying to calm Dawn down and her efforts for attempting only resulted in Dawn rather insensitively telling Buffy that Willow is like a mum to her. I guess that is a bit consistent as Willow and Tara did parent Dawn between Seasons Five and Six but Xander was right on the money when he noted sarcastically how much Buffy must have loved that particular comment.

Getting some mini-witches to help open a portal seems to be taking it�s sweet time and it�s moments like this when you really miss Giles, who is the only other magic expert the Scoobies really have. Xander however continues to impress by telling Buffy to find her fighting buddy and not to go all gung ho. This is only further proof as to why he is shaping up so excellently this season.

Back to the land of torture, Warren is not only goading Willow about how he would love her to go dark again but he�s also quick to jab her eye with the exactor knife and also tells her that the stronger her magic becomes the harder it is for her to break free out of her bonds.

That might also explain why Willow isn�t talking to. Perhaps the nifty spell on those bonds are stopping her from chanting any kind of magic that would free her but the severe lack of a two way exchange between them kinda sucks to be honest.

We�ve had interesting exchanges between Willow and Amy in the last issue but not once does Willow get a chance to convey disgust that Warren is still breathing when Tara is stone cold. I hope no-one holds it against me when I say I want Willow to finish what she started on Warren, those two and a half years ago.

After getting a brief look of Willow�s mind and five bizarre looking women who want to grant the tortured witch access, the plans to actually save Willow before Warren succeeds in dicing her are in play. Well just Buffy telling Satsu to load up but I can tell you I knew the outcome before witnessing it.

Meanwhile bored from seeing Willow squirm, Amy has to answer to General Voll who isn�t thrilled with Amy disabling their cameras. Geez, Voll do you really think Amy isn�t going to find some way of ensuring once she�s lived up to her end of the deal that she isn�t gonna find a way of making sure you aren�t a threat to her? This guy is every bit as stupid as those Initiative suits.

Getting past some boring bickering between Satsu, Leah and Rowena, Buffy and Satsu are then set to get Willow back and when Buffy borrows some lip gloss of her intern, the cinnamon thing is revealed. Was it Satsu who kissed Buffy awake last issue? Who knows? Joss is good at throwing us off the scent but in comic book form anything is possible, right?

More interesting is the trip into Willow�s state of mind where her weird new pals are telling her that her refuge is only temporary and even go as far as to show her images of people burning in the flames and it doesn�t take a genius to get that this particular imagery is representing the very real pain she�s being subjected to.

On screen something like this would look absolutely amazing and while Willow doesn�t really say much to the ladies in her mind, the sheer surrealism of what we�re seeing is enough dialogue in of it�s self. We know that Willow is in deep shit and this only emphasises it.

Fortunately though she isn�t the only about to get shafted as the idiotic soldiers are about to learn that some traps really aren�t as effective as they might appear to be. Then again, demons and gods can be smart; suits just can�t on this series.

With the mini-witches finally getting the portal opened and some delightfully cheeky dialogue exchanged between Buffy and Xander, the soldiers� plan to take aim on Buffy and Satsu with a laser cannon is nicely deflected with the Scoobies nifty use of a mirror. See, soldiers on this show/comic book really are stupid.

It also doesn�t end there as Buffy and Satsu get through and start beating the ever holy crap out of the attacking soldiers so much that to a degree it almost beggars belief but while Buffy may be winning this fight without even really trying, it�s almost nice that she doesn�t actually derive any pleasure from the damage her and Satsu are being kinda forced to inflict.

So Buffy grabs one of the Generals and makes a reasonable request � she�ll get his men fixed up if he tells her where Willow is being kept and in all fairness he doesn�t really have much option to disagree with Buffy�s benign request.

As Buffy and Satsu whoop another soldier out of the way, Xander figures out that they are two miles south of Sunnydale and also is quick to warn them that Amy is waiting for them as well. Suffice to say, Amy is there all right but it seems that Buffy is more than prepared for her.

Willow mentions to one of the weird looking ladies in her mind that her and Buffy are a part of each other. I thought it was a rather weird way of saying that her and Buffy�s friendship is on the same ground as the first five seasons of the series but in actual fact it means that Willow is seemingly able to suffuse some of her mojo into Buffy who doesn�t waste much time using this to her advantage against Amy.

Once again Amy makes the speedy move of underestimating her opponent and while she might be right about Buffy�s sudden magical abilities being a lightshow, the slayer is easily able to distract her by pulling an image of Catherine Madison long enough for Satsu to throw a bomb in Amy�s direction.

Naturally it doesn�t actually kill Amy because obviously enough she is vital to this whole lengthy series arc but it�s effective enough for the gang to get to Willow and Buffy to seemingly recognise Warren before he and Amy make their not so great escape. Crap and I was hoping someone would nuke Warren, guess I�ll have to wait for that.

Even slightly more crap is that whatever damage Warren inflicted on Willow is gone by the time Buffy is able to free her friend. Not that I wanted Willow to be horrifically scarred but it does kind of kill the impact of her whole capture and makes a large chuck of this issue feel rather pointless as well.

Also rather pointless is Whedon�s decision to kill off Ethan Rayne when Buffy finds him dead in one of the cells thanks to General Voll. Without a reaction from Giles and with only the dream space hints of last week, Ethan�s demise should�ve been something far more stronger than this. Maybe it will help advance the arc but it feels so bloody anticlimactic.

Fortunately there�s an explanation for Voll�s vitriol Buffy and her band of slayers and despite Buffy�s annoying assumptions that Voll is another in a long line of dudes threatened by strong women, his reasons for wanting Buffy defeated is his fears that her and the slayers will become further corrupted but the inner demon and will want to reshape mankind.

You kind of have to wonder where Voll is generating this assumption from. Sure there are slayers will become corrupted and tread the wrong path and unlike Faith won�t be redeemed but Voll doesn�t exactly seem to be coming with some form of a compromise in the matter. It�s nice that there�s something more to go on with the Twilight thing but Buffy�s forlorn response doesn�t bode very well.

Also in �The Long Way Home Part 4�

Cover for this issue was Giant Dawn with Buffy in the palm of her hands. So far each cover star has played a big part in the issue but Dawn didn�t have a lot to do here.

Warren (to Willow): �I remember thinking and it comes up again in this situation, I just have to wonder � are you bored now?�

This issue opened up with a brief flashback to �Villains�. Is it me or is the lack of a mention of Tara from Willow a bit surprising?

Xander (re Dawn�s comment): �Oh I bet you loved hearing that.�
Buffy: �How much longer.�

Warren (to Willow): �All your power is siphoned into those bonds. The stronger you get. Try it, go dark. I wish you would. I think you might.�

The women in Willow�s mind were a mummy, blue smoke, painting, wolf and one of paper and equations. Abstract representations of Willow�s power/lives/lovers etc?

Amy (to General Voll): �But the witch belongs to my boyfriend. They have a history. She�s kind of a history major.�

I have to ask but when Amy refers to Warren as her boyfriend, is she actually screwing him because it can�t be pleasant if she is?

Buffy: �Yes sir, Mister Watcher sir.�
Xander: �I�ll watcher your butt.�
Buffy: �Your grammar is not so much.�
Xander: �Bring me back a witch.�

Buffy: �Where are we?�
Xander: �About two miles south of Sunnydale.�
Buffy: �Sunnydale, well I�m the one who wanted to go home.�

This is the second time in the series the Scythe has been used in battle. It seems that Buffy is keeping ownership on that thing.

Amy: �Time to go, Sweetie.�
Warren: �This isn�t over slayer.�
Amy: �I just do not get tired of saying that.�

General Voll: �We�re not waiting for that to happen, we will wipe you out. Not just monsters anymore. It�s you against the world. You�re at war with the human race.�
Buffy: �Oh. Kay.�

This issue ended with a BTVS logo at the end. Stack this entire arc together and you would have a complete episode.

What started off as a rather intriguing arc is marred by a final instalment that gives us only some answers but leaves you mostly unsatisfied. �The Long Way Home Part 4� has some interesting moments but there aren�t as many standout scenes or characters moments that the first three issues had and some of the dialogue is a bit clunky in comparison. It also stinks that we have to wait until August for standalone issue �The Chain�.

Rating: 6 out of 10.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pikko - Electric Body Design
Release Date: June 14th 2007

In the mood for a touch of oddball pop music? Hopefully, the answer�s yes, because on the majority of the self-released Electric Body Design, Pikko resembles Yoko Ono covering the arty electropop of fellow Swedes The Knife.

This is in no way a bad thing. In fact, it�s a powerful asset. This professional dancer turned recording artist from the very north of Sweden does not sound or act like anybody else out there. Her stage shows are a strange and wonderful combination of film, dancing, and chirpy electropop. Marry this uniqueness to a batch of effortlessly cool and catchy tracks and you�ve got an album to celebrate. The frantic Murder In My Heart kicks things off with a bang, backing Pikko�s trademark �ice pick� vocals with a dramatic multitracked male choir of one. The energy doesn�t let up as flawless first single Kill With A Dance and the playful Itch Of A Bitch round out Electric Body Design�s perfect first half. From there on, things become a bit more experimental, such as on the guitar-assisted duet Bad Intentions and the subdued Theme For A Funeral Birthday, but no less fascinating and fun. Thief In The Night finishes the album in grand style, with vocals in the grandiose chorus bordering on operatic.

Pikko, and her album, probably won�t appeal to everyone. She�s too left-field for that. But, that�s exactly what�s so magical about her. Electric Body Design sounds like it was created on a different planet, while still adhering to the timeless elements that make pop music so fantastic. A-

Key Tracks: Kill With A Dance, Murder In My Heart, Itch Of A Bitch
Vivek Shraya - If We�re Not Talking
Release Date: May 15th 2007
Label: Skinsongs

At the core of If We�re Not Talking, the new release from Toronto-based Vivek Shraya, is an electro fireball about ready to explode. Perched in a position that borrows the mainstream experimentation of Justin Timberlake and the independent sensibilities of the underground electro scene, Shraya has crafted an album that wastes no time introducing him as a star for the modern age.

Unlike Timberlake, Shraya�s music is uncluttered by trends and catchphrases. Instead of trying to fit into the mainstream, he shows us why he should already be a part of it. Opener I Won�t Envy forgoes elaborate production for a simple, hook-driven melody. Things only get better from there. Your Name (featuring backing vocals by the latter half of fellow Canadians Tegan & Sara) melds rock and electronica in the perfect summertime recipe, while tracks like Chemistry and Scratch offer edgy dance grooves and playful, charismatic vocals. They�re songs so heated that you can practically feel the sweat dripping off of them. When Shraya slows down, as on the achingly beautiful closer SOS, he shows off both the stunning tone of his voice and his gorgeous, simple melodies.

A perfect record for the heat of the summer, If We�re Not Talking shows exceptional promise and deserves acclaim not only from indie circles, but also the mainstream, where Shraya is undoubtedly capable of heading. People may not be talking about it so much yet, but I doubt whether that will last much longer. B+

Key Tracks: Your Name, SOS, Fevered

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ping Pong Bitches - Roc Ya Body

"The body looked so hot I couldn't keep my cool"

The band name and the song title both sound a bit dire. And, despite being a very fun electropop romp, Roc Ya Body isn't the clever satire that it at first appears to be. Instead, it's an excellent, edgy slice of dance music. In fact, it almost sounds like it could be a b-side from Dragonette's forthcoming debut, Galore. But, this London based foursome is far better than a bunch of b-sides. Mixing electro, hip hop, disco, and punk with a generous helping of humor, they've got an effortless sense of cool and, in many ways, could be the anti Girls Aloud while still appealing to fans of that group.

Ping Pong Bitches - Roc Ya Body (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)